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1、Student MailA paper house茨榆坨初级中学 周芬Analysis of teaching material:本文讲述的是90年前一个美国人使用旧报纸建造了一所房子。这所房子不仅环保,而且美观。目前,它已成为一处景观。本文约150个词,篇幅不长,但内容引人入胜。通过学习本文,学生不仅丰富了语言知识,而且更加注重环境保护。Step 4: ScanningWhy did Elis begin to recycle the newspapers?How old is the house?(设计意图: 培养学生的阅读速度,教会学生进行跳跃式阅读,在最短的时间内找出问题的答案。)St

2、ep 5:Intensive reading:Questions: How often does the family buy a newspaper? How many newspapers do they have in a lifetime? What do people usually do after reading the newspaper? What were the floor and roof of the house made from? What was the wall of the house made from? What did people turn it i

3、nto?(设计意图: 要求学生注重细节,从整体上把握文章的主要内容,通过设置一些问题,帮助学生理解短文。)Step 6:RetellingKey words: buy a newspaperusually throw awaysave the woodElis Stenmanrecyclebuilt a housethe floor and roofthe wallsfurniture90 years latera museum(设计意图: 根据关键词,复述课文,以提高口语表达能力。)Step 7:Discussion(设计意图: 小组合作,解决仍存在的问题,以培养学生提出问题,解决问题的能力

4、。)Step 8:Writing请介绍一所你最熟悉的建筑物,例如,你的家,你的学校,你家附近的商店等。你可以从以下几个方面加以介绍:1.建筑年代 2.所用材料 3.用途要求:1. 字迹工整 2. 语句通顺 3. 60 -80 词Step 9:Summary1. Useful words and phrases2. The main ideaStep 10:homeworkComplete your composition to make it better.Step 11:教学反思Blackboard DesignA paper house lifetime recycle apart fro

5、mbe made from be made ofAnalysis of the teaching object:Reading and speaking are very important in learning English, but most of the students dont pay more attention to them. They usually think writing is the most important thing. They recite many new words, but they cant read and speak English well

6、.Teaching aim and demands:知识目标:(1).Learn some new words and phrases. (2).Help the students understand the whole passage and get the main idea.能力目标:(1).To improve the students abilities of listening, speaking , reading and writing. (2).To grasp the skills of reading.德育目标:To let the students realize t

7、he importance of protecting the environment.Teaching key points: To grasp the new words and phrasesTeaching difficulties: To use the language freelyTeaching methods: Task-based approachTeaching aids: The multimedia equipment Teaching procedures:Step 1: PresentationShow some pictures about the paper

8、house and talk about them.(设计意图:引起学生的兴趣,使学生更快地进入学习状态。)Step 2: SkimmingQuestions: Where is the house? When did Elis begin to build it ? What is the house made from?(设计意图:使学生掌握文章大意。)Step 3: Listening and reading at least lifetime throwaway in order to recycle take a look at be made from be made of apart from turninto The desk is made of wood. The paper is made from wood.(设计意图: 让学生在听、读的过程中,找出重点词汇,短语,句子,并进行解释和运用,扫除阅读障碍,同时培养学生猜词的能力。)


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