【上海教育版】英语六年级下册:Unit 8reading signs教案Word版【精校版】

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1、沪教版精品英语资料(精校版)Unit 8 Reading signsPeriod 1授课时间: 总课时:教学目标知识与技能:词汇学习 :in the middle, look out, no smoking, no swimming 过程与方法:通过Listen and say的情景对话,帮助学生复习句型must的用法,了解不同地区的标识。情感态度与价值观:在公共场所遵守规则,做文明公民。教学重点:词汇学习 :in the middle, look out, no smoking, no swimming 教学难点:句型:We must look out for them.教学过程Pre-ta

2、sk preparations1. 呈现五年级上册Unit 12中学过的禁令标识(Dont smoke!)和(Dont play with matches!),鼓励学生用不同的句式来说说这两个标识的含义。2. 让学生交流在哪里可以看到这些禁令标识。T: Where can we find these sings?S1: We can find “Dont smoke” in the library, cinema and theatre.S2: We can find “Dont play with matches!” in the forest.While-task procedures1.

3、 出示Look and learn中的六个标识。请学生仔细观察这六个标识有什么不同,并讨论如何将它们分成两大类。T: The signs on the left tell us we must do these things. The signs on the right tell us we mustnt do these things.2. 引导学生思考:同一个标识可以用那些不同的句式表达,教师板书句式。No smoking.Dont smoke.You mustnt smoke.Look out for children.We should look out for children.W

4、e must look out for children.然后教师呈现一些禁令标识和指示标识,请学生用不同的句型表达它们的意思。3. 出示Listen and say的图片,请学生观察图中的四个标识,猜猜他们分别表示什么意思。T: How many signs can you see in the picture?S1: I can see four signs.T: What does the blue sign mean?(point at the sign for the underground station)S1: It means” underground station”请学生带

5、着问题学习课文。4. 播放Listen and say的录音,学生边听边看图片。然后请学生回答问题,帮助学生理解课文的意思,理解生词的意思。Post-task activities1. 请学生完成Listen and say的后续练习。教师在教室内来回巡视,适时给予必要的帮助,然后集体核对答案。2. 教室呈现四个话题:signs in the park, signs at school, signs in the cinema, signs in the street,然后帮学生分成四人小组,请每个小组选择一个话题进行讨论,画一画在这个地方常见的标识,并配上文字提示,然后请部分小组上台交流。板

6、书设计Unit 8 Reading signsin the middle, look out, no smoking, no swimming We must look out for them.I see.Unit 8 Reading signsPeriod 2授课时间: 总课时:教学目标知识与技能:句型复习:We shouldnt smoke in the library.过程与方法:通过Think and write的写作活动,完成一张海报。情感态度与价值观:在公共场所遵守规则,做文明公民。教学重点:句型复习:We shouldnt smoke in the library.教学难点:句

7、型复习:We shouldnt smoke in the library.教学过程Pre-task preparations1. 教师呈现一组标识,请学生把他们分成两大类:禁令标识和指示标识。然后,请学生用不同句式说说这些标识的意思。教师可以把学生分成两大组或者男、女生组进行比赛,以活跃课堂气氛。2. 教师快速展示一个标识,要求学生说出这个标识的意思及在哪个场所可以看到这个标识。While-task procedures1. 出示Read and tick 的图片,先让学生说说图中有哪些场所。T: what places can you see in the picture?S1: I can

8、 see a lake, a school and a restaurant.S2: I can see a library, some grass and trees.2. 请学生和同桌一起讨论,图中的七个标识分别表示什么意思。如果学生学力较强,可以学生先写出这七个标识的含义。Sign 1: Restaurant.Sign 2: Keep quiet.Sign 3: No swimming.3. 请学生看着标识完成勾选Yes 或No的练习,然后集体交流核对答案。T: can we eat here?S1: Yes. Theres a restaurant.T: should we keep

9、quiet in the library?S2: Yes, we should.Post-task activities请学生讨论交流在图书馆可以做哪些事、不可以做哪些事,然后请学生完成Think and write 的写作练习。教师在教室内来回巡视,适时给予必要的指导,然后请部分学生到教室前面展示。板书设计Unit 8 Reading signs Keep quiet. Dont walk on the grass.No swimming. Look out for children.Unit 8 Reading signsPeriod 3授课时间: 总课时:教学目标知识与技能:词汇学习:g

10、et lost, some time, on the way过程与方法: 通过故事阅读复习所学的语言知识,引导学生明白“如果开动脑筋,生活中处处充满智慧”的道理。情感态度与价值观:在公共场所遵守规则,做文明公民。教学重点:词汇学习:get lost, some time, on the way教学难点:句型复习:We can follow them back home.教学过程Pre-task preparations1. 教师呈现一组单词(双音节词可以多些,三个音节的单词少些),领读,请学生边大声清晰地朗读边击掌表示某个音节需重读。2. 教师呈现一组标识,请学生用不同的句式表达。Look o

11、ut for children.We should look out for children.We must look out for children.No smoking.Dont smoke.You mustnt smoke.While-task procedures1. 逐张出示Read a story的图片,学生看图回答问题,对故事内容进行阅读前的推测,培养学生的观察能力、逻辑推理能力及语言表达能力。如学生回答有误,教师暂时不需要纠正。2. 学生阅读课文,再让学生回答上面的问题,可和之前的回答做对比。解释一些生词的意思,如:may, get lost, some time等,帮助学

12、生理解课文。然后请学生根据故事内容完成Read a story 的后续练习。完成练习时,有意识地训练学生独立、快速到文中寻找对应文字的能力,培养学生查读的技能。3. 学生根据课文内容,填空完成下面的故事概要。Jack and Jane lived by the _. Their father often said to them,”_ go into the forest. You may _ ” one day ,Jack and Jane went into the forest. After some _.Post-task activities把学生分成四人小组,小组讨论一下Jack和Jane回家后爸爸会说什么,Jack 和Jane分别会说什么,然后分角色表演课本剧。Jack and Jane: Dad, were back!Father: Where did you go ?板书设计 Unit 8 Reading signsget lost, some time, on the wayWe can follow them back home.


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