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1、吴忠市第二中学2011-2012学年度第二学期 英语 学科 九 年级 第 九 单元(章节、模块)复习计划表 制定人:鲁桂芳单元章节复习知识点及时间安排第 九 单元 (章节) 知识点(考点) 1,单词:ending, flash, laughing, word, cute, heaven, lovable, mess, monster private, everywhere, handbag, faviourite, boss, Belgian, cartoonist, experience, creator peach, surface, princess,single, exactly, a

2、ble, sketch over there, have a word with, ever since, be able to 2掌握并运用that, which, who 引导的定语从句以及引导词的省略问题 3.重点句型: Its +adj for sb to do sth. Its no laughing matter. Be in deep trouble 采取策略根据章节知识点及学情分析,结合考点内容,采取具体措施有: A) 根据括号中的提示完成单词。 1. He forgot to turn on the _(闪光灯) when he took the photo. 2. Most

3、 of the Earths _(表面) is covered by water.3. We had a guide to _(领) the way in the museum.4. In the old days, _(老板) made the workers work for twelve hours a day. 5. If theres a(n) _(天堂) on Earth, this is it!B) 从方框中选出适当的词完成句子。 handbag; word; experience; peach; rule6. _ are my favourite fruit. 7. The E

4、nglish lived under King Charles _ for 11 years in history.8. It was the most educational _ I had ever had.9. Her _ which is made of leather was lost.10. Tell me what happened in your own _. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )1. In this museum, it is allowed to take photos, but you mustnt use _. A. cameras B. flashe

5、s C. films D. pictures( )2. Can I have a(n) _ with your father, Tony? Sorry. He is not in at the moment. A. sentence B. article C. sound D. word( )3. Where is the toilet, please? Its _there. A. overB. at C. in D. on( )4. What a _! You must tidy your room at once! A. pity B. mess C. worldD. surprise(

6、 )5. Bill is a rich man who owns a big company. I bet he has at least one _ helicopter. A. private B. public C. own D. beautiful( )6. Its _ knowledge that Mount Jolmo Lungma is the highest mountain in the world A. usual B. special C. common D. unusual 制定复习计划要求:(1)复习计划内容要有针对性(针对学生薄弱环节、针对本册教材中的学生应掌握基础知识、重点、难点和考点)(2)复习要求要有层次性(优生和学困生的要求不同,在复习目标和复习内容中都要有体现)(3)复习时间安排要体现合理性(4)复习方法措施应有多样性(不同的内容用不同的方法)(5)注意研究每学年期末考试测查重点知识点,及早动手,整理印制试卷,引导学生复习。(6)本计划同年级同科教师共同商讨分单元章节制定一份,电子稿于周五早晨上交。教务处2012.5.29


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