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1、房地产权证 PROPERTY OWNERSHI P CERT I Fl CATE根据中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法和广东省城镇房地产权登记条例规定,为 保护房屋所有权及其所占用土地使用权的权利人的合法权益,对权属人申请登记本证所列 房地产,经审查属实,特发此证。According to the Peoples Republic of Urban Real Estate Management Law, Gua ngdong province tow n real estate right registratio n ordinan ce and other provisi ons of the

2、releva nt laws for the protecti on of hous ing own ership and land use rights of the legitimate rights and interests of people on housing ownership and land use rights to apply for registrati on hous ing land rights, we have inv estigated and reviewed, to grant registrati on, issua nee of this permi

3、t.Issu ing authority:Guangdong province Peoples Gover nment & Land Registrati on Seal (s) PROPERTY OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATENo.: YUE FANG DI ZHEN ZHI权属人 property owner身份证号码ide ntitycard no国籍n atio nality房屋所有权来源 source of hous ing own ership购买 purchased房屋用途 usage of the house居住用房Reside nee占有房屋份额share of

4、the house全部 Full owner房屋所有权性质 propertyofhous ingown ership私有Privately-ow ned土地使用权来源source of Ian d-use right土地使用权性质 propertyofIan d-use right国有土地使用 权state-ow ned房地座落 site of the house房屋情况state of the house建筑结构architecture钢筋混凝土 armoured concrete层数 floors竣工日期 dateofcompleti on建基面积 area of the build in

5、g base建筑面积building area*Square meters其中住宅建筑面积domestic build ing area其中套内建筑面积room build ing area*Square meters四墙归属 ownershipoffour walls地号land No图号 chart no用途usage商住Commercial Reside ntial buildi ng土地等级land grade使用权类型type of ten ure终止日期 expiratio ndate使用权面积 area of ten ure自用面积area of own use共用面积area

6、of public use*Square meters使用权证号lice nse nu mber of ten ure填证机关 departme nt of filli ng certificate共有(用)人 pers on of mutual own ership(use)占有房屋 份额share ofthehouse共有(有)权证号 certificatenu mberofmutualown ership(use)以下空白(Below space is blank丄房地产共有情况 state of mutual own ership(use) of real estate土地情况 sta

7、te of land纳税情况 state of taxation已税tax附记excursus已征收国有土地使用权出让金,使用年限70年,从20*年*月*日起。The leasing fee of land use rights being levied andthe department offered for living for 70 years since *, *, 20*此共用土地面积是整幢楼房的产权人共同使用。The co-used landwould be shared for the owners of the department for the whole buildi

8、ng登记字号Registry No.Registry authority: Registry department seal of Guangzhou city land resources and house adm ini strati on Bureau (seal)Registry date: *他项权情 况Situatio n oftheother rightright holder : In dustrial & Commercial Bank of Chi na * Branchtype of right: Mortgage range of right: all the val

9、ue of right: RMB* Creation Date:*Register nu mbe of can cellati on and date:Map of distributi on of the real estate房地产分户图NIC *Location 座 落No. of the map共用地面积Shared buildi ng area2*建筑主结构Mai n structureofthe build ingA套内建筑 面积Usablearea2*m其中In side建基面积Foun dati on area2*建筑层数Numberofstories*共有分摊 面积Sharedarea2*m封闭阳 台Closed balc ony0.00 m栋总建筑面 积Totalarea of the buildi ng2*所在层次Floor*单元总建 筑面积Total buildi ng area of the un it2*不封闭 阳台Ope n balc ony2*(MAP of the Buildi ng)1:500 *


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