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1、选择与是非1、 Britain,also known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.It comprises the mainland of England,Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland.People from England may also be called English,people from Scotland Scottish,and people from Wales Welsh,people from Northern Ireland Northe

2、rn Irish.“The sun never set”The English Channel lies between Britain and France.2、The history of Britain begins with the Anglo-Saxons,who invaded Great Britain about ADE 449.3、The barons forced John in 1215 to accept the Magna Carta,or Great Charter.4、The Glorious Revolution happened in 1688.William

3、 and Mary affirmed the Bill of Rights in 1689.A Toleration Act gave freedom of worship to Protestant dissenters.5、The Hundred Years War refers to the war between France and England from 1337 to 1453.6、The Wars of the Roses were fought between two branches of the Plantagenet family,the House of Lanca

4、ster and the House of York.7、The sources of law include (1) statutes; (2) a large amount of “unwritten” or common law; (3) equity law8、Parliament comprises three parts:the Crown,the House of Lords,and the House of Commons.9、Since 1066,England got into the Middle Ages.10、The period of Elizabeth I is

5、the Englands golden age.11、William Shakespeare:Richard III Henry VI Romeo and JulietThe Tragedy of Hamlet,Othello,King Lear,MacbethTwelfth Night The TempestJohn Milton:Paradise LostJohn Bunyan:The Pilgrims Progress12、Queen Victoria ruled Britain from 1837 to 1901.Victorian Era was represented by suc

6、h 19th century ideals as devotion to family life,public and private responsibility,and obedience to the law.13、Four stages of British education:(1)Nursery and Primary Schools (2)Secondary Schools (3)Further education (4)Higher education14、Public schools:著名大学:15、国会委任首相做领导人16、The United States of Amer

7、ica is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district. Britain is a constitutional monarchy.The national capital is Washington D.C. .17、Mount Rushmore,is a monumental granite sculpture of the heads of former United States president(left to right):George Washington,T

8、homas Jefferson,Theodore Roosevelt,and Abraham Lincoln.18、The United States Government is comprised of federal,state,and local laws,bodies,and agencies that are responsible for carrying out the operations of the United States.19、To implement its essential democratic ideas,the United States has built

9、 its government on four elements:l popular sovereigntyl representative governmentl checks and balancesl federalism20、In the United States,there have been two major political parties the Democrat and Republican parties. In the Britain,there have been two major political parties the Conservative Party

10、 and the Labor Party.21、The Declaration of Independence :1776The preamble declared that “all men are created equal”,and that they possess natural rights that “Life,Liberty,and the pursuit of Happiness”.22、The Civil War:1861-1865 The chief and immediate cause of the war was slavery.23、In a preliminar

11、y Emancipation Proclamation(1862.9),Lincoln declared that slaves in all states on January 1,1863,would be“forever free”.24、The raid on Pearl Harbor on December 7,1941,it unified the American people in a fervent commitment to war.25、罗斯福(Roosevelt)新政的3个法律:The measures of 1933 included:the Agricultural

12、 Adjustment Act;the National Industrial Recovery Act;the Public Works Administration.26、The Cold War was fought between the United States and the Soviet Union.27、The Marshall Plan helped rebuild the shattered nations of Western Europe.28、The Prosperity of 1950s:Among the most striking features of Am

13、erican society in the 1950s and early 1960s was a booming economic growth.29、Movements of 1960s of America:the civil rights movement,the womens movement,the youth movement,and the environmental movement.30、America in the 1980s:the Me! Me! Me! generation口号:“Shop Till you Drop”以下是第一次画的,作为补充:1、Industri

14、al revolution:1750-18302、美国三权分立的机构:Congress ,The Count ,The president3、the Congress is divided into two chambers the Senate and the House of Representatives4、Education in the United States is provided mainly by government,with control and funding coming from three levels:federal,state,and local.5、Ea

15、ch of the fifty states has its own Department of Education that sets guidelines for the schools of that state.6、Following World War II,the GI Bill made college education possible for many veterans.7、The first Americans are believed to be migrants from eastern Siberia on the northern portion of the A

16、sian mainland between 40000 BCE and 12000 BCE by crossing Beringia into Alaska.8、The Pilgrims,founders of Plymouth,Massachusetts,arrived in 1620.9、the American Revolutionary War(or the “American War of Independence”): 17751783一、 名词解释1. The Beatles(甲壳虫乐队):British rock group, which revolutionized popular music around the world in the 1960s w



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