导学案(8) Module2 No drugs reading

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《导学案(8) Module2 No drugs reading》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《导学案(8) Module2 No drugs reading(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、学 科English年 级备课人 课 题Module2 No drugs reading课时安排1课时审核人侯春荣使用时间11月20日学 习目 标1.学习一些介绍抽烟、吸毒及其危害性的词语2.培养联想、理解、前后联系水平和逻辑分析水平3.坚定抵制毒品的信念教 学重 点难 点重点词汇的灵活使用,语言的实际应用导 学 流 程学 案导 案自主学习单词与短语互译:blood pressure _ break into _ cannabis _crack _ drug addict_ drug dealer_ heart attack_ heart rate_ immediately_ increase

2、_ inject _ needle_ powerful_ reduce_ 非常痛苦_处于危险中_ 对成瘾_附近的_ 例:生自主完成合作探究交流I.Fast Reading( answer the following questions)1. Choose the Best Title for Article1 and Article2A. Drug Addict and His History B Dangerous Activities of TeenagersC The Dangers of Using Cocaine2. Read Parts 1-6 and decide which a

3、rticle they belong to. 1 2 3 4 5 6A: A Drug Addict and His Story_B: The Dangers of Using Cocaine_II.Detailed Reading: Can you use words to describe each part?Start using drugs -2-3-5-6Find out detailed information about Adam .whoAdam Rouse 19-year-old boyStart usingthe first time .was when. buy.from

4、continue to offerIn painbreak intoaddictedstopDecide these sentences are true or false.(/F)1Cocaine can be smoked and also injected2 People who inject cocaine are in more danger if they share needle 3 Cocaine makes your heart go more slowly4Smoking crack cocaine can change peoples behavior. III Grou

5、p work Please make a welfare(公益) poster on banning drugs in English Eg: Yes to life, no to drugs. 生生思考交流生生互动。师生共评。师恰当点拨师生共评,师恰当点拨巩固 检测Dear Adam Rouse, We know that you are a drug _ and now having a hard time giving it up. Cocaine is known to be a _ _ drug. Once you try it, you are _ to it. Users who

6、_ needles with others are _ more _. The users heart rate and blood _ is _ as a result of smoking drugs . Not only is health a problem, _ anti-social _ is caused . Thats why we strongly _ that you should _ the doctors _. Were all there with you. Believe yourself and youll succeed in the end. Your classmate检测学习效果师生后记谈得失收获


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