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1、【课 题】M1 unit 1 When did you come back ? 【课 时】1【教学目标】1. 学习单词:Whenbackhomethoseice creamwitht等11个单词,并能正确书这些单词。2. 学习目标语句:When did you come back? We came back 等。能更进一步的理解过去式时态并能正确运用。【教学重点】学习本单元有关谈论过去式的单词和语句。【教学难点】如何运用过去式谈论生活中的事情。【教具准备】Pictures word list tape.【教学过程】教学环节师 生 师 生 活 动复 备WarmingUpGreeting:(五分钟

2、的英语口语训练)1.Good morning,xxx2.How are you? (Im fine ,thank you)3.What did you do on your vaction? 4.Where did you go on your vaction?5.when did you come back ?(板书并教读) We came back last Sunday.6.教读过去:come -came复习导入1.回忆过去式如: T: buy S: bought复习:have-had do did go-went3. 问一问,答一答T: Did you watch TV yesterd

3、ay? Did you read book yesterday? Yes, I did . No, I didnt.出 示目 标1.会读、会认本课的单词:Whenbackhomethoseice creamwitht等11个单词,并能正确书写这些单词。会用本课的目标语句:When did you come back? We came back 等,来询问什么时候回来的,在此过程中明白过去式的用法。3. 能理解本课课文内容并能正确流利地朗读.学习新知1、呈现新人物:T:出示教学挂图:This is Amy and Sam and Lingling.This is their friend. Hi

4、s name is John.(教读人物姓名) 2.Look and say(1)where are they ?(2)what did they do ?(3)What is this ?教读新单词:ice cream(4)what happened about ice cream?教读新单词:drop-dropped3.教师导语:指着图中的人物JOHN告诉学生:“Hes John”接着问:“Are they talking? What are they talking about? Lets listen.”请学生翻开SB Unit1活动1,播放录音或教学片VCD,请学生边听边看书听 读课

5、 文1, 分段播放录音,请学生回答问题:T: When did Sam and Amy come back? What did they buy in the park? What happened after that?2、Read the passage after the tape. 教师再次播放录音,并在每句话后停顿,多放几遍。3、Read together.4、Read after teacher.当 堂训 练1. 记单词,给学生三分钟时间记忆单词。并检测。2. 根据课文填空1)When did you come back? We back last Sunday.2)This is

6、 .3)I (drop) my ice cream.作 业设 计1、Read the text three times 。2、Read the words and recites the words .3、Recite the text 4.Copy some important sentences.。 板书设计Modul 1 Unit1 When did you come back ? where did you go on summer vacation? How did you go there? drop What did you do? ice cream What did you

7、see? come-came 【课 题】M1unit 2 Did they buy ice cream? 【课 时】1【教学目标】1.学习新单词:dearmeetmetrunran 。2.学习目标语句:Did you.? Yes, I did.No, I didnt.3.能口头运用Did you.? Yes, I did.No, I didnt.这类语句来询问人物昨天做过的事情。【教学重点】谈论过去发生的事情或活动【教学难点】使运动词的过去式,描述已经发生的事情.【教具准备】Pictures card word list tape.【教学过程】教学环节师 生 师 生 活 动复 备口语训练一、G

8、reetings:(五分钟的英语口语训练)1.Hello,xxx.How old are you?2.When did you come back?3. 出示动词词组图片:play football play basketball write a letter,draw a dragon play the flute sing a songrun fly a kite.4. 教师询问: Did you yesterday?复 习导 入1. 教师出示准备好的照片,问学生:Whats this? What is the place? What can you see? 等。学生回答,教师进行介绍。

9、2.出示名信片的背面,问学生再背面可以干什么?T:lingling and Amy 在美国,她给大明寄了一张名信片,并在背面介绍了他们再伦敦的经历。同学们想知道都写了什么吗?学习新知一课文教学1play the tape ,Ss read after the tape.T: Please ,listen the tape again, and answer the question.: 1)Who wrote the postcard? 2)Whom did lingling send the postcard to ?(教师讲解明信片的格式,开头用dear,结尾用love加名字.2.教师板书

10、: go-went buy -boughtmeet-met run-ran3.读一读,说一说过去式。4. 听课文录音,全班同学跟读课文。5. 全班朗读课文。6.读一读,译一译。二、课堂练习1.完成SBUNIT2,活动2 ,小组汇报,教师给予指导.2.活动用书1)ABUNIT2,老师放一遍录音,(根据需要多放几边)2)完成SBUNIT2活动4,教师出示单词卡片,“Chinese, teacher, river ,rabbit ,letter, hen, cat, apple.”完成练习课文检测1.给学生三分钟时间背单词,然后进行记单词比赛.2.快速下列动词的过去式:go- buy- come-d

11、rop- run- meet- 3.根据课文内容填空。1) Yesterday I (go)to the park.2) We (buy) ice cream.3) I (run)to the bus.I _(drop)my ice cream.总结出示目标并检测:1)本课学习了_、_、_三个新单词,你能正确拼写吗?2)学习了句型: 。3)你会用Did you yesterday? 询间昨天你做了什么?4)你愿意大声地、正确地、流利地朗读课文内容吗?板 书设 计Module 1 unit2 Did they buy ice creams ? Did you yesterday? Yes, I

12、did . No, I didnt. gowent meet-met buybought runrandrop-dropped 【课 题】M2 Unit1How many do you want? 【课 时】1【教学目标】1.学习本课新单词:need foodshoppingcheesehow muchkilo.2.学习目标语句:How many bananas do you want?Howmuch cheese do you want?3. 学会在购物时表达数量。4. 说出购物的过程;使用how many和how much询问东西数量,使用how much询问价钱【教学重点】会读会认本课的新单词;会用本课的目标语句来进行购物。会读本课的课文【教学难点】会用本课的目标语句来询问东西的数量。【教具准备】单词卡、录音机、习题卡【教学过程】教学环节师 生 师 生 活 动复 备特长训练一Greeting: 1.Hello,xxx.2.What class are you in? Im in ClassXX,GradeXX.3. 1)Did you watch TV yesterday? 2)Did you listen t


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