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1、对于智力及智力测验的反思【因由】根据本章的学习,结合两次智力测验实践及测试结果,谈谈你对智力测验的测验内容、测验形式和结果解释等方面的认识。【我的管见】经过了一个多月的书本学习,并实际经历了几次的实际施测,广泛参考了近百年来诸多先哲的观点,我对“智力”和“智力测验”,以及“智力测验”的广泛实际应用,是抱有怀疑的态度的。以下我将从几个层面,来阐述我的看法【从智力定义说起】这里先引用一些先哲的看法:一) 我国心理学界的学者认为:智力是观察力、记忆力、想象力、思维力的综合,思维力是其核心。我见:从其所概括的四个方面来解读,起码是遗漏了不少的关键侧面(例如适应力,决策力,反应度,敏感度等等),以及诸多

2、协同后的作用效果,并且其所分类是否存在重叠。二) 斯腾伯格(R. J. Sternberg):几乎没有一个心理学概念象智力概念那样如此广泛地被接受和运用,同时又是如此难以捉摸、令人困惑。我见:其实此先哲所言,既非定义,也绝非局限于心理学,只是间接说明了两个方面的情况,1,智力能被定义之困难程度;2,“智力”其实并非如他所言乃是来自心理学一个层面,早在东方世界的史前(公元前),就有“道”(来自老子)、“摩诃”(来自梵语)、识(来自佛学)等等词汇。三) 斯腾(L. W. Stern):“智力是指个体有意识的以思维活动适应新环境的一种潜力。”我见:此位先哲从其措词来看,乃是属于非常小心谨慎的说法,其

3、着重点在于“个体”、“有意识地”、“思维活动”、“潜力”,但我觉得他只是把这一能力局限在“适应新环境”似乎过于狭隘。四) 韦克斯勒(David Wechsler):智力是一个假设的结构,它是一个人有目的地行动,合理地思维,并有效地处理周围事物的整体能力。我见:此位先哲的定义,更趋向于社会的实际情况,与(三)相比,同样强调了“个体/一个人”、“有意识/有目的”、“思维活动/合理地思维”,其不同点有两处,一个是强调“新环境”,一个则是“周围事物(环境)”;另一个不同是,先者强调是“潜力”,后者强调是“有效处理的整体能力”。比较而言,韦克斯勒的说法,更为周全。但两位先哲的落脚点,始终没有超出个体,以

4、及利用思维处理食物能力的范畴。五) 哈佛大学心理学家加德纳(Howard Gardner)在1983年提出了多元智能理论(Theory of multiple intelligences):他在心智的架构(Frames of Mind)这本书里提出,人的智力应该是一个量度他的解题能力(ability to solve problems)的指标。人类的智能至少可以分成八个范畴:1. 逻辑 (logical/ Mathematical); 2. 语文 (verbal/linguistic);3. 空间 (Visual/ spatial);4. 音乐 (musical /Rhythmic);5. 肢

5、体运作 (Bodily/ kinesthetic);6. 内省 intra-personal /Introspective,其他学者从中分拆出“灵性智能”(spiritual intelligence);7. 人际 (inter-personal /Social);8. 自然探索 (naturalist,加德纳在1995年补充)。我见:当然从中文译文来看,同样的“intelligences”,被中译者采用了不同的对应词,很容易引起误解,这且不论。至少从他所分离出来的八个范畴来看,起码有五个是传统智力以及智力测验里所忽略的(48),当然原因可能很简单,因为这些范畴在当时的测试技术层面,无法做到“


7、受到广泛的争议,例如在Intellectual relativism,Lack of empirical evidence等方面,这里就不展开讨论了。六) 智力是指生物一般性的精神能力。 这个能力包括以下几点:理解、计划、解决问题, 抽象思维, 表达意念以及语言和学习的能力(Intelligence is a property of mind that encompasses many related abilities, such as the capacities to reason, to plan, to solve problems, to think abstractly, to

8、comprehend ideas, to use language, and to learn.)。大英百科全书当概括“动物智力”时,使用以下的词汇:“通过改变自身、改变环境或找到一个新的环境去有效地适应环境的能力”。我见:这个定义,似乎有“唯心”的倾向,不过却是非常踏实而简约的说法。不过当今的主流智力测验,却往往忽视了这些特质“creativity, personality, character, knowledge, or wisdom.”。我这里不欲翻译成中文,以免转换中的偏差。七) 1995年来自“American Psychological Association”的一份报告“Int

9、elligence: Knowns and Unknowns”中,提及了“Individuals differ from one another in their ability to understand complex ideas, to adapt effectively to the environment, to learn from experience, to engage in various forms of reasoning, to overcome obstacles by taking thought. Although these individual differ

10、ences can be substantial, they are never entirely consistent: a given persons intellectual performance will vary on different occasions, in different domains, as judged by different criteria. Concepts of intelligence are attempts to clarify and organize this complex set of phenomena. Although consid

11、erable clarity has been achieved in some areas, no such conceptualization has yet answered all the important questions and none commands universal assent. Indeed, when two dozen prominent theorists were recently asked to define intelligence, they gave two dozen somewhat different definitions.”我见:个体的

12、差异,种族的差异,遗传的差异,以及成长文化环境的差异,导致了研究者的种种的偏视,其他还有社会的复杂性、综合性,个体的或然性、不可预测性,也大大提升了学者们对于智力以及智力测验研究的困难。八) 1994年来自“Mainstream Science on Intelligence”,有52位“intelligence researchers”认为:“a very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstrac

13、tly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience. It is not merely book learning, a narrow academic skill, or test-taking smarts. Rather, it reflects a broader and deeper capability for comprehending our surroundingscatching on, making sense of things, or figuring out what to d

14、o.”我见:他们很明显地意识到从前“书本学习”、“学业能力”、“考试能力”的狭隘性,并提出了他们的三大范畴,这样才能使得智力的研究,和发展的世界和社会更为契合。九) 最后为了不偏颇所见,一并罗列更多先哲的看法(部分著名先哲的观点,已经预先罗列),但并不一一展开讨论:Carolus Slovinec: Intelligence is the ability to recognize connections.Alfred Binet: .judgment, otherwise called good sense, practical sense, initiative, the faculty o

15、f adapting ones self to circumstances.auto-critique.(此人为著名的智力测验量表的编制者)David Wechsler: . the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his environment.(上面已经独立讨论,这里谨引原文)Cyril Burt: .innate general cognitive ability.Howard Gard

16、ner: To my mind, a human intellectual competence must entail a set of skills of problem solvingenabling the individual to resolve genuine problems or difficulties that he or she encounters and, when appropriate, to create an effective productand must also entail the potential for finding or creating problemsand thereby laying the groundwork for the acquisition of new knowledge.(同样,已经在上面独立讨论


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