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1、揭秘一:制作兵马俑工艺Reveal a: making the Terra Cotta Warriors technology秦始皇陵兵马俑多用陶冶烧制的方法制成,先用陶模作出初胎,再覆盖一层细泥进行加工刻划加 彩,有的先烧后接,有的先接再烧。The Terra Cotta Warriors made With ceramic mold first, then covered a la yer of fine mud , it was used for carve the figuriness appearance and coloring.其实当年的兵马俑各个都有鲜艳和谐的彩绘。当年工匠犯了

2、一个错,他们在烧制过后才上色。我 们发掘过程中发现有的陶俑刚出土时局部还保留着鲜艳的颜色,但是出土后由于被氧气氧化,颜 色不到一个小时瞬间消尽,化作白灰。能看到的只是残留的彩绘痕迹。At first, the Terra Cotta Warriors with brightly colour. The craftsmen had made a mistake, they didnt color after firing. In fast, we found some figures in the process of excavation retained bright colors. But

3、 less than one hour, because of oxidation, the colors disappeared, andturned to white, leaving traces of coloured drawing or pattern.Scientists believe that itsin itial shape was colourful兵马俑的车兵、步兵、骑兵列成各种阵势。整体风格浑厚、健壮、洗练。如果仔细观察,脸型、 发型、体态、神韵均有差异:陶马有的双耳竖立,有的张嘴嘶鸣,有的闭嘴静立。所有这些秦始 皇兵马俑都富有感染人的艺术魅力。The Chario

4、t forces, infantry and cavalry column into various formations, Integral style majestic, magnificent. If you look carefully, their face,hair, posture, verve are all different. The horse too, and some of them had ears erect, some mouths scream, some still shut up. All this is rich of artistic charm.Pa

5、y attention to the horses tail,涉骡阅读It can be shaked揭秘二:何为碎片式历史Reveal two: what is a fragmentary history在当地农民杨先生会出头下的那一刻,陶制碎片重见天日,几千年的风雨洗礼。庞大兵马俑陵墓 的挖掘工作就显得尤为困难,首先已经由历史原因破碎的文物将碎片清理挖掘并进行拼接,在三 个俑坑中出土的并不仅仅只有兵马俑还有特色的青铜器、工艺品、金银制品,令人称奇的是近千 年的掩埋奇迹的保留了彩绘制品的色彩,在挖掘这些彩绘制品专家又遇到了困难那就是挖掘出土 的必定会接触氧气,有些制品就会在表皮产生氧化现象,

6、进一步的增加了挖掘的精细程度,挖掘 专家几经开会商讨最佳挖掘方案,才能有幸让一代一代的炎黄子孙亲眼目睹来自几千年前的物品 领略中华民族文化的传承精神。It was discovered when Mr Yang in drilling Wells in 1974,March. After thousands of years, the Terra Cotta Warriors rediscovered. But its excavation is difficult. Because it is large number, and many have become pieces. At the

7、 same time, some golden bronze, gold and silver products, handicrafts and so on when exposed to oxygen oxidation.They suffered a fire, earthquake, and so on, broken into too many pieces, We have to distinguish each pieces, like a jigsaw puzzle to stick it to its orig inal positi on. Last time I came

8、 here,I thought the ticket is too expe ncive at first. Laterto see the work, I think I should pay this mon ey.揭秘三:千人千面,没有一张重复的面孔Revelation 3: one thousand people, not a repeat of face被挖掘出来的陶俑共计8000 件左右,人们惊异的发现每个陶俑虽没有华丽的外表 但是面孔表情神态各具特色,可以说在这里寻找不到一样的兵马俑,先人的巧夺天 工不尽体现。考古学家从这些陶俑身上也发现了研究古代历史的重大价值,从古人 给陶俑的

9、发髻以及姿势可以判断一个陶俑所代表的身份等级,军衔地位。So far about 8000 pieces of pottery figurine has been dug up. These figures are no gorgeous appearance, but they have different looks and look. We can say that here cant find the same Terra Cotta Warriors.From these figures bun, posture, tomb figures each grade and rank.A

10、tte nti on! They are all differe nt.we can infer the identity of theHEY! I am Zhang yimou.Do you know me?He directed the ope ning of the 2008Sometimes, you will find a familiar guy.揭秘四:三大俑坑的关系Revelation 4: the relationship between the three big pit一号坑内是由6000 多件陶俑、陶马及40 余辆战车组成的长方形军阵;二号坑为步 兵曲型混合军阵,有陶俑

11、900 多件、战车89辆、驾车陶马356匹、鞍马100余匹; 三号坑中有68 件陶俑、4 匹陶马和 1辆战车,它是一、二号坑军团的统帅部。No. 1 pit is a rectangle ranks, it is made up of more than 6000 pieces of pottery figurine, pottery horses and more than 40 chariots;No. 2 pit a infantry type hybrid ranks, It a total of more than 900 pieces of pottery figurine, 89 chariots and 356 driving horses, more th an 100 horse side horse;No. 3 pit had 68 pieces of pottery figurine, 4 horses and a chariot 1, it is pit no. 1 and no. 2 armys high command.


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