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1、冀教版英语八年级上册教案Lesson 1: Back to SchoolLESSON PREPARATIONLANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE掌握词汇:physics接触词汇:Sandra, Cox, recent短语和句型:One. and the other., introduce.to.RESOURCES audiotape a Chinese-English Dictionary an items/tasks list 10 red pieces of paper and 10 yellow pieces of paper any items that you may decide

2、to include in the game that need to be suppliedKEY CONCEPTSFocus structures:One is Sandra and the other is Mary.You always like to make new friends.Well, you can introduce yourself to her.Its almost the same as Grade 7.I will look for one.LANGUAGE NOTES1. I was happy to see my classmates after such

3、a longholiday. 这么长的假期过后,看到同学们我很高兴。be happy/sorry/glad to do sth. 意 思 是“ 做 某 事很”。例如:He is sorry to hear that. 听到那事他很难过。such 作形容词,意为“如此,这么”,一般修饰名词(短语)。例如:I never saw such a bird. 我不曾看过这样的鸟。It was such a cold day that I wore two sweaters. 天气这么冷,我穿了两件毛衣。2. One is Sandra and the other is Mary. 一个是桑德拉,另一个

4、是玛丽。the other 意思是“另一个”,它特指两者中的另外一个。表示三者或三者以上的“另一个”用another。例如:One of his eyes is blind and the other isnt. 他的一只眼是瞎的,另一只不是。She has two sisters. One is a teacher and the other is a nurse. 她有两个姐姐,一个是教师,另一个是护士。I have a lot of toys, but Im going to buy another one.我有很多玩具,但我打算再买一个。the other+ 名词复数 =the oth

5、ers 表示其余的所有人或物。例如:This book is more interesting than the other books.=This book is more interesting than the others. 这本书比其余的书都有意思。Only ten students are in the classroom. Where are theothers? 只有十个学生在教室里,其他学生呢?3. You always like to make new friends. 你总是喜欢结交新朋友。to make friends (with) 表示“(和)交朋友”。make fr

6、iends 是短暂性动词词组,若和一段时间连用,则需要变成 be friends。例如:Its easy to make friends with kids. 和孩子交朋友是很容易的。We have been friends for ten years. 我们是十年的朋友了。4. I wanted to talk to Sandra, but I didnt know how to begin. 我想和桑德拉聊聊,但是我不知道怎样开始。how to begin 是“疑问词 to do”结构,在原句中作 know 的宾语,相当于宾语从句 how I canbegin。例如:I dont know

7、 what to say at the meeting. = I dontknow what I will say at the meeting. 我不知道在会议上说什么。She doesnt know how to get to the railway station.= She doesnt know how she can get to the railwaystation. 她不知道怎样到火车站。Tell me when to hold the meeting. = Tell me when weare going to hold the meeting. 告诉我什么时候开会。“疑问词

8、 to do”在句中除了作宾语外,还常在句中作主语。例如:Where to live is a problem. 在哪儿住是个问题。Sample Items and Tasks List:Four erasers (2 points)Three rulers (2 points)Two dictionaries (4 points)Any object that is the same size as a pencil(4 points)Any object that is the same shape as a ball(5 points)Write down a word that has

9、 the same meaning as“to look for” (3 points)Write down a school subject that is a kind ofscience (4 points)Make a new friend (3 points)Introduce yourself to six different people(6 points)Two books that are NOT the same (2 points)Two hidden pieces of paper one is red, the otheris yellow (2 points) th

10、en answer the questionson the pieces of paper (4 points/question)Total Score: _ / 41How to learn English well has become a problem formany Chinese people. 怎样学好英语已经成了很多中国人的问题。5. Well, you can introduce yourself to her. 哦,你可以向她做一下自我介绍。introduce. to. 意思是“把介绍给到”;introduce oneself (to.) 意思是“自我介绍”。例如:Tea

11、was introduced to England in the year 1840. 茶在1840 年传到英国。Tom, please stand up and introduce yourself to us all.汤姆,请站起来向大家做一下自我介绍。6. What about you? 你呢?你怎么样?What / How about.? 表示“怎么样?”其中about 为介词,后加名词、代词或 doing。例如:What about having a football game this weekend? 这周末踢场足球怎么样?How about that book? 那本书怎么样?

12、7. Its almost the same as Grade 7. 和七年级几乎一样。the same as. 表示“和一样”。the 不可以省略。常用的反义词组为 different from, 表示“和不同”。例如:The city looks exactly the same as that one. 这座城市看起来和那座完全一样。My bike is different from yours. 我的自行车和你的不一样。8. Tomorrow we will make a class picture, but I donthave any good recent pictures of

13、 myself. 明天我们要制作一张班级照片,但我没有什么好的近期照片。注意:a picture of myself 和 my picture 的区别,前者指照片中的人是我,后者指照片属于我,但照片上的人不一定是我。例如:There are two pictures of me on the wall. 墙上挂着两幅我的照片。CLASS CLOSING1) Complete Lets Do It! No.3.Students do the exercise independently, then check theanswers in groups, and finally as a clas

14、s.2) Assign homework: Role-play Lesson 1. Make a list of the differences and similaritiesbetween Grade 7 and 8. Look at your list and think:If you could give a Grade 7 student advice aboutpreparing for Grade 8 what would tell them?教学反思:Lesson 2: Many Faces, One PictureLESSON PREPARATIONLANGUAGE KNOW

15、LEDGE掌握词汇:advise, agree, glue接触词汇:perform短语和句型:advise. to do., be up to., agreewithRESOURCES audiotape an example of a class picture a photo of yourself glueKEY CONCEPTSFocus structures:He advised me to choose that one.Its up to you.I agree with you.LANGUAGE NOTES1. You are wearing traditional clothes. You look like a dancer. 你穿着传统(中式)服装,看起来就像一个舞蹈演员。wear作动词,意为“穿着(衣服等),戴着(首饰等)”,强调状态;pu


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