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1、UNIT2Illhelptocleanupthecityparks课时课时2SectionA(3a-3c)一、一、根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词。根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词。1.Luckily,the old man stayed alive after the strong(强烈的)earthquake.strong一一二二三三四四2.We also feel happy when we see the look of joy(高兴)on her face.joy一一二二三三四四3.I took many photos of the pandas in Sichuan.You can pic

2、k several(一些)of them.several一一二二三三四四4.When I passed the math exam,I got a feeling of satisfaction.atisfaction一一二二三三四四5.中考杭州The train journey from Hangzhou to Shanghai takes about 40 minutes.ourney一一二二三三四四二、二、用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。6.Who is the owner(own)of the house?owner一一二二三三四四7.Many Chinese coll

3、ege students volunteer to be(be)teachers in the countryside.tobe一一二二三三四四8.【易易错错题题】The doctors did what they could to save(save)the little girl.tosave一一二二三三四四9.I have decided togo(go)to the Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden on holiday.togo一一二二三三四四三、三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。10.他正在参加学校足球队的选拔

4、。He is trying out for the school soccer team.tryingoutfor一一二二三三四四11.我在儿童医院做志愿工作,因为我能学习如何照顾生病的孩子。I volunteer in a childrens hospital because I can learn how to care for sick kids.carefor一一二二三三四四12.帮助别人的同时,我们也会有一种幸福感。When we help others,at the same timewe will get a feeling ofhappiness.thesametimefeel

5、ingof一一二二三三四四四、四、阅读还原。阅读还原。一一二二三三四四A.So where do you start?B.So what are you waiting for?C.Volunteering gives kids a way to know themselves betterlike knowing what theyre good at.D.When you help others,you are helping yourself.E.Talk to your family members and see what they might be interested in.Ho

6、w can we help people around us?The answer is to be a volunteer.Here are some ways.Helpyourselfbyhelpingothers.一一二二三三四四13.D.If you are upset,doing something can be a great way to calm(冷静)yourself down.Doing volunteer work means one important thing:You make a difference in the world.14.A.School is a g

7、ood place to start if you are looking for volunteer work.You can also ask a teacher for advice.Dosomethingwithfamilymembers.DA一一二二三三四四A.So where do you start?B.So what are you waiting for?C.Volunteering gives kids a way to know themselves betterlike knowing what theyre good at.D.When you help others

8、,you are helping yourself.E.Talk to your family members and see what they might be interested in.Volunteering is a great way to have fun with your family.15.E.Find something you all want to do,like cleaning up a park and planting trees or flowers in your neighborhood.Inventyourownchance.Kids can com

9、e up with their own ways to raise money or provide service.You can make and sell products,and give the money to charity(慈善).E一一二二三三四四A.So where do you start?B.So what are you waiting for?C.Volunteering gives kids a way to know themselves betterlike knowing what theyre good at.D.When you help others,

10、you are helping yourself.E.Talk to your family members and see what they might be interested in.16.C.A volunteer job can even help some kids decide what they want to do when they grow up.17.B.Make a plan to start now!17题题点点拨拨:推推断断理理解解题题。前前面面讲讲做做志志愿愿者者对对孩孩子子的的好好处处,空空后后讲讲现现在在制制订订计计划划开开始始,可可知知选选B。“所所以以你你还还在在等等什什么么呢呢?”CB一一二二三三四四A.So where do you start?B.So what are you waiting for?C.Volunteering gives kids a way to know themselves betterlike knowing what theyre good at.D.When you help others,you are helping yourself.E.Talk to your family members and see what they might be interested in.



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