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1、Unit 10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left.1.到的时候_ 2.淋浴_3.进浴室 _4.从浴室出来 _5.把忘在家里_ 6.发出响声_7.迅速离开_ 8.捎某人一程 _9.停止运转、出故障_10.出席、露面 _11.愚人节 _12.激起,引起 _13.卖完,售完_ _14.结婚_ 15.一片,一块 _ 16.到他起床的时候,他的哥哥已经进浴室了._17.到他进教室的时候,老师已经开始讲课了。_18.为这个故事编个结尾 _19.和某人分享_ 20.等候某人_ 21.出来,花开,出版_ 22.准时_23.及时_ 24.经过,

2、路过_25.成功_26.穿衣服_27.邀请某人做某事 _28.化装舞会_ 29.熬夜_ 30大卫在愚人节那天发生了什么事?_ 31近几年中国发生了巨大的变化 ._32.在着陆_ 33.数百的,成百上千的 _34.数千的,成千上万的 _35.遍及整个国家 _36.逃离_ 37.两者都_38.同某人开玩笑_ 39.一张纸 _1.by the time 2. take a shower 3.get in the shower 4.get out of the shower 5.leave sth. at home 6.go off 7.run off 8.give sb. a ride 9.brea

3、k down 10.show up 11.April Fools Day 12.set off 13.sell out 14.get married 15.a piece of 16.By the time he got up ,his brother had already gotten in the shower .17.By the time he got to class,the teacher had already started teaching.18.make up an ending for the story 19.share with 20. wait for e out

4、 22.on time 23.in time e by 25.make it 26.get dressed 27.invite sb . to 28.a costume party 29.stay up /sit up 30.What happened to Dave on April Fools Day ? 31.Great changes have taken place in China in the last years. 32.land on 33.hundreds of 34.thousands of 35.across the whole country 36.flee from

5、 37.both and 38.play a joke on sb. 39.a piece of paper 第九单元短语和重要句子 1.这是什么?_是冰淇淋加热勺。_它是用来做什么的?_是用来加热冰淇淋的。_它是由谁发明的?_是由Chelsea发明的。_它是何时被发明的?_是去年被发明的。_2.这些是什么?_它们是电池控制的拖鞋。_它们是用来做什么的?_是用来在黑暗中照明的。_它们是由谁发明的?_是由Julie发明的。_它们是何时被发明的?_是1980发明的。_3。最有用的发明 _4.最令人讨厌的发明_ 5.由于错误 _6.使顾客高兴 _7.一个名叫乔治的厨师_ 8.把撒到上_ 9.偶然地,

6、意外地 _10.根据_11.根据一个古老的传说_12.超过,多余_ 13.烧开水 _14.把分成 _15.产生一种令人愉悦的香味 _16.这样,用这种方法_17.周游中国 _18.与相撞_ 19. 掉进_20.跌倒,摔倒_21.从掉下_22.爱上_ 23.投篮球_ 24.一张掉在铁圈下的网 _25.从篮下投球_ 26.引导进入_ 27.朝篮球场的一端运动_ 28.传球 _29.自那时起 _30.的数目_ 31.许多_32.梦想做某事_ 33.微波炉 _34.被用来做._35.被当作来用_36.在一个小岛上_37.西方世界_38.直到才_39.在户外的火上_40.停留在那里一段时间_ 41.飞盘

7、_42.尝起来味道好_43.尝一尝(某物)_44.尝某物_45.有鸡的味道_46.酸的味道_47.在六世纪_ 48.在一九九几年_49.在他20几岁时 _50.一百年多一点_ 51.出生于_52.在长长的冬季期间_53.据说_54.个人电脑_55.上上下下_56.心情不好 _57.告诉某人关于某事_1.Whats this ? Its a heated ice cream scoop. Whats it used for? Its used for scooping cold ice cream. Who was it invented ?It was invented by Chelsea.

8、 When was it invented ? It was invented last year . 2.What are these ?They are battery-operated slippers. What were they used for ?They were used for seeing in the dark . Who were they invented by ?They were invented by Julie. When were they invented ? They were invented in 1980. 3.the most useful i

9、nvention 4.the most annoying invention 5.by mistake 6.make customers happy 7.a chef called George 8.sprinkle sth on sth 9.by accident /by chance 10.according to 11.according to an ancient legend 12.more than /over 13.boil drinking water 14.divide into 15.produce a pleasant smell 16.in this way 17.tr

10、avel around China 18.knock into sb 19.fall into 20.fall down 21. fall off 22.fall in love with 23.get a ball into the basket 24.a net hanging from a metal hoop 25.shoot from below the basket 26.guide into27.move towards one end of the court 28.throw the ball to each other 29.since then 30.the number of 31.a number of 32.dream of doing sth. 33.microwave oven 34.be used for doing sth 35.be used as sth. 36.on a tiny island 37.the western world 38.not until 39.over an open fire 40.remain there for some time 41.flyi


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