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《英语 20140322.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语 20140322.doc(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、If youve put in great work at your company, but theres no next rung on the ladder in sight, youre not alone.如果你在公司里投入了很多,但眼前看不到升职的希望,这种情况不是发生在你一个人身上。Laura Poisson, a vice president at Boston-based career development firm ClearRock, offers these tips:波士顿职业发展公司的副总裁劳拉-泊松提供了如下建议:1. Contribute more direc

2、tly to the companys most significant strategic goals. The few promotions that are happening right now are happening, well, where the money is made. If you find yourself separate from that, ask to work on a project that puts you in a position where you can either make or save money for the business.1

3、. 更直接为公司最重要的战略目标做贡献。如今为数不多的晋升都发生在为公司带来利润的岗位。如果你发现自己和这些职位无关,就要求做能为公司赚钱或省钱的项目。2. Explicitly discuss your career goals with your boss. This includes planning for who would take your place if you get promoted or switch positions. You may need to target a new candidate to mentor.2. 开诚布公和老板讨论你的职业目标。这包括计划如

4、果你得到晋升或跳槽时谁来代替你的位置。你可能需要指导新徒弟。3. Figure out what you want. If a promotion is out of the picture for the time being, think about what else would keep you aroundlike flex time, more vacation days or additional training.3. 找出你想要的。如果现在还没希望晋升,想想你还要什么比如弹性工作时间、更多假期或额外培训。4. Assess whether its worth it to st

5、ay. Maybe youve been telling yourself to wait it out because your company is a good place to work, but there are a lot of good places to work. Moving on could help give you a much-needed boost of confidence.4. 评估公司是否值得你留下来。也许你一直告诉自己再等等,因为这是家不错的公司,但好公司何其多。换个环境可以给你需要的信心。If you equate getting older wit

6、h needingor gettingless sleep, heres a wake-up call: Its not true! “The majority of us require between seven and nine hours of shut-eye a night, says Robert Oexman, D.C., director of the Sleep to Live Institute. “And theres little reasonwhether youre 55 or 80not to get it.” Barring disease, medicati

7、on and pain (all legitimate sleep interrupters), if patients complain of bad sleep, Dr. Oexman looks at their nighttime habits, where the problem almost always resides. 如果你认为人慢慢长大变老,需要或得到的睡眠更少,那我来提醒你吧,不是这样的!睡眠与生命研究所所长,脊骨神经科医师罗伯特欧克斯曼说道:“大多数人每晚需要7-9小时的睡眠时间。无论你是55还是80岁,都应该做到这一点。”疾病、药物和疼痛除外(这些都可能会干扰睡眠),

8、如果病人抱怨睡不好觉,欧克斯曼医师会查看其晚间生活习惯来发现问题所在。So, how are you sabotaging your z-z-z-z-zs?所以,你是怎样破坏自己的睡眠的呢?Bad Habit #1: Watching TV until you fall asleep坏习惯一:看电视看到睡着Why It Disrupts Sleep: It has nothing to do with what you watchDownton Abbey isnt a better pre-sleep choice than Dog the Bounty Hunter. Rather its

9、 the exposure to TVs bright light thats the culprit. Artificial bright light after dusk not only enhances alertness, but also delays the production of melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone. So even if you nod off (in front of the TV, for example), you probably wont stay asleep for long.为什么会影响睡眠:这和你看什么

10、节目没有任何关系,因为唐顿庄园并不是比赏金猎人更好的睡前节目。反而是暴露在电视强光下才是影响你睡眠的罪魁祸首。天黑后的人造强光不仅让人增加警惕性,而且会延迟体内睡眠荷尔蒙褪黑素的生成。所以即使你打盹了(比如在电视机前),你很可能也睡不了多久。EZZZ Fix: An hour before bedtime, treat yourself like a baby: a warm bath, followed by a quiet activity in dim lightmeditation, journal writing, reading. But no reading or writing

11、 on your computer before bed or in the middle of the night. (Almost half of the respondents in the AOL Email Addiction survey admitted to checking email during the night. If thats you, keep technology out of the bedroom.)解决方法:睡前一小时,让自己像婴儿一样:洗个热水澡,在暗淡的灯光下做些安静的事情-冥想,写日记,阅读。但是睡前或者半夜绝对不能在电脑上阅读或者写东西。(几乎一

12、半参与美国在线电子邮件上瘾调查的人们承认晚间会查看电子邮件。如果你也是这样,那么记得把高科技关在卧室外面吧。)Bad Habit #2: Sleeping with Fido坏习惯二:抱狗狗睡觉Why It Disrupts Sleep: While animal-lovers argue the emotional benefits of sharing a pillow with their pets, research shows that pets can contribute to less than sound sleep. How? “Pets have different ci

13、rcadian rhythms than humans, says Oexman. “They sleep most of the day, and they shift a lot when sleepingthey get comfortable, then they move. This goes on all night, and whether you admit it or not, it interrupts your ability to get the level of sleep needed to feel rested. (As for pet dander and a

14、llergiessneezing and wheezing are not great sleep enhancers.)为什么会影响睡眠:动物爱好者认为和宠物一起睡觉有情感上的益处,然而研究表明宠物实际上会影响睡眠。这是怎么回事呢?“宠物和人有着不同的生理节律,”欧克斯曼说,“他们每天大多数时候都会睡,睡觉的时候经常动-他们觉得舒服,然后就会动。整晚都会这样,而且无论你承认与否,你都会不知不觉被影响而达不到自己需要的睡眠程度。(至于宠物皮屑和各种过敏导致的打喷嚏和喘息都是会影响睡眠的因素。)EZZZ Fix: For two weeks, put your pooch or cat in a

15、 crate outside your closed bedroom door. When your pet can sleep quietly in the crate, move the crate inside your room for another two weeks. When the crate training is complete, try letting the dog or cat sleep in his own bed near your bed. Discourage all attempts to jump on your bed and reward all

16、 successes for staying in his own bed. (Caveat: Plan on interrupted sleep for a few weeks.)解决方法:坚持两个星期,把家里的狗狗或者猫咪装在板条箱里,把箱子放在卧室外面,然后关起门来。等你的宠物可以在板条箱里安静地睡觉时,再把板条箱搬进卧室里面放两个星期。等这个板条箱里的训练完成时,试着让狗狗或者猫咪在离你床近的地方趴在自己的窝里睡。阻止它所有试图跳上你的床的尝试,奖励它乖乖在自己床上睡觉。(告诫:计划好有几个星期会睡不好觉。)Bad Habit #3: Exercising too close to bedtime坏习惯三:临睡前做运动Why It Disrupts Sleep: Remember how poorly you sleep when you have a feverdriftin


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