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1、10处再不去就将消失的地方【配图】在它们消失之前去游览吧! 1Whether its rising sea levels, desertification, torrential monsoons, melting glaciers or ocean acidification, climate change is rapidly altering the landscape of our planet. We may be one of the last generations to see some of the Earths most cherished places. Heres ou

2、r list of 10 places to see before they completely vanish. 不管是海平面上升、土地沙漠化、猛烈的季风、冰川消融或是海洋变酸,气候变化正快速地改变着我们所生存星球的面貌。它们中的某些是地球上最值得珍惜的地方,我们也许是能观赏到这些景色的最后一代人。这里列出了10处完全消失之前值得一去的地方。Glacier National Park1、冰川国家公园Just slightly more than 100 years ago, there were as many as 150 glaciers strewn throughout Glacie

3、r National Park. By 2005, only 27 remained, and those are expected to disappear completely by 2030, if not earlier. Many of the plant and animal species that call the park home require cold water, meaning the ecosystem of the park stands to change dramatically when the glaciers are gone. 仅仅是100多年以前,

4、整个冰川国家公园散布着多达150处冰川。但到了2005年,就只剩下了27处,而保守估计,它们也会在2030年前完全消失。许多以此为家园的植被和动物物种需要冰水,这意味着当冰川消失时公园的生态系统发生着显著地变化。Venice, Italy2、意大利威尼斯 1A man shows off a sea bass that he caught with his bare hands while standing in St. Marks Square in Venice during a severe flood in November 2009, when water levels reache

5、d 131 centimeters. Venice has long been sinking, but rising sea levels have made the situation more dire. The frequency of floods increases each year, leaving many to wonder how much longer Venice can stay above water. 2009年11月,一场严重的洪涝使得威尼斯水位达到了131厘米,当地一名男子站在圣马可广场上炫耀着他在广场上徒手抓来的石斑鱼。威尼斯已经下沉了很久,但海平面上升将

6、情况变得更糟。近些年洪涝频繁,这使得很多人怀疑威尼斯到底还能在水面上呆多久?Great Barrier Reef3、大堡礁 Its so large that it can be seen from space, but the Great Barrier Reef is disappearing at an increased rate because of climate change. Rising ocean temperatures, water pollution, ocean acidification and cyclones continually pummel the re

7、ef and have caused mass coral bleaching. What took 8,000 years for nature to build could disappear within our lifetimes.大堡礁幅员辽阔,甚至可以从太空中俯瞰,但是由于气候变化,它一直在加速消失。海洋温度上升、海水污染、海水变酸和飓风频发将大量的珊瑚漂白。由自然孕育了8千年的大堡礁可能在我们有生之年中消失。1Saharan Africa4、撒哈拉非洲By some estimates, the Sahara desert in Africa is growing at a ra

8、te of 0.5 miles per month. The desert, already the largest desert in the world, could consume all of Northern Africa, altering the environment of a continent.据一些评估称,非洲的撒哈拉沙漠正以每月0.5英里的速度增长。已是世界上最大的撒哈拉沙漠可能会吃掉整个北非,从而改变整个非洲大陆的环境。Maldives5、马尔代夫群岛 Maldives is the lowest-lying country in the world, with a

9、maximum natural ground level of 2.3 meters (7 feet, 7 inches), and an average of only 1.5 meters (4 feet, 11 inches) above sea level. If sea levels rise too much, the country would earn an unwanted superlative: the first nation to be engulfed by the ocean because of global warming.马尔代夫是世界上地势最低的国家,它全

10、国最高的自然海拔为2.3米(7英尺),平均海拔仅有1.5米。如果海平面上升太快,马尔代夫将会不情愿的成为第一个受影响的国家,它将会因为全球变暖而被海洋吞没。Patagonia6、巴达格利亚(南美一地方) A land of untouched beauty, South Americas Patagonia stands to be dramatically altered by climate change. Many of its glaciers are steadfastly retreating due to rising temperatures and declining pre

11、cipitation. While this land doesnt stand to disappear entirely, its landscape may soon be altered beyond recognition if global warming persists.南美巴达格利亚这块保持了原始风貌的陆地因为气候变化经受着巨大的改变。由于气温上升和降雨变少,很多冰川一直在退缩。尽管这块陆地还没有完全殆尽,但如果全球变暖依旧,它也许很快就会变得面目全非。Bangladesh7、孟加拉国 Set in the low-lying GangesBrahmaputra River

12、Delta, Bangladesh sits in a perfect storm of climactic conditions. About 50 percent of the area would be flooded if the sea level were to rise by 1 meter. Bangladesh also lies at the heart of the monsoon belt. Natural calamities, such as floods, tropical cyclones, tornadoes and tidal bores occur her

13、e almost every year with tragic results.处在低洼的恒河雅鲁藏布江三角洲地区,孟加拉国坐落在具有形成完美风暴的条件下。如果海平面上升一米,该国大约50%的地方将会被淹没。孟加拉国也处在季风带的核心。自然灾难,如洪水、热带风暴,台风和潮涌等差不多每年都会发生,并会带来悲惨的后果。Alaskan tundra8、阿拉斯加冻土带 Global warming heats up the Arctic twice as fast as the rest of the world, meaning Alaskas beautiful northern tundra s

14、tands to vanish completely if temperatures continue to rise. As the tundras permafrost melts, it not only drastically alters the ecosystem but also releases additional carbon, ironically hastening global warming. 全球变暖加热着北极,它升温的速度达到世界其他地区的两倍,这也意味着如果继续升温,阿拉斯加美丽的北国冻土带将会消失无影。因为冻土带永久冻土融化,这不仅会严重影响生态环境,也会额

15、外释放碳,具有讽刺意味的是,这将加速全球变暖。South Australia9、澳洲南部 1Much like the Sahara in Africa, desertification also threatens South Australia. Across the region, fresh water supplies are rapidly drying up. Meanwhile, the parched landscape increases the occurrence of wildfires, threatening agriculture, wildlife and hundreds of Australian homes.和非洲的沙哈拉地区极度相似,沙漠化也威胁着澳大利亚南部地区。纵观整个地区,新鲜水源的供应正迅速干涸。与此同时,炎热的土地增加了野火发生的可能,威胁着当地的农业、野生动物和数百当地人家。The Alps10、阿尔卑斯山风景 The European Alps sit at a lower altitude than the Rocky Mountains, and their glaciers and


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