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1、Previously on Friends. 老友记前情提要- Excuse me, miss! - Its Phoebe! -嗨 小姐 -是菲比Okay, will that be all? 你们就点这些吗Theyre twins. 她们是双胞胎Phoebes Phoebe. Ursulas hot! 菲比是菲比 厄休拉很火辣Its, its for Ursula. 是送厄休拉的Sure. Yeah. Okay, it fits. 好呀 合身Marcel, give Rossy the remote. 马赛尔 把遥控器给罗斯How did he do this? 他是怎么办到的Its jus

2、t this whole stupid Ursula thing. 还不是厄休拉惹的祸So hes going out with her. Is it really so terrible? 他和她约会真有那么糟吗You dont know my sister. 你们不了解我姐姐You gotta talk to Joey. 你得找乔伊谈谈Hes falling in love with her. 他爱上她了You wont lose him. 你不会失去他的They havent even slept together yet. Thats not serious. 根本还没上床 关系还没确

3、定下来May we help you? 需要帮忙吗Rachel! Rachel! 瑞秋 瑞秋Im okay. Im okay. 我没事 我没事Uh, my friend here was taking down our Christmas lights, 我朋友在取下圣诞灯时and she fell off the balcony 从阳台跌下来and may have broken her foot or or ankle or something. 可能伤了脚踝或是哪里My god. You still have your Christmas lights up? 天啊 你们的圣诞灯还亮着F

4、ill this out and bring it back to me. 填好资料后拿给我Name, address. 姓名 地址Okay, In case of emergency call? 紧急联络人You. 你Really? 真的Yeah. 对Oh, that is so sweet. 你真好Oh gosh, love you. 我爱你Insurance? 保险Oh, yeah, check it. Definitely, I want some of that. 对哦 打勾 我当然需要保险You dont have insurance? 你没有保险吗Why, how much is

5、 this gonna cost? 怎么了 要多少钱I have no idea, but X-rays alone could be a couple hundred dollars. 我不知道 单是X光就可能得好几百元Wel-wel-well what are we gonna do? 我们该怎么办Well theres not much we can do. 没有太多办法可想Um. unless, unless I use yours. 除非我用你的Hah, no no no no no no no no no no. 不行 不行 绝对没门Wait a second, who did I

6、 just put as my In case of emergency person? 等等 我刚把谁填成紧急联络人了Thats insurance fraud. 这是保险欺诈Well, alright, then, forget it. Might as well just go home. 好吧 算了 我直接回家算了Come here, I hate this. 好吧 回来 我真讨厌这样做Thank you. Thank you. I love you. 谢谢 谢谢 我爱你Hi, um, Im gonna need a new set of these forms . 不好意思 我需要新

7、表格Why? 为什么I am really an idiot. 我真是个笨蛋You see, I was filling out my friends form, 我替我朋友填资料时and instead of putting her information, I put mine. 填的不是她的资料而是我的You are an idiot. . 你真是个笨蛋Yep, thats me, I am that stupid. 没错 这就是我 我就是那么笨I had a dream last night where I was playing football with my kid. 我昨晚梦见

8、自己在和我儿子在玩橄榄球Thats nice. 真温馨No, no, with him. 不 他是球Im on this field, and they, they hike me the baby 我在球场上 他们用我儿子开球And I, I know Ive gotta do something 我知道自己得做点什么cause the Tampa Bay defence is comin right at me. 因为坦帕湾队的防守球员逐渐逼近Tampa Bays got a terrible team. 坦帕湾队烂得要死Right, but, it is just me and the

9、baby, 没错 但只有我和我儿子so Im thinkin they can take us. 我想我们死定了And so I uh, hah-hah, I just heave it down field. 所以我只好把我儿子扔出去What are you crazy? Thats a baby! 什么 你疯啦 那是你儿子He should take the sack? 那他该擒杀吗Anyway, suddenly Im down field, 总之 突然我又到了前场and I realise that Im the one whos supposed to catch him, righ

10、t? 我发现该接住我儿子的人是我Only I know there is no way Im gonna get there in time, 但我绝对来不及赶过去So I am running, and running, 于是我跑啊跑and that, that is when I woke up. 然后就惊醒了See I, I am so not ready to be a father. 看 我根本还没准备好当爸爸Hey, youre gonna be fine. 你没问题的Youre one of the most caring, most responsible men in Nor

11、th America. 你是全美最细心最有责任感的男人Youre gonna make a great dad. 你将来一定是个好爸爸的Yeah, Ross. You and the baby just need better blocking. 没错罗斯 你和你儿子只需要提高防守Oh, have either one of you guys ever been to the Rainbow Room? 你们去过彩虹厅吗Is it real expensive? 真有那么贵Well, only if you order stuff. 只有点东西吃才会贵Im takin Ursula tonig

12、ht. Its her birthday. 我今晚要带厄休拉去 今天是她生日Wo-wo-whoa. What about Phoebes birthday? 等等 菲比的生日该怎么办Whens that? 什么时候Tonight. 今晚Oh, man. Whatre the odds of that happening? 天 怎么会有这么巧的事情You take your time. 慢慢想吧There it is! 这回想通了So whatre you gonna do? 你打算怎么办What can I do? 我能怎么办Look, I dont want to do anything t

13、o screw it up with Ursula. 我不想让厄休拉不开心And your friend Phoebe? 你的朋友菲比呢Well, if shes my friend, hopefully shell understand. 如果她是我朋友 希望她能谅解I mean, wouldnt you guys? 你们不是都能谅解吗Man, if you tried something like that on my birthday, 我生日时如果你敢这样做youd be starin at the business end of a hissy fit. 那你就等着我勃然大怒吧you

14、 add a pinch of saffron, it makes all the difference. 加上少量藏红花 就能使情况完全改观Okay, errrr, Monica? 摩妮卡Yes? .yes, she is. 在 在 她在呢- Hi, this is my friend Rachel. - Hi. -嗨 这是我朋友瑞秋 -嗨Hi, err Rachel. Im Dr.Mitchell. 瑞秋 我是米契尔大夫And Im his friend,Dr.Rosen. 我是他的朋友 罗森大夫Arent you a little cute to be a doctor? 你们当医生是否

15、太帅了一点Excuse me? 你说什么I meant er, young, young, 年轻 我是指年轻I meant young, young to be a doctor. 你当医生稍嫌年轻了点Oh good, Rach. 你真会说 瑞秋- Thank you. - Right. -谢谢 -好的so, he said it was just a sprain, and that was it. 他说这只是扭伤 就这样Uh, you left out the stupid part. 你忘了说我们做的蠢事Not stupid. 才不蠢呢The very cute, cute, cute doctors asked us out for tomorrow night, 这两位超级大帅哥医生约我们明晚出去a



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