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1、UNIT 8Is there a post office near here?课时课时 1Section A(1a-2d)一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1.Excuse me,is there a train station(车站)near here?2.Lets go to a restaurant(餐馆)to eat something.3.How can we get to the hotel(旅馆)?On foot.Its not far from here.stationrestauranthotel一一二二三三四四五五六六4.辽宁人文信息题 Let

2、 me show you around(在周围)the Imperial Palace of Shenyang.Its famous in Liaoning.5.What is the woman doing?She is cleaning the street(大街).aroundstreet一一二二三三四四五五六六二、根据图片提示,补全句子或对话。二、根据图片提示,补全句子或对话。6.Where are you going,Linda?Im going to a bank.bank一一二二三三四四五五六六7.There is a police station in town.Its nea

3、r the park.8.Dannys father works in a childrens hospital.police stationhospital一一二二三三四四五五六六9.Do you often call your parents on the pay phone?No,I call them with my new watch.pay phone一一二二三三四四五五六六10.Can you go to the post office to buy a stamp(邮票)for me?post office一一二二三三四四五五六六三、单项选择。三、单项选择。(C)11.【易错题

4、易错题】Is there a library in your school?.A.Yes,it isB.No,it isntC.Yes,there isD.No,there arentC一一二二三三四四五五六六(C)12.鞍山千山区月考 I want to call the police.Is there a near here?A.hospitalB.restaurantC.pay phoneD.bankC一一二二三三四四五五六六(A)13.大连月考 Where is the park?Its Bridge Street.A.onB.fromC.forD.withA一一二二三三四四五五六六(

5、B)14.盘锦期末I cant see the blackboard.I sit Mary and she is very tall.A.acrossB.behindC.next toD.in front of点点拨拨:句句意意:我我看看不不见见黑黑板板。我我坐坐在在玛玛丽丽的的后后面面,她她很很高高。由句意可知选由句意可知选B。B一一二二三三四四五五六六(D)15.鞍山铁东区期末 Thank you very much for helping me find my mom.A.Its greatB.Id love toC.I think soD.No problemD一一二二三三四四五五六六

6、四、句子翻译。四、句子翻译。16.我家在火车站附近。My home is near the train station.17.医院在公园对面吗?不,它不在。Is the hospital across from the park?No,it isnt.nearacross fromNoit isnt一一二二三三四四五五六六18.鞍山达道湾学校月考 教室前面有一些苹果树。There are some apple trees in front of the classroom.19.海城第二中学期中这个小镇在高山和河之间。The small town is between the high mou

7、ntain and the river.20.抚顺月考改编那个白色的沙发紧挨着一张红色的床。The white sofa is next to the red bed.in front oftownbetweenandThe white sofa is next to the red bed.一一二二三三四四五五六六五、【五、【创新题创新题】北京西城区期末 阅读理解。阅读理解。请同学们看点拨训练第请同学们看点拨训练第65页原文页原文(C)21.There is a across from the park.A.clothes storeB.bus stopC.pay phoneD.post o

8、fficeC一一二二三三四四五五六六(D)22.Where is the hospital?A.Its next to the library.B.Its across from the hotel.C.Its on Bridge Street.D.Its between the bank and the restaurant.D一一二二三三四四五五六六(B)23.How can Tom get to the post office from the hotel?A.Walk along Bridge Street and turn right at the first crossing.B.

9、Walk along Bridge Street and turn right at the second crossing.C.Walk along Bridge Street and turn left at the first crossing.D.Walk along Bridge Street and turn left at the second crossing.B一一二二三三四四五五六六(C)24.Walk along Center Street and turn left on Fifth Avenue.Then walk on and turn right at the f

10、irst crossing,and then you can see a on your left.A.bus stopB.parkC.schoolD.hotelC一一二二三三四四五五六六(D)25.Which of the following is NOT true?A.There is a supermarket next to the hotel.B.The fruit shop is across from the bank.C.The restaurant is on Center Street.D.You can see a clothes store on Fifth Avenu

11、e.D一一二二三三四四五五六六六、短文还原六、短文还原(有一项为多余选项有一项为多余选项)。Dear Betty,Thank you very much for your e-mail.26.D It is a big and famous museum.Let me tell you the way to it.DA.You cant use it in the museum.B.You need to buy a map in the shop.C.It is open(开放)from 9:30 a.m.to 5:30 p.m.every day.D.I know you want to

12、visit the National Museum inour city.E.Drive your car from your house and drive alongHongxing Street.一一二二三三四四五五六六27.E Dont turn left at the last turning,but at the third one.And then you can see a park on your right.The museum is across from the park,next to a post office.28.C There are lots of old

13、things and paintings in the museum.You can learn a lot from them.ECA.You cant use it in the museum.B.You need to buy a map in the shop.C.It is open(开放)from 9:30 a.m.to 5:30 p.m.every day.D.I know you want to visit the National Museum inour city.E.Drive your car from your house and drive alongHongxin

14、g Street.一一二二三三四四五五六六I hope you can have a nice time there.But dont take a camera.29.A There is a supermarket next to it.You can buy some gifts for your family members in it.Yours,JerryAA.You cant use it in the museum.B.You need to buy a map in the shop.C.It is open(开放)from 9:30 a.m.to 5:30 p.m.every day.D.I know you want to visit the National Museum inour city.E.Drive your car from your house and drive alongHongxing Street.一一二二三三四四五五六六


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