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1、译林版(三起)六年级英语上册期末考试试题 (试题97分+卷面分3分,共100分) 一、找出下列单词属于不同类的选项。(12分)( )1.A tidy B. quietly C. sadly D hard ( )2.A often B. always C yesterday D sometimes ( )3. A must B should C. can D. do( )4. A early B. late C high D lovely ( )5.A. his B. her C me D.us( )6.A walked B through C. let D. hit二、英汉互译。(6分)1.一

2、部手机 _ 2.从搬走 _ 3.把倒入_ 4. sit quietly安静地下_ 5.walk by _ 6. light firecrackers_ 三、单项选择题,将序号填在题前括号内。(10分)( )1.Im going to watch a film _. A. next B tomorrow C yesterday( )2. She was _,she told us the news _. A happily; happy B. sad; sadly C. happy; sadly( )3.We shouldnt cut down_ trees.A. too many B. muc

3、h C. too much( )4. Who _ this morning? My mom did. A wake you up B woke you up C. woke up you( )5. What _ the room messy? The _ make the room messy. A makes; toy B makes; toys C make; toy( )6. Welcome to Shuyang. Let me_ you _ our city. A. show; from B show; with C show; around ( )7. It often _ here

4、.There was heavy _ last night. A rainy; rained B rains; rained C rains; rain( )8.下列句子的语调读升调的是: A. Dont smoke here! B. Are you catching ladybirds? C. Who is the lollipop for?( )9. You can find many_ in Aesops Fables. A. animal story B. animals stories C animal stories ( )10.I _ LiuTao _. We are god f

5、riends. A. know; well B knows; good C knows; well四、连词成句。(2分510分)1. love and protect , should, we, our Earth (.)_2. are, you, what places, to visit, going (?)_3. drink,always, a lot of water, every day, we(.)_4. a prince, the lion, turn into, did, at last (?)_5. the lion and the mouse, became, from t

6、hen on, friends(, .) _用所给单词适当形式填空。(15分)At last, the teacher let the boy _(go)._(keep)our city clean, we should _(walk)to school.The children are too _(excite)and cheer for it _(loud). The mouse helped the lion _ (get) out from the net.Wang Bing has many good _(habit).YangLing sometimes feels _(sleep

7、)in the morning.Twenty years ago, I_ (write ) letters to my friends.There _ (be) a party next week.I _ (bring )some honey for Nancy yesterday.Where_(be)your sister a week ago? She_(be)in Shanghai.Look!Mr Green _(eat) noodles.Their classroom _ (have) four big windows.按要求改写下列句子。(19分)1.YangLingswimsbad

8、ly.(同义句)YangLing_ _dowellin_.2.Nancydoesherhomeworkquickly.(改为否定句)Nancy_ _herhomeworkquickly.3.Theyplayedtabletennislastweek.(用now改写)They_ _tabletennisnow.4.Igotsomepresentsfrommyparents.(改为一般疑问句)_you_ _presentsfrom yourparents?5.Thisismybrothersbedroom.(对划线部分提问)_bedroom_this?6.Ibrushmyteetheverymor

9、ning.(用SuHai改写)SuHai_ _teetheverymorning.7Thelionbitthenetwithhissharpteeth.(同义句)Thelion_hissharpteethto_thenet.8.Hefeelsbad.(对划线部分提问)_ _he_?七、根据中文意思完成下列句子。(15分)1.你不应该把你的果汁带入商店。You_ _yourjuice_theshop.2.他起床早,从不晚睡。He_up_and_goestobed_.3.昨天下午,空中有些乌云。Yesterdayafternoon,there_some_ _inthesky.4.Suhai把东西放

10、得井井有条,并保持她的卧室干净、整洁Suhai_thethingsin_andkeepsherbedroomcleanand_.5.狮子昨天开心地说“谢谢”。“Thankyou!”Thelion_ _yesterday.八、阅读理解。(1分1010分)A)阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 Mary isanEnglish girl.Shelikeswatchingbasketballmatches(比赛),butshedoesnthavemuchmoneytobuytickets(票).ShehastowatchthematchesonTVathomewhenshehasn

11、ohomework.ShemustgotoschoolfromMondaytoFriday,soshemisses(错过)alotofinterestingmatches.Therewillbeabigbasketballmatchintheafternoontomorrow.Marywantstowatchitverymuch.Butherfatherdoesntthinkitsgood.BecauseitisFriday, Marymusthavelessons.( )1.MarycomesfromtheUS.( )2.SheoftenwatchesthebasketballmatchesonTV.( )3.Marymissesalotofmatchesbecauseshehasnotmuchmoney(钱).


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