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1、天津正通有限责任会计事务所Tianjin Zhengtong Acco untant Office of Limited Liability地址:中国天津市和平区赤岩峰道33号Add : No. 33, Chiyanfeng Road , Heping District, Tianjin ,China电话:27121541传真:27125659TEL: 27121541FAX :27125659验资报告Capital Contribution V erification Report津正通业验字(2002 )第174号Verification No. 174 (2002), Tianjin Z

2、he ngtong, Chi na天津市诺德科技发展有限公司(筹)全体股东:To all in vestor(s) of Tianjin Nord Tech no logy Developme nt Co., Ltd.,我们接受委托,审验了贵公司(筹)截止2002年9月19日止申请设立登记的注册资本实收 情况。We accepted the appointment to examine the Paid-in registered capital contribution of the compa ny as at September 19, 2002 in respect of its ap

3、plicati on for in corporati on and registrati on.按照国家相关法律、法规的规定和协议、章程的要求出资,提供真实,合法、完整的验资材 料,保护资产的安全、完整是全体股东及贵公司(筹)的责任。The responsibilities of all its investor(s) and the Company are to ensure that the capital con tributio ns comply with the legal requireme nts of the releva nt laws, regulati ons, ag

4、reeme nts, con tracts and articles of associati on; to provide true, legitimate and complete in formati on for thes assets.verificati on of capital con tributi ons and to safeguard the Compa ny我们的责任是对贵公司(筹)注册资本的实收情况发表审验意见。我们的审验是依据独立审计实务公告第 1号一一验资进行的。Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the

5、 Paid-in registered capital contribution in accordanee with the Statement of Independent Auditing Practicee Pronouncements No.1: Verificati on of Capital Con tributi on.在审验过程中,我们结合贵公司(筹)的实际情况,实施了检查等必要的审验程序。In the course of our exam in ati on, we performed exam in ati on procedures as we con sidered

6、n ecessary in the circumsta nces.根据有关协议、合同、章程的规定,贵公司(筹)申请登记的注册资本为人民币30万元,由李鸿、孙玉娟于2002年9月19日之前缴足。Accord ing to the agreeme nts, con tracts and articles of associati on, the Compa ny sregistered capital to be contributed by Lihong and Sunyujuan is RMB 300,000 yuan and shall be fully con tributed prior

7、 to September 19, 2002 .经我们审验,截至2002年9月19日止,贵公司(筹)已收到全体股东缴纳的注册资本合计 人民币30万元(叁拾万元)。Based on our exam in ati on and as at September 19, 2002, the Compa ny had received capital con tribution of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND YUAN RMB con tributed by all in vestor(s).全体股东以货币出资30万元,货币出资金额占注册资本的比例为100%。The aforesa

8、id actual capital con tributi onin the form of cash acco unts for 100% of the registeredcapital.本验资报告仅供贵公司 (筹)申请设立登记及据以向出资者签发出资证明时使用,不应将其视为是对贵公司(筹)验资报告日后资本保全、偿债能力和持续经营能力等的保证,因使用不当所造成的后果,与执行本验资业务的注册会计师及会计事务所无关。This Capital V erificati on Report is only for the use of the Compa ny to apply for its in

9、corporati on and registrati on and to issue in vestme nt certificate to the in vestors.It is not to be deemed as aguarantee or an assuranee of the Company abilities in maintaining capital, repaying debts or operati ng as a going concern. The Certified Public Acco untants and the Acco un ti ng Firm w

10、ho performed this verificati on shall not be held liable for any con seque nces caused by the misuse of this Cap italVerificatio n Report.附件:(1)验资事项说明(2)注册资本实收情况明细表Attachment: (1) Specification of Capital V erification(2)Detail list of Paid-in Registered Capital天津正通有限责任会计事务所Tianjin Zhengtong Acco untant Office of Limited Liability副主任会计师张颖Deputy Director Acco untant: Zhang Ying中国注册会计师:李玉珍Chinese Certified Public Accountant: Li Y u Zhen中国天津市和平区赤岩峰道33号No. 33, Chi Fe ng Road , Hepi ng District, Tianjin ,Chi na报告日期:2002年9月19日Report Date: September 19th,2002


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