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1、新目标8年级上期Unit1单元测试 一、听力测试(20分)(一)、听句子,找出与句子内容对应的图片,将番号填在横线上。听一遍。(分) B C D E1._ 2_ 3._ 4._ 5._(二)、找出与你听到的句子意义相同或相近的句子。听两遍。(5分)( ). A. Se doest gt chool Saurdayo Sunay.She doesn have lessns nSnday.C. She wnts o stayathmn weekend.( )7. A. nd and herfren leam Englih.B.Linda herfiend arebth ChineseC inas

2、find hes he olam English.( ). like amals best. B. He ie wtcing animlsery much.C. AimlWorld s hs orite T rogm. ( )9.Myfatherften read Chinee os i awek.B.My ther de ie readihies books.C Myftr eds Chine boks nWednesay ad on Saturda( )10.A.Can youel e te way to he hoel,plese Whats tenam ofhe oeC. yo ko

3、the otel(三)、听对话,选择正确答案。听三遍。(5分)( )11Who ae takingAAm. B. Ao an agirl. C. To grls( )l2. Wat dos Am alaysdotarnd ix n weekaymornAShe gets p B. She has hr breaast.C. She ge toschol ( )l3Wr doesAy fte hc n wekaysA hm. B. At schol. CInaetaurnt. ( )l4.hat doessh d ferAmy finishes(完成)her homewk in heeningA

4、. G to bed aton(立即). B Play cmuer gaes C. Wtc TV( )l.n h soA.n auay mrning. B.On aturda ateron. C. n Sundyrng(四)、听短文,填入所缺的单词。听两遍。(5分)Lil Kings_ hat. Sheexcises eerydy Sh as veygood atn_. She as a lotof _.nd shes _ ddrink milkevery day Ofcorse, s loves_ od,to. Btsheats oy oc a week.二、笔试部分(80分)(一)单项选择

5、(0分)( )、Goodfood n eercise lp e o sudy _.Agood .ettr C. ess( )2、Whois the _ stuentin yur classA bt B. hel C. lthiest()3、 exrisevery da, sI m _heathy.A. kind of . rety Cmuh( )、I ont lke lkt mther ans me _.A. drii . drink C. tdink( )、ogh i is cod,_ Mrmit oesswimingnc aweekA/ B. bu .and( )6、Is Kns ifeh

6、esm _ yoA. s . to wih( )、Dota in be. ts bd _ youreye.A.fo B. f C. with ( )8、e _ lat fosool.A always is B. is aways eve( )、My ad _ a doctorA.as e to d. wns m to eC wats me is( )10、I try eat jnk foodnce a week _ I ve i ry mch.althugh . throuh . bt()1、Jen _lifyle.hasa alty . hav a heay C.hs a halth( )1

7、2、e ou _ nwA onlie B te Interet C. a onin( )13、-_ does youbte g oni -r tiesa weA.Hlong B.w fen C. H manimes( )4、_ Idhaveone healthy habi,_ I m no ery healty. Alhough, bt Bt, aloghC. Ahough, /( )15、ouanto e hthier, you mut eat _ un d, thinA. moe B. ess wer( )、What re edfferees bewe ou lifstyle and _.

8、her . he C. his( )1、yfath rs _ veetales eleve t tve times aw.A. at Batin C.to eat( )18、_ ou hav ay eahy hbitA. D B. Des Are( )、Who _ a dictioarA. have B.as C. hang( )20、_ classstart t 4 oloA. D BDoes C. r(二)、完型填空(10分)When theAerins were gettngady(准备) osn(送) heir first manto oon, an oldIiman(爱尔兰人) wa

9、ching them on th television in thbrof a hotelTher s an nglh manitea, o, an e_1_ the ishm, Th_2_ rry lever, rent th They are ging _3_ some me t the oon. t s alg _4_ from the wrd. h, thats_Te Irishmnnere uicl.The Iis e gon o sd somemen tothe snin afew mnths That _6_ away ro the moo, you know Yes, it i

10、s. Te Engih man sad,_7_ it oo _8_ forpeopl to go Te Irismanlughd and sai, well,the Iisaren tpi(愚蠢), yo kn, we _9_ go to h durigt da, of cus, we ill gotre _10_.( )1.A.sa to B. old C. talk o( )2 Angishme B. Americn C. rs( ) A.to reh t sen Ctoive( )4 A. tre B. rod C.way( )5.A ice B. tue nothng( )6. A.og far C. u arthr( )7. A. and B. bt C or( ) A. hot B.rm C. old( )9 A. wont B.ant C. ut( )10. A. nte morin .



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