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1、荆州市高中英语参评试题一, 多项选择(10分)21. There are some _when we have to change our mind just before doing it.A .situations B. occasions C. circumstances D. conditions22. We all dont know why Tom can tell whats written on the paper in another room without looking at it. It really _ explanation. A. prevents B. cha

2、llenges C. interrupts D. confuses23. A great number of people will walk away from buying goods in a shop because they are so _queuing. A .fed up with B. put up with C. caught up with D. teamed up with 24. A dog in London has been taking a bus regularly. The driver even knows where to _ this special

3、passenger. A. drop out B. pick out C. leave behind D. put down 25. The Japanese governments so called purchase of the Diaoyu Island will inevitably have a(n)_impact on China-Japan economic and trade ties. A. effective B .productive C. negative D. creative 26. You may as well go an outing all by your

4、self; _I may keep you company. A. differently B. alternatively C. accordingly D. automatically27. What astonished us was that the murder case had been dismissed _any definite proof. A. in the charge of B. in the absence of C. in the possession of D. in the name of28. _ students are from the south an

5、d they like having sweet food. A. Many a B. More than one C. A great deal of D. A number of 29. - Do you have a few minutes? I have got something important to tell you. -Ok, _ you make it short. A. now that B. if only C. so long as D. every time30. Not only _, but we should also put what we have lea

6、rnt into good use. A. we should study hard B. we study hard C. should we study hard D. we shouldnt study hard二,完形填空(20分) Two traveling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and _31_ to let the angels stay in the mansions guest room. _32_ the angels we

7、re given a small space in the cold basement. As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and _33_ it. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied, “Things arent always what they seem.” The next night the pair came to _34_ at the house of a very poor

8、, but very 1 _35 farmer and his wife. After _36_ what little food they had the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good nights rest. When the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and his wife _37_.Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income,

9、 lay _38_ in the field, The younger angels was _39_ and asked the older angel _40_ could you have let this happen? “The first man had everything, yet you _41_ him, she accused. The second family had little but was _42_ to share everything, and you let the cow die.”“Things arent always what they seem

10、,” the older angel replied. “When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there was gold _43_ in that hole in the wall. _44_ the owner was so obsessed with _45_ and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the wall so he wouldnt _46_ it.”“Then last night as we slept in the farmers b

11、ed, the angel of _47_ came for his wife. I gave him the cow instead. Things arent always what they seem.”Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things dont _48_ the way they should. If you have faith, you just need to _49_ that every outcome is always to your _50_. You might not know it until s

12、ome time later 31. A .permitted B. refused C. objected D. preferred32. A .So B. Still C. Instead D. Therefore33. A filled B. neglected C. repaired D. protected34. A. eat B. visit C. play D rest35. A. easy-going B. hard-working C. kind-hearted D. hospitable36. A. eating B. sharing C cooking D. prepar

13、ing37. A in delight B. in astonishment C. in detail D. in tears38. A .dead B death C. silent D. wide39. A puzzled B. sad C. angry D. scared40. A what B. where C. how D. when41. A hurt B. bore C. helped D. protected42. A. willing B. afraid C. supposed D. sure43. A. appeared B. stored C. thrown D. packed44. A .Though B. Even if C. As if D. Since45. A. hatred B. greed C. death D. goodness46. A. waste B. find C. cheat D. stored47. A .love B .victory C. sorrow D. death48. A .break out B. turn out C. get out D. carry out49. A. think B. accept C. trust


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