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1、Spring FestivalThe Spring Festival is known as the most important Festival in Chi na. During the holiday, people go back to hometow n from everywhere no matter how far the dista nee is. They prepare various delicious food and prese nts for the Spring Festival Eve. Chin ese will have a happy family u

2、nion in the Spring Festival Eve, they believe that s the end day of last year and they will stay up for good luck un til the first day of n ext year.In China, the most traditional and popular Spring Festival food is dumpling, which looks like the moon with vegetables and meat mixed in it.The Chin es

3、e n ame of dumpli ng is“ JIAOZl ”,” JIAO” means ” cross ” , ” Zl ” Ch in ese traditi onal time represents“24:00 ” , so the Chinese word“JIAO Zl ” means “cross24:00 ” , just the dividing point of last year and next year. So whe n it comes to 24:00, every family beg ins eati ng dumpli ngs.Firecracker

4、is also necessary for Spring Festival, the story of Firecracker is: Long ago, in a small village, there appeared a savage animal called“ NIAN , this animal always came out toeat people in the Eve. One day, villagers found three things can make “ NIAN scared: Red color, Fire and noise. So when“ NIANc

5、ame aga in, villagers put up red paper on the door and setfirecra cker everywhere. After that,“ NIAN disappeared fromthat village. Now putt ing up red paper on the door and sett ing firecracker becomes Spring Festival customs and people believe doing these will bring their family safety.Spring Festi

6、val is also the happiest time for children, because they can get red en velope containing money as a gift from the elder. During the Spring Festival, any unfortunate word cannot be heard because it will make people upset and un happy. People also make use of this holiday to visit their relatives and

7、 bring them some prese nts and well-wish ing.1. The Lantern FestivalThe Lantern Festival is January 15 on the lunar calendar.The lunar January is the first month of a year and 15th is the firstday of full moon. Therefore, Lantern Festival is an importa nt Festival right after Spring Festival.During

8、Lantern Festival, people go along the street to watch lanterns and childre n light their own small la nterns for some fun. The biggest and most beautiful la ntern is the drago n lantern, which looks like a flying drag on, held by several young guys. One with a ball in hand leads the drag on to move.

9、Some lanterns have puzzles on them, called lantern puzzle, the one who gets the an swer could receive small prese nts and be happy for his in tellige nee.The traditional food for Lantern Festival is rice glue ball.Rice glue ball is a flavor ball with filli ng in it, for example, pea nutfilli ng, ses

10、ame filli ng and jam filli ng,the rice glue ball shapeis just like the full moon appears in the sky. This kind of dessert is especially welcomed by childre n.2. Tomb- sweeping DayTomb -sweep Day is an ancient festival in spring, also calledQing Ming Festival. I n an cie nt China, the emperor worship

11、ped heave n and earth in order to bless for harvest. People worshipped their an cestors with sacrifice and showed their miss ing for an cestors.Tomb-sweep ing Day, are always rainy days, just like the skycrying for dead people. A Chin ese poem described as follow ing:Qing Ming usually comes with rai

12、ny daysPasse ngers on the way are full of sore nessI ask a Buffalo boy for taver n to release my sad nessHe points to the village covered by apricot blossomsThis poem The Day of Qi ng Ming ” is writte n by a poet calledDu Mu in Tang Dyn asty. Qing Ming Festival is the day to worshiphis mother with f

13、amily, but the writer goes alone in the rainydays as a passe nger far from his hometow n, he felt deeply upsetand sorrowed. He has to find a taver n to have a drink, perhaps in this way he will release himself from sad ness.3. The Dragon Boat FestivalThe Drag on Boat Festival is in May 5th on the lu

14、nar cale ndar.The beg inning of this festival is in memory of Qu Yuan, a wisemin ister and poet in Chu dyn asty, who jumped into Mi Luo Riverin lunar May 5 th for despair of country, unfair treat anddefamation. People threw rice dumplings to River to protect hisbody from eat ing by fish and showed t

15、heir respect for Qu Yua nno ble spirit.In rece nt China, people also eat rice dumpli ngs in Drag onBoat Festival. From the n ame, we can directly know thecampaig n of this festival is Drago n Boati ng. A team of strongstmen on the Drago n Boat will try their best to win 1and showChin ese stron gest

16、spirits.People use moxa to clea n themselves and use five-colorthread cross ing small childre narms and fin gers to keep ill nessfar away.5. Mid-Autu mn DayMid-autu mn Day is August 15th on lunar cale ndar. Accord ingto history records, Chin ese emperor has traditi on that worship the Sun in spri ng and worship the Moon in autu mn. As august 15 th is exactly the mi



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