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1、恩波考研中国考研辅导第一品牌英语基础导学系类老师讲义肖克考研英语语法及长难句剖析和精讲Part 1.长难句课程教学目标(1) 精确掌握20多种各种句型结构以及独特的拆分方法(2) 精通难句的万能技巧 长难句的“三步走”。(3) 疯狂练习历年真题中出现频率最高的300多个经典句子,洞穿精华句型。(4) 夯实基础,讲解句子的基本成分, 从初级到高级各种语法现象,包括倒装, 省略,强调句等等。(5) 把难句“字面化逐字翻译”提高到“意群性分析性翻译”到“无意识的机械化理解”(6) 全面提升难句分析准确性和效率,把握每个难句的潜在命题点和出题方向, 讲解正确答案特征(7)熟练闪光句型的写作原理,为未来

2、写作的妙笔生辉和下笔有神做好准备(8)通过分析长难句打通英文文化思维,树立强大的西方式阅读模式(9)通过分析长难句精讲和扩充一千个考研核心词汇,为词汇的飞跃做好储备(10)通过分析长难句打好阅读基础,为将来的段落分析和文章宏观的驾驭能力打好基础Part2宏观介绍拆分长难句子以及中西方语言区别(1)Experts suggest that speech stages are reached at a constant age and promoted gradually accordi ng to the tale nts of huma ns, but there are cases wher

3、e speech hasstarted late in a child who eventually turns out to be of high IQ and has great talents in sol ving mathematical and physical problems.(2) The American economic system is organized around a basicallyprivate-enterprise, market-orie nted economy in which con sumers largely determ ine what

4、shall be producedby spending their money in the marketplace for those goods that they want most and when and where the products should be sold to get their uttermost atte nti on.Part 3英语基本的句型主谓结构(SV)(1) All the folks in the theatre were deeply moved.(2) The existenee of both racial and sexual discri

5、mination in employment is well docume nted.(3) Certa in forms of polite ness should be observed as well.主-谓-宾(SVO)(1) All parents have to solve the problems of freedom and discipline.(2) Early upbringing in the home is affected both by the educationalpattern of thecountry and by the parents capabili

6、ties.(3) Every one dreams of atta ining success in his careers. 主-系-表(SVC)(1) She is feeli ng depressed and frustrated today.(2) In that way, competiti on can become a sen sible and positive way.(3) To makemistakes and to repeat making the same ones are too serious to be forgive n.(4) 主-谓-直接宾语-间接宾语(

7、S-V-Od-Oi)(1) He offered me a great hand.(2) Computers offer con sumers many convenien ces.(3) The modern white furniture and the special painting give the store an expensive look.(5) 主-谓-宾语-宾语补语(SVOC)(1) Tom made Jim cry loudly.(2) We pain ted the roof red.(3) His disorderly behaviors have let his

8、girlfrie nd dow n.(6) 主-谓-形式宾语it-名词短语或形容词-真正宾语(1) Some students hold it a sensible choice to reform the economic system.(2) We con sider it reas on able to study abroad.(3) We hold it highly necessary to rake a rational attitude towards internet.(7) 主-谓-宾语-宾语的同位语(1) I am crazy about the film of Tita

9、nic, a romantic story I can never forget.(2) Some wome n are n ormally in active in social activity in the Arabia n country but,all of a sudde n, start a political campaig n, an action that tur ns aga inst the prese nt political system.Part 4句子成分的深刻剖析Part1主语成分(1) 名词做主语Pessimists say that the human i

10、s facing extinction.(2) 动名词做主语Now keeping pets is more and more prevale nt in many developed coun tries.(3) 代词做主语After a light passenger-plane flew off the airport 10 minutes ago,it crashed in themountains and its pilot was killed.(4) 不定式做主语To commit suicide is a cowardly behavior.丽语It is impossible

11、 for most learners to study English abroad.(6) 主语从句做主语That haste makes waste is a proverb full of logic.(7) “the ”加形容词做主语However adverse the circumsta nee is,the stro ng in life firmly believe acti on is morereliable tha n luck.(8) 数词做主语Each year thousands of graduates flood the job market, waving t

12、heir college diplomas and certificates.(9) 短语做主语A girl of great wisdom and of fasci nat ing personalityis what you are looki ng for.(10) as做主语As is known to all, we now have a two-day weeke nd, which means we have one more day for a rest after a week s work and study.真题中的复杂的主语(1) Feelings of righteo

13、us in dig nati on , it seems, are not the preserve of people alone.(2) Stren gthe ning econo mic growth , at the same time as win ter grips the n orther n hemisphere, could push the price higher(3) A bill by the Democratic Senator Robert, which would offer financial incentivesfor private industry, i

14、s a promising start.(4) The no ti on of not discrim in at ing on the basis of inborn tale nt is highly regarded.(5) Proper, scie ntific study of the impacts of dams and of the cost and ben efits ofcon trolli ng the watercan help us to resolve these con flicts.(6) Examples of ben efits or costs of th

15、e curre nt concen trati on waveare sca nty.(7) The select ing role of the en vir onment in shap ing and maintaining the behaviorof the in dividualis only beg inning to be recog ni zed and studied.(8) It is crucial that our nation and the world base important policies on the best judgme nts that scie nee can provide concerning the future con seque nces of prese nt acti ons.Part 2 宾语(1) Too little conflict breedsapathy(冷漠)and stagnation( 呆滞) .Too much conflictleads to divisivenessand hostility (仇恨) .Moderate levels of conflict,



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