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1、课题名称: Unit 3 Lesson 7 Time to Tidy 教师姓名: 学校: 延庆十一学校教师年龄:36 教龄: 15 职称: 中学高级教学内容分析本课是北师大版初中英语七年级上册教材(第十一册)第3单元的第1课,话题为整理房间。本课的教学设计分为两个课时。第一课时侧重对课文的理解,引导学生理出珍妮房间整理前后的变化,提取文章的主要信息和细节信息,并在整理信息的过程中,引导学生关注主旨句和细节信息的关系,最后结合课文的信息和语言进行输出性活动。在第一课时,学生还要学习词汇,并初步感知语法的意义。本课(包括Getting Ready)针对语言的学习可分为三类:一是用于指称的实物名称类

2、词汇(如房间名称和个人物品名称),二是表示物品方位的介词(in front of, above, beside, behind, below),三是短语动词(如tidy up)。第二课时在对课文的语言和内容进行复习的基础上,引入本课的重点语法内容方位介词,通过观察和分析例句,发现并总结方位介词的几种形式和不同的表意功能,通过分层练习和运用,引导进一步体会方位介词的表意功能,逐步达到初步运用方位介词描述自己房间物品摆放位置的目的。第二课时的难点在于运用方位介词对物品的位置进行较为准确的描述。学生情况分析初一年级的学生年龄小,活泼好动,在设计本课时我采用游戏的方式吸引学生的注意,努力营造玩中学、学

3、中玩的教学情境。尽管他们在小学时已经接触过英语,有一定的英语基础,学习起来比较轻松,但在词语运用上还有很大差距,因此在教学环节中,努力创设情境让学生最大限度的使用英语。初一学生有着极强的求知欲和表现欲的心理特点,我在课堂上多以表扬为主,注重对学生英语学习兴趣的培养,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、努力讲!本课学生有可能在使用方位介词表达物品的位置有困难,因此放在语境中理解介词的使用比较重要。教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 辨认并准确说出不同房间和个人物品的名称;2. 通过阅读获取有关Jenny的房间整理前后物品不同位置的信息;3. 初步体验和感知方位介词的表意功能和用法;4. 反思自己的日常

4、生活习惯,意识到应养成整洁有序的生活习惯。教学重、难点重点:辨认并准确说出不同房间和个人物品的名称;通过阅读获取有关Jenny的房间整理前后物品不同位置的信息;难点:体验和感知方位介词的表意功能和用法;教学过程教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Pre-readingStep 1l T shows a picture and asks Ss if they know the names for different rooms.l T shows a picture of a bedroom and asks Ss to tell the names of the things they s

5、ee. l T leads Ss to put the words into different categories (furniture and personal things). l T uses pictures to show new words.l T hides some pictures from the last activity and let Ss guess which word is missing. l Ss talks about rooms in their home.l Students tell the name of the things they see

6、. l Students put the words into different categoriesl Learn the news wordsl Ss play a game: Whats missing?1. 激活学生与本单元和本课话题相关的已知房间名称等词汇。2. 预教生词。用图片的形式,生动地呈现词汇。渗透围绕话题整理词汇的学习策略。3. 教师借助图片领读词汇,学生熟悉单词发音,进一步认读和识记新词汇。4. 通过瞬时记忆,帮助学生巩固新词汇。Step 2l T shows two pictures and helps Ss understand tidy and messy.l T

7、 asks Ss about their rooms. “Are your rooms tidy or messy?”l T asks what Jennys room is like l Ss understand two words meaning “tidy and messy.”l Answer the teachers questionl Ss guess what Jennys room is like.1. 利用图片学习tidy和messy这组对应词汇。2. 将话题联系学生个人生活,进一步理解词汇,并为读后活动做铺垫。3. 激发学生阅读兴趣, 帮助学生体验运用预测策略。While

8、-readingStep 3Passage 1:1st readingl T asks Ss to skim the first passage to check their guesses. 2nd readingl T leads them to read the first passage again and find out the personal things mentioned in the passage.l T asks Ss to find out what things are Jennys and what things are not hers (shouldnt b

9、e in her room). T helps Ss understand the word messy again.3rd readingl T asks Ss to read the first passage the third time and find out where the things are and complete the table according to the passage. l T asks Ss to check answers in pair first and then T check answers and show pictures to help

10、Ss understand the prepositions.Passage 1:1st readingl Ss skim the first passage to check their guesses. 2nd readingl Ss read the first passage again and find out the personal things mentioned in the passage.l Ss find out what things are Jennys and what things are not hers (shouldnt be in her room).

11、T helps Ss understand the word messy again.3rd readingl Ss read the first passage the third time and find out where the things are and complete the table according to the passage. l Ss check answers in pair first and then T check answers and show pictures to help Ss understand the prepositions.1. 通过

12、略读理解第一个语篇的大意,核查预测。2. 通过扫读的阅读策略,获取有关房间内物品的信息,进一步巩固关于物品的词汇。3. 学生在语境中进一步理解messy的词义。4. 进一步阅读课文,获取物品位置的细节信息,用表格整理信息。并为后面的信息提取和整理做好铺垫。5. 在核查答案的过程中,用图片呈现信息,帮助学生在语境中理解介词的含义。Step 4Passage 2:l T asks Ss to skim the second passage to find out what Jennys room is like after she tidies up. l T ask them to read t

13、he second passage again and find out where the things are now, and write the information in the table.l T leads Ss to find out the main idea and supporting details of the two passages.l Ss skim the second passage to find out what Jennys room is like after she tidies up. l Ss read the second passage

14、again and find out where the things are now, and write the information in the table.l find out the main idea and supporting details of the two passages.1. 学生尝试运用阅读策略获取整体信息和细节信息。2. 在理解课文的过程中,通过图片理解below the chair, on the shelf, above Todds bed等词组的含义。3. 引导学生发现文体结构特征,关注主旨句和细节信息的关系。Step 5l T asks them t

15、o listen to the tape and read after the tape.l Ss listen to the tape.Ss read after the tape.听录音,学习语音语调,培养语感。Step 6Ss use the table they completed to ask and answer questions about Jennys room.Ss use the table they completed to ask and answer questions about Jennys room.内化课文信息和语言。Post readingStep 7T shows the pictures about the two passages. Ss describe Jennys room before and after she tidies up with the help of pictures and the table they completed.


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