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1、河 北 建 筑 工 程 学 院 本科毕业设计(论文)题目移动式架车机DT015 机架结构优化 设计学 科 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级 机094 姓 名 指 导 教 师 辅 导 教 师 摘要近半个多世纪以来,世界各国都在努力进行铁路的技术装备和现代化管理的研究,努力推进铁路运输技术的进步,在很多方面取得了突破性的进展。移动式电动架车机是一种不需要动用起运设备或天车,人工便可推动的、轻便的且具有自动控制同步升降功能的移动式电动架车机。作为铁道电力机务段必不可少的三大检修设备之一的移动式架车机的安全性问题已越来越引起广大设计者的关注。设计与制造移动式架车机时,除考虑该机构能简单、安全、方

2、便地架起电力或内燃机车、推出转向架外,还应注意其自身机架的强度与稳定性问题。本文主要根据工厂实际参观和力学受力分析对机架部分进行优化设计,在设计当中重点是提高移动式架车机机架的稳定性,提高使用寿命和可靠性,以最低的的维修费用,较长的使用周期使移动式架车机具有较高的经济性,机架是移动式架车机的承载基体,不仅承担电动机、底座和所架货车的质量,而且还要承受过作业程中所产生的各种力和力矩。因此,其强度不仅关系到架车的力度,而且还关系到整车的安全性。关键词:机架 移动式架车机 DT015全套图纸,加153893706ABSTRACTSince nearly half a century, all the

3、 countries in the world to study the railway technical equipment and modern management, efforts to promote the technology of railway transport development, a breakthrough in many aspects. Mobile electric cars machine is a kind of equipment is not required or crane, artificial can promote, portable a

4、nd mobile electric car automatic control of synchronous lifting function machine. Security problem of mobile car machine one of the three major overhaul equipment as electric locomotive depot for the railway has more and more aroused the attention of designers. Design and manufacture of mobile lifti

5、ng machine, in addition to considering the mechanism can be simple, safe, convenient up electricity or diesel locomotive bogie, launch, should also pay attention to the strength and stability problems of its own. Analysis on the optimization design of the frame part stress according to the actual pl

6、ant visits and mechanics, the design is focused on the stability of mobile car machine, improve the service life and reliability, the lowest of the repair costs, economy of long period of use the mobile frame machine frame is high, bearer mobile lifting machine, not only bear the motor, the base and

7、 the rack truck quality, but also bear a variety of forces and moments generated operation process. Therefore, its strength is not only related to the cars efforts, but also related to the safety of the vehicle.Keyword:Keyword: Frame Mobile electric cars machine DT015目录一、 概述1二、 总体设计与拖头说明计算5 2.1移动式架车

8、机总体说明5 2.2 升降部分设计 9三、 机架计算12 3.1 移动式架车机机架的受力分析12 3.2 截面的选择15 3.3 强度和刚度验算16 3.4 稳定性验算18 3.5 梁高的确定19 3.6 腹板的厚度20 3.7 翼缘板的厚度203.8 整体强度和刚度验算213.9 总体稳定性验算223.10组合梁的局部稳定性233.11梁的拼接24四、 总结25参考文献27毕业实习报告28附录或后记30 河北建筑工程学院毕业设计计算书指导教师: 设计题目:移动式架车机DT015 机架结构优化设计设计人:设计项目计算与说明结果2.1移动式架车机总体说明2.2 升降部分设计 2.2.1移动式驾车机升降部分传动轴的设计与要求 2.2.2升降部分托头的设计要求2.2.3驾车机的托头的受力分析与计算 3.1 移动式架车机机架的受力分析 3.1.1驾车机机架结构简图(3-1 3-2)3.1.2移动式驾车机的结构特点3.1.3移动式驾车的工作原理3.2 梁的截面的选择 3.2.1净抗弯截面系数的选择



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