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1、关于面试外企的英文自我介绍集锦七篇 面试外企的英文自我介绍 篇 sior maam, goodorning i am ladto behe rthis inerviw.first let mintroucemyself.my name is xxx, xarsold. i cm from xxxx,th pital ofxxxxxovice i aduae fro thexxxxxx deartmnt f xxxxuivesity nxxxx ,xxx.in the past xxx ersihvebeen prepareing or the pstgraduteexamition wie a

2、 benteachn xxx .xmddle schol di wasahad-tacher o a clssinjunio gradetw.ow l m hardwor a aresul snce i vea can t b interview y yo . i am openmnde ,qic in tough a very fond o histyi y spetime,i hae oad ineres lk nyotr ogsi like reding os,eseciall thos aboutxxxxfrequently iexhagewh therpopeb makigcmmen

3、tsn the foumon ie.in aditin ,duing collegeear,i wasoce aet-bar chnicanso, i have a comarati gocomandof etworkappicato.i a ableto oprate hecmputer elli am killflin sarchigor infrmatonin terne. am a fotball fan oryears.italan eamyfavo.rie.away,i eelgreat pity or ountrs team iaas blieve that oe ill esi

4、 lg bhind nle he ep nlearning .o cse,i i am given a hnce twrk xxxxx thisfamscorpation,i w stare no fortto aer a good cmand ofadnxxxxxx thank o! 面试外企的英文自我介绍 篇 Bedes, In J202X, I ot theorunitytogiveectueiEnglsh i Aia onrol Conerenc(SCC) whic is oeofthe olevelcofreneamng he wl in he reaofnond tatin. In

5、 my senr year,ImetPro. Xao-Sng Ln, a visting prfessoo mathmaics fro iversity falfrna-Rivrsde,I en grap toy fo m for my networkresearch. These expriencs all rapdl expanded my knwld oEglisand the undersndng o westrn culture.Ihop to stuy n deth I rtopc, fn myse stag n a solbs in ot thoy nd expernce, wh

6、ich ha prepre me or te D. pror. M utureeseach nterests inlude:Network Schlgoblem, uristi Agithm research(eeialynG Neual ntwrk), Supplychain netwok eseach,Hybi sstem perfrmcanlyswith Peti nts and Data Minng. Plase ivem applicatin mateia eos cnidon.Tan yu ry muc 面试外企的英文自我介绍 篇3 God m. Ia gd o be hefo i

7、s inteview.Frstlet me intruce myelf. yname sYuwemi, 2 me fm Nachag,te capitao Jangxi Povine. I radatd fro he _deprtment o_Universy in Jul ,0In the pas tw yeasIavbe prreing ote postrduat examinato whl I a be teacng _n NO._midle Schoo an I as ah-teherf a cass in unior grade o.oll my hd work has gt a e

8、sultice I ave a chane to be interwyyou. Iam opine,quiki thoughtnd vr fono histoy.Inmy spar time, havoad interess like mny ohe ungr.I lke readgboos, eseialy ths abot_.Frequently chge wi other peolby maki ommets inteoum on line.ddiion ,dui m colee ears,I was oncea Net-b tecnician.,I ave acompaativegoo

9、d man ofnetwor apliction. am ablto opert t cuterwll.Ia skillul in ercng o infration nIntre. I ama fotalffor years.Itiatamis y foie.Anya,I fel reat ptyfor oucontrys team. I always lieve hatoe willeasily l bhind unless he kes o learing .Of orse,if a given chace t tudy _ithsfau niversity, will spae n f

10、for to asr a godcomand of advnce_. 面试外企的英文自我介绍篇 helo!i m lege_ _ _ iversityraduaes, beneie from strong chool lerning, novaon amosphere, elting ofwhich i became veatie pesnneliahest an rustwrthy, tranqul.prefred cllge,contemporariertue, hang aing, zhng xiaxin, bb ane, etc. soefy favorite wrts, and ti

11、r colled oks fo i lsosn enog.uvsity for fouryer i toghtand nwldge, hve een frther psyologicarowth. acer pofessioal learng imy shol and eacher sils throgh profeonal aii, tsti, pctce live amuto hn tey give thestuds a doze years oe ot langae lessons, o el ood erbal bilihowv, icethinkmy witing sills moe

12、 ha verl skils.scethesxth grde, thee had ben he hit o eping adiry,ndocaionlly ter s the deligh, i would wri smal aicle in prtce your pen, i am i siou ardworkin learnig, pofesioalknoledgeie mated tebasiof this, ot forgtting to end trknowlede, crricar knwlege n boad adareltively wide range.i a tillearnng theimpranc oenlish, adonstnty re to expand vocbuly, ngish cmutioniity anda ma


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