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1、精品英文感谢信范文5篇(英文感谢信及翻译)下面是我收集的精品英文感谢信范文5篇(英文感谢信及翻译),供大家赏析。精品英文感谢信范文1I am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to me during my recent visit to Beijing. I would also like to thank you for your interesting discussion with me which I have found very informative and useful.Dur

2、ing the entire visit, I was overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by you. I sincerely hope we could have more exchanges.I am looking forward to your early visit to my hometown when I will be able to pay back some of the hospitality I received during my memorable stay in beautiful Beijing. With kin

3、d personal regards.Faithfully yours. 第4篇:给同学的英语感谢信I am writing this to express my sincere gratitude to your kindness.It is very nice of you to pay a visit when I stayed in hospital,I felt warm and relieved when I saw you.I attribute my quick recovery to your care.I wish to keep our friendship foreve

4、r!Thanks again and take care!Yours,XX精品英文感谢信范文2Dear Mr. Martin:I want to thank you for the beautiful roses you sent to my mother. She was very happy and pleased when she saw they were from you.I m glad to say she is recovering, and I hope she will soon be able to leave the hospital.We both send you

5、our warmest thanks for the flowers and your very kind wishes.Sincerely,John Granby精品英文感谢信范文3This thesis completed in XXX under the guidance of tutor. Teacher profound specialized knowledge, rigorous doing scholarly research attitude, strives for perfection the work style, evangelistic noble ethics,

6、discipline, live and let live lofty style, simple cannot, approachable personality charm of far-reaching influence on himself. Learning to make himself not only set up the lofty goal, mastered the basic research methods, also make I understand a lot of people skills. This paper from the selected top

7、ic to finish, every step is done under the guidance of tutor, pour into the teacher a lot of effort. Here, wish to tutor said high respect and heartfelt thanks! In the process of writing papers, met a lot of problems, in under the guidance of the teachers patience, problems are solved. So, here agai

8、n the teacher say: teacher, thank you!精品英文感谢信范文4Dear Dad,I really need to say thank you to you and I have one thousand reasons to do so.Do you remember that day when I broke my nose because of a small fighting? At first, I decided to make a revenge and hurt that boy. I am now glad that you stopped m

9、e and that boy became my friend instead of an enemy. That is the right way of life. You made me realize it.And do you rememberI have so many similiar examples for which gratitude should be given to you, Without you, path of my life may have diverted in a really bad way. Thank you, Dad.You will alway

10、s be my closest friend and a true mentor of life.Sincere love,Zhang San精品英文感谢信范文5奶奶您好!您最近好吗?听说您跌倒了,我真的一下子心都冷了。我真的恨不得马上来到您的身边照顾您。记得小时候您总是这样对我说“蕾蕾,你长大后一定不要向奶奶一样,一辈子什么出息都没有。奶奶这辈子被人欺负惯了,已经没有什么事可怕的了,你不一样,你才刚刚踏入社会,还有很多事等着你去做。你要学会独立,要学会坚强,遇到有多困难的事都要勇敢的去面对,不要别人看到你软弱的一面。”您对我说的这么话我都记在脑海里,从来不曾忘记过。蕾蕾对不起您,蕾蕾太让您失望了,太让您伤心了,您脚不方便的时候,我却不能在您的身边照顾您,蕾蕾太对不起您了。您吃的苦太多了,以后我再也不会让您吃苦,记得小时候,别人给您的东西您从来都不舍得吃,每次都拿回来给我吃。奶奶你放心我会听您的话,做个坚强的女孩子,我不会让您失望的。我已经长大了,不再是以前那个软弱的我,是您让我学会了坚强,学会了独立,奶奶谢谢您!祝您身体健康,万事如意,福如东海,寿比南山。您最爱的孙女:蕾蕾致上


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