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1、Unit 3 How do you get to school?Period 5 Section B(3a-Self Check)1.On a sunny day with a good breeze,youll see _(hundred)of colorful kites flying in the sky.hundreds2.The big tree over there is probably one _(hundred)years old.hundred3.Every year _(hundred)of thousands of tourists visit Henan Provin

2、ce because there are many places of interest.hundreds4.玛丽觉得这本书怎么样?What _ _ _ _ this book?does Mary think of5.当人们谈到阿炳的时候,就会想起二泉映月。When people talk about Abing,they will _ _ Erquan Yingyue.thinkof6.What do you think of _(learn)English by building mind maps?learning7.对于学生来说,做眼保健操很有必要。Its necessary _ _

3、_ _(必要的)eye exercises.for students to do8.对于孩子们来说,穿过繁忙的街道很危险。Its dangerous for children _ _ the busy street.to cross9.你可以站在威尔和我中间。You can stand _ Will _ me.between and10.这对双胞胎之间有很多差别。There are many differences _ the twins(双胞胎).between11.花园和远处的田野之间有一堵低矮的砖墙。There is a low brick(砖)wall _ the garden _ t

4、he field beyond.betweenand12.在这张照片上有一个八岁的女孩。In this picture,there is _ _ _.an/one 8-year-oldgirl 13.My mother is 44 _(year)old but I think she is still beautiful.years14.This boy is 12 years old.(改为同义句)This is a _ _.12-year-old boy一、阅读还原一、阅读还原1._请同学们看请同学们看典中点典中点第第23页第页第1-5题。题。【点拨】根据“They can help yo

5、u stay safe on the way to school.”可知,提出了一些保证“你”安全的建议,D 选项“这是一些给你的建议。”符合语境。故选D。D2._【点拨】根据空后句子“The sidewalk can keep you safe.”可知,此处提到了人行道,C 选项“当有人行道时,你应该一直使用它。”符合语境。故选C。C3._【点拨】根据“You could be hit by cars or some trees.”可知,此处的建议是不要做容易被汽车或一些树撞到的事情,A 选项“不要把头、胳膊或手伸出窗外。”符合语境,故选A。A4._【点拨】根据“So dont use he

6、adphones(耳机)when you are riding.”可知,此处提到与听力有关的内容,E 选项“你需要听到交通噪音来保证安全。”符合语境。故选E。E5._【点拨】根据“The best way is to wear bright-colored clothes.”可知,穿颜色鲜艳的衣服是为了让司机在昏暗的环境中看到你,B 选项“对司机来说看到你很难。”符合语境。故选B。B二、二、2023 郑州外国语中学月考郑州外国语中学月考 完形填空完形填空“Grandpa.Look!Some people are moving(搬)beds into that house(房子),”Max sa

7、ys.“A new family will _6 there,”Grandpa says.6.A.eat B.play C.live D.stop【点拨】上文提到一些人在往房子里搬床,故此处指新家庭将要住在那里,故选C。CThen there comes a car.A big boy,a big girl and _7 father get out.7.A.his B.her C.our D.their【点拨】此处指一个大男孩和大女孩和他们的父亲一起下了车。根据“A big boy,a big girl”可知,此处用形容词性物主代词their。D“Grandpa,”says Max,“I w

8、ant a _8 to play with,but theyre too old for me.”8.A.teacher B.friend C.father D.mother【点拨】此处表示Max 想要一个朋友和他玩。故选B。BGrandpa and Max go to see the _9 family.9.A.old B.new C.busy D.welcome【点拨】此处指Max 和爷爷一起去看这一个新家庭。故选B。BThe big girl _10 them.“Hello,Im Hannah.”“Hello,Im Max and Im six.”10.A.sees B.helps C.

9、asks D.calls【点拨】根据后面Hannah 的自我介绍可知,此处指女孩看到了他们,故选A。AHannah looks at Max.“I have a(n)_11.His name is Jake and hes six _12 you.He will come in Moms _13.”11.A.sister B.brother C.aunt D.uncle【点拨】根据“His name is Jake”可知,此处指Jake 是她的弟弟,故选B。BHannah looks at Max.“I have a(n)_11.His name is Jake and hes six _12

10、 you.He will come in Moms _13.”12.A.of B.for C.like D.with【点拨】这里表示Jake 和Max 是一样的年龄。故选C。CHannah looks at Max.“I have a(n)_11.His name is Jake and hes six _12 you.He will come in Moms _13.”13.A.car B.bike C.bus D.train【点拨】这里指Jake会乘坐妈妈的车来到新家。故选A。A“Jake can come to my house.He can _14 my bike,”Max says

11、to Hannah.14.A.draw B.know C.find D.ride【点拨】根据空后bike 可知此处用ride,故选D。DThe next day,Hannah and Jake come to see Max.Jake _15 Maxs bike and says,“I want to ride a bike like you,_16 I dont know how to ride.”15.A.asks for B.thinks about C.looks at D.talks about【点拨】这里指Jake 看着Max 的自行车。look at 看着。故选C。CThe ne

12、xt day,Hannah and Jake come to see Max.Jake _15 Maxs bike and says,“I want to ride a bike like you,_16 I dont know how to ride.”16.A.because B.so C.and D.but【点拨】前面“我想像你一样骑自行车”与后面“我不知道如何骑”构成转折关系,应用but。D“Grandpa,can you put the training wheels(辅助轮)back on my bike,please?Then I _17 teach Jake to ride i

13、t,”Max says.17.A.can B.cant C.must D.mustnt【点拨】此处指Max 可以教Jake 骑自行车。故选A。A“Yes.Go and _18 the small wheels.”18.A.buy B.get C.take D.play【点拨】此处指去拿辅助轮,get 符合句意。故选B。B“This is a _19 bike,Max.I like riding it.”19.A.boring B.free C.great D.short【点拨】根据“I like riding it.”可知,此处表示Jake 认为Max 的自行车很棒,用great。故选C。CJake is _20 happy.20.A.never B.really C.then D.usually【点拨】此处表示Jake 真的很高兴,用副词修饰happy,really 符合句意。B


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