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1、Unit 5 Signs第二课时 二次备课教学内容: Story time and Grammar time教学目标: 1. 知识目标:(1)学生能听懂,会读,会说,会写日常用语No eating or drinking, No littering, No parking, No smoking.(2)学生能听懂,会读,会说,会写句型What does it mean? It means.No littering/parking/smoking/.You can/cant.(3)学生能听懂、会说、会读词汇:Danger! Wet floor.2. 技能目标: (1)能正确朗读课文,灵活运用本单

2、元所学的句型整体复述语篇。(2)能掌握重点句型和日常用语What does it mean?It meansNo eating or drinking, No li ttering, No parking, No smoking.3. 情感目标:通过学习公共标志常识,加强社会公德教育,提高学生自身的文明素养。教学重点:学生能听懂,会读,会说,会写句型What does it mean? It means.No littering/parking/smoking/.You can/cant.教学难点:熟练掌握重点句型和日常用语:What does it mean? It means No lit

3、tering/ parking/ smoking/ You can / cant课时训练点:熟练掌握关于标志的重点句型和日常用语教学准备:Picture, cards, blackboard assign.教学过程: Step 1 Revision Show the sentences of “story time” then read and judge.1. Play a game Yeah,Yeah,Yeah;No,No,No.2. Fill in the blanks.PlaceSignNameIt meansshopping centreWet _The floor is wet.j

4、uice shopNo litteringWe _litter.bookshopNo _ or_We cant _or _ .restaurantNo _We cant_Parking placeNo _you cant here.3. Learn “No parking ” “Danger!”4. The rules (构成规则)No +doing( 动词ing)No littering/parking/smoking名词/名词短语:Danger! Wet floor.祈使:Be quiet. Dont run.Step 2 New words课件呈现P51新标识:what do these

5、 signs mean?逐个呈现用what does it mean? It means.教学 Learn “No fishing / swimming” “No pets / Be careful.”Step 3 Grammar time1. act and guess将学生分为两人一组,一位学生用肢体语言来演绎标识的含义,另一位学生猜测标识的名称。2. 头脑风暴,发现规律向学生拓展介绍生活中其他常见的公共标识,或要求学生分享课前准备的公共标识。学生发现文字标识的构成规则:No +动名词/名词3. Bingo 操练S1: What does it mean? S2: It means归纳两种

6、回答方式:a. It means +句子b. It means +引号+ No +动名词/名词Step 4 Fun time1. 快速反应将棋盘上的10个公共标识呈现在黑板上,让学生看一分钟,在一分钟内看谁识记的标识多就获胜。Learn “Keep off the grass” “No picking / feeding” “No running/shouting”2. Play a game P52 a.讲解规则,示范游戏。教师带领学生观察start和finish,明确规则。教师也可通过课件设定骰子点数,与学生示范游戏过程。b.小组活动同桌之间开展棋盘游戏。操练句型 S1: What doe

7、s the sign mean? S2: It means Step4 当堂训练1. Copy the new words and phrases: No eating or drinking. No littering. No smoking. Wet floor. Danger! No parking. No pets Be careful No swimming No fishing2. Make out some sentences with: What does it mean? It meansStep5 Homework 1 Review “Grammar time”.2. 与同桌操练“Fun time”.3. Do some exercise.板书设计:Unit5 Signs(Grammar time Fun time & culture time) Dont pick flowers Keep off the grass No feeding No Climbing 教后反思:


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