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1、利通十四小2011-2012学年第一学期六年级13模块测试试卷学校 班级 姓名 听力部分:一选出你听到的单词,并把代号填入题前的括号内 (10分):( ) 1.Amine Bmany Cmy Dmore ( ) 2.Abanana BCanada Ccake Dcan( ) 3.Amess Bmiss CMs DMr( ) 4.Amap Bstand Cstamp Dsit ( ) 5.Aother Banother Ctheir Dthese( ) 6.Awoman Bwomen Cmountain Dmeat( ) 7.Ateddy Bcopy Chobby Dmummy( ) 8.Aco

2、llect Bcat Ccap Dcake ( ) 9.Aready Breally Creal Dbusy( ) 10.Asometimes Bsome time Csome Dtime二听音判断下列句子是否正确,正确的在题前的括号内写“T”错误的在题前的括号内写“F” (10分):( ) 1.This postcard is great( ) 2.Tell me more about the Great Wall .( ) 3.There s a Chinatown in Washington D.C.( ) 4.These stamps are from China.( ) 5.Ive

3、got lots of beautiful stamps .三听句子,找出对应的答语,把正确答案的代号填入前面的括号内 (10分):( ) 1.AThese are postcards . B Its about 6700 kilometres ( ) 2. AYes , there is . BNo, it isnt .( ) 3. ANo, I dont BYes , I have .( ) 4. ACollecting stamps is my hobby . BThey are famous men and women .( ) 5. AThe Changjiang River . B

4、The West Lake .笔试部分:四根据句意填写出下面的单词(20分):1. These ( 卡片 ) are great .2. The Great Wall is about six (千) seven hundred (公里) .3.There are lots of Chinese shops and ( 饭店 ) there . And theres Chinese ( 舞蹈 )4. ( 收集 ) stamps is my ( 爱好 ) . 5.These stamps are foumous ( 男人 ) and ( 女人 ) .6.Have you got any Amer

5、ican ( 邮票 ) ?五用所给动词的适当形式填空(30分):1.Daming ( visit ) America now . 2. ( tell ) me more about the Great Wall .3.China and Japan ( be ) in the east and Mexico ( be )in the south.4. you ( miss ) China ? Sometimes .5. We ( go ) to Chinatown tomorrow .6.They ( collect ) lots of great stamps last year .7.Gi

6、rls like ( dance ) and ( play ) football is boys hobby .8.Lets ( go ) to Chinatown now .六.选择词填空,并把正确答案写在题中横线上,注意大小写(10分):A. has got Bhave got Cthere are Dthere is 1. some beautiful squares in Dalian .2. a book and a pen on her desk .3.They a lovely dog .4. She some photos .5.The desk four legs .七情景交

7、际:根据情境从下面的选项中选择适当的句子完成对话,并将相应句子的序号写在题目中横线上。(10分):Daming : Look at this postcard . Its a picture of the Great Wall .Simon: Daming : Its about six thousand seven hundred kilometers .Simon : Wow ! Daming: Tell me something about New York . Simon : Its very big . Its got eight million people .Daming:Tha

8、t is big .Simon : Daming: Its got about fourteen million people .Simon : Daming:Yes, I have . Simon :Yes , I do. They are very great ! AHow big is it ? BHow long is it ? CHow big is Beijing ? DDo you like them ? EHave you got postcards of Beijing ?八、小作文。写一段介绍自己的话,比如:姓名、年龄、外貌性格特征、爱好、能力等等,字数不少于40个单词。提示: tall/ short/fat/ thin nice/ beautiful/ cute fly kites/play football/ read books /ride a bike Im/ My name is I like/is my hobby.I can/cant.


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