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1、Unit 4单元整理及语言模块训练一、词汇归类 1重点单词: 动 词:choose, act, give 形容词:comfortable, close, fresh, creative, poor, crowded 副 词:comfortably, cheaply, carefully, beautifully, beautifully, seriously 名 词:seat, screen, ticket, song, reporter, service, menu, meal, performer, talent, magician, winner, prize 其 它:pretty, e

2、verybody 2. 重点短语: 动词短语:play a role, make up, havein common, takeseriously, come true, be up to 其它短语:in town,talent show, , all kinds of, for example, close to, so far, and so on二、话题句子 谈论偏爱和比较: 1.Whats the best movie theater ? Sun Cinema. Its the cheapest. 2. Whats the best movie theater to go to? To

3、wn Cinema. Its the closest to home. And you can buy tickets the most quickly there. 3. Why do you think so ? Because it has the most comfortable seats. 4. Which is the worst clothes store in town? Dream Clothes. Its worse than Blue Moon. It has the worst service. 5. What do you think of 970 AM ? I t

4、hink 970 AM is pretty bad. It has the worst music.三、语言知识点 形容词和副词最高级的用法: 1. 构成形式:单音节词和多音节词,不规则变化。 2. 用法:三者或三者以上的人或者物的比较。 3. one of the+最高级+复数名词 4. 比较级+比较级/more and more +多音节词四、语言模块训练一)单项选择。1. Whats _movie theater , Movie World, Town Cinema or Screen City? Movie World. I think it has the _seats. A. go

5、od, most comfortable B. better, comfortable C. the best, the most comfortable D. better, more comfortable2. Yang Juan and Yang Xian are twin sisters. Can you tell them clearly? No, they have much _ A. in fact B. in common C. in all D. in the end 3. _your study seriously, then youll get good grades.

6、Thank you, I will do my best. A. Bring B. Share C. Take D. Have 4. Who is _teacher in your school? Peter is. A. popular B. more popular C. the most popular D. much popular5. I think Yang Liping is one of the _. Do you think so? Yes, of course. A. more talented dancer B. the most talented dancer C. t

7、he most talented dancers D. much talented dancers6. _do you think of Walmart Cinema? Great! It has the _screen in the city. A. How, better B. How, the best C. What, better D. What, the best7. The clothes in your clothes store are pretty_. Thank you. I am sure they are_ in our town. Welcome to my clo

8、thes store often. A. cheap, cheaper B. cheaper, the cheapest C. cheap, the cheapest D. cheapest, cheaper8. Work hard, then the grades _all of you to decide. I quite agree with you. A. is up to B. are up to C. is close to D. are close to 9. Tom, here are some interesting TV shows. Which one would you

9、 like _? Whos Got Talent. I think its so exciting! A. to want B. to choose C. watch D. choose10._ do you think is the best performer? Zhao Benshan. He is _ person in China. A. Which, the funniest B. Who, funny C. Which , funnier D. Who, the finniest二) 完成句子。 阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。 1. You are

10、 _man I know. (serious) 你是我认识的最严肃的人了。 2. I think your book is _ than mine. (interesting) 我认为你的那本书比我的有趣得多。3. Alltheseshowshaveonething_.(common) 所有这些节目都有一个共同点。4. When people watch the show, they usually _deciding the winner.(role) 人们看这样的节目时,通常承担着评判优胜者的角色。5. Beijing is one of_ in China. (big) 北京是中国最大的

11、城市之一。6. Avenue of Stars gives people a way to make their dreams_.(come) 星光大道给人们提供了实现梦想的平台。三) 阅读理解填词。先阅读短文,再在其后空白处写出各单词的正确形式。单词的第一个字母已给出。Itwasthe1.l_lessonbeforetheholidays.Thestudentswerevery2.h_.TheirEnglishteacherwasveryhappy,too.Theteacheralsoplayednicegameswiththem.Hesangsomenice3.s_,andthenhewe

12、nttotheblackboardandwrote“SMILES”onit.“ Thisisoneofthe4.l_wordsinEnglish”,hesaidtotheclass.5.E_laughed,andthenonegirl6.s_upandsaid,“Whyisitoneofthelongest7.w_inEnglish?” Theteachersaid8.n_forawhile.Thenhesmiledandsaid,“9.b_thereisamile10.b_thefirstletterandthelast.”四) 书面表达。根据提示,以请以“Mysubjects”为题,谈一谈你所学习的课程,可以适当发挥。(1)你最喜欢什么学科?(2)什么学科最有趣?(3)什么学科最枯燥?(4)什么学科最难?(5)什么学科最重要和有用处?_


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