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1、英语语法 一般疑问句1. 概念能用yes / no(或相当于yes / no)回答的问句叫一般疑问句。2. 含系动词be的一般疑问句的构成具体地说,就是当陈述句中有am /is / are时,可直接将它们提至主语前,但如遇第一人称,最好将其置换成第二人称。如:Im in Class 2, Grade 1. Are you in Class 2, Grade 1? 你是在一年级二班吗?3. 含情态动词的一般疑问句的构成一般疑问句面前人人平等:情态动词与am / is / are一样,也可直接将它们提至主语前,所以问题迎刃而解了。如:I can spell it. Can you spell it

2、? 你会拼写它吗?4. 含实义动词的一般疑问句的构成含实义动词的一般疑问句的构成稍微有点讲究,要在句首加do;如逢主语为第三人称单数,谓语动词为一般现在时单数第三人称形式v-(e)s时,奉does为座上宾并要变回原形(如hashave,likeslike等);有时陈述句中的some还要变作any等。如:She lives in Beijing. Does she live in Beijing? 她住在北京吗?I like English. Do you like English? 你喜欢英语吗?There are some books on my desk.Are there any boo

3、ks on your desk?5. 少数口语化的一般疑问句如问一个与前文相同的问句时,可省略成And you?或What / How about.?等;甚至只抓关键词,读作升调。如:Your pen? 你的钢笔?6. 小插曲:一般疑问句的语调大部分的一般疑问句都应读作升调(),并落在最后一个单词身上。如:Is it a Chinese car?7. 一般疑问句的应答用yes / no(或相当于yes / no的词)回答,并怎么问怎么答(句首为情态动词am / is / are还是do /does),简略回答时要注意缩写(否定的nt)和采用相应的人称代词以避免重复:即Yes,主语(代词)+情态

4、动词或am / is / are或do / does.表示肯定;No,主语(代词)+情态动词或am / is / are或者do / does not(nt).表示否定。如: -Is Mary a Japanese girl? 玛丽是日本女孩吗?-Yes, she is. / No, she isnt. 是的,她是。/不,她不是。 -Can Lily speak Chinese? 莉莉会说中国话吗?-No, she cant. / Sorry, I dont know. 不,她不会。/对不起,我不知道。 -Do you like English? 你喜欢英语吗?-Yes, very much.

5、 是的,非常喜欢。一般疑问句专项练习(1) 姓名_一、根据答案写问句:1. _? Yes, Mike is answering the phone now.2. _? No, Tom and Mary arent doing the sports. 3. _? Yes, Jack gets up at 6:00 in the morning. 4. _? No, I dont do housework at home.5. _? Yes, my brother often goes to school on foot. 6. _? No, I am not going to buy a mag

6、azine.7. _? Yes, they are going to swim in the sea. 8. _? Yes, John went to the Great Wall last year. 9. _? No, the students didnt watch the game. 10. _? Yes, Lucy and Peter were in the classroom.二、请将下列各题做出肯定,否定回答:1.Isthisabox? Yes,_ _.No,_ _.2.IsMikeyourbrother? Yes,_ _.No,_.3.IsPeterathome? Yes,_

7、_.No,_.4.Didyourunclereadbooks? Yes,_ _No, _5.Are theyducks? Yes,_ _.No, _.6.IsthisyourT-shirt? Yes,_. No,_.7.Isthatateacher s desk? Yes, _is. No, _ ist.8.Doesyourbrotherlike playfootball? Yes,_ _.No, _.9.Canyouuseacomputer? Yes,_ _.No, _.10.Isthereaforestinthepark? Yes,_ _.No, _.11.Arethereanyfishi

8、ntherivers? Yes,_ _.No, _.12.Isthetrash binbehind thedoor? Yes,_ _.No, _.三、将下列句子变成一般疑问句1 Mr Wang is thirsty._?2.The elephents ears are long._?3. We like birds._?4.Hello.You are his mother._?5.I can sing and dance._?6.I am listening to music. _?7.Mike is a student. _?8.Tom can clean the classroom. _?

9、9.They are in the zoo. _?10. There are some flowers in the vase._?11. This is my sister. _?12. We are sweeping on the floor. _?13.We need some masks. _?14.They like making the puppet. _?15.Su Hai and Su Yang live in a new house._?16. I put a book on my head. _?17. They sing “In the classroom”togethe

10、r. _?18. We play basketball on Sundays. _?19. Tom likes listening to music. _ ? 一般现在时练习题及答案1)用动词的适当形式填空1.I like _ (swim).2.He _(read) English every day.3.We _(go)to school at seven in the morning.4.Mike_(go)to school at seven in the morning.5.My mother_(like) _(go) shopping.6.I can _(draw) many beautiful pictures.7.She_(make) a model plane.8.Do you _(like)_(run)?9.Does he_(like)_(jump) ?10.Does N



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