四川省成都市2014高考英语 写作与完形填空训练(1).doc

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1、成都市2014高考英语写作与完形填空训练(1)及答案如何展开你的文章是英文写作必不可少的一步。如果不了解展开文章的技巧和方法,你的写作可能会是一篇糟糕透顶的、令读者大跌胃口的、不能称之为文章的文章。读完下面的tips,也许你会有所感悟。 I. Writing down ideas As you begin to plan your writing, you may already have some ideas concerned with points you wish to write. Write them down on a sheet of paper or card as they

2、 come to you. As you continue to study your subject, be sure to add further ideas and information. Your finished list might look something like this: Topic: The School Library Ideas: 1. a very well designed modern building 2. a large number of useful books 3. bright and quiet reading rooms 4. patien

3、t and helpful librarians. II. Building a thesis sentence Having completed your list of ideas, your next step is to build a thesis sentence by organizing those ideas in relation to each other, because while planning writing, you must make certain that you have a central idea in your mind. Such a cent

4、ral idea is called a thesis sentence. As a thesis sentence indicates the central idea that you will develop in your paper, you should use only one in the writing. You need not always express a thesis sentence in the paper itself, although you should clearly control the development of any writing tha

5、t requires one. If you do use such a statement, it had better appear in the very first paragraph. Why? Because it works for the entire writing in the way a topic sentence does in a paragraph. It tells the readers of your paper what the big idea is-and also helps you keep on track in developing that

6、idea. Take your writing with the topic The School Library for example. From our study of the school library we have got two possible thesis sentences: 1. The library is a nice place to study in. 2. The library plays an important part in both teaching and students study and life. III. Making an outli

7、ne One useful way of planning a piece of writing is a formal outline. An outline is an organized list of related items of ideas. Some people object to outlining. They believe that preparing a formal outline steals valuable time from actual writing and that an outline acts as a brake on the free flow

8、 of their ideas. Both objections make some sense. But time spent on an outline will be more than repaid when one begins to write. Also, few of us always think logically. So the final step in organizing your ideas is to make an outline. Take your writing with the topic The School Library for example.

9、 Topic: The School Library Thesis: The school library plays an important part in both teaching and students study and life. Outline: 1. There are bright and quiet reading rooms in the library, so students can study and read in them. 2. Students borrow books from the library when they need reference

10、books for their studies. 3. The library provides students with a large number of useful books叙事类记叙文 记叙文是以叙述人物的经历或事物的发展变化过程为主的一种文体,是写作训练中最普遍、最基本的一种文体。记叙文要求学生根据所给情景,组织语言材料,编写成文。一般说来记叙文有时间、地点、人物、事件、原因和结果六要素,写作时要表达清楚。记人时,要注意介绍人物的身世、经历和事迹等;叙事时要描写事情发生和发展的过程及前因后果等。【写作点拨】 叙事类记叙文以叙述事件为主,突出事件发生、发展和解决的过程。在写这类记

11、叙文时要做到: 1. 重组材料,确定要点。叙事类记叙文写作前要进行立意、构思和选材等一系列过程,高考中的书面表达一般为控制性写作,通常会提供短文的主题和写作内容,考生要对提供的材料进行再加工,确定写作的顺序、要点和重点,拟定使用的句型和词组。 2. 结构完整、前后呼应。写记叙文必须有头有尾,一般来说,记叙时要把与一件事有关的六要素都交代清楚。文章的主题和内容要一致,文章的结尾与开头要呼应。 3. 人称统一、线索明确。记叙文可用“你、我、他”三种人称,但如果题目要求你使用某种人称,则必须遵循要求;叙事类记叙文一般按照事件发展的前后顺序进行叙述。【常见问题】 1. 要点不全。要点是否齐全通常决定文

12、章的档次。书面表达要上档次,要点齐全是关键。要点提示类书面表达一般不会出现这样的问题,看图作文则常会由于学生观察不细心等原因遗漏要点。 2. 线索不清。有些短文条理混乱,主要原因是没有确定好写作线索。叙事类文章一般按时间顺序来写。 3. 时态不明。叙事时时态混乱是学生常犯的错误之一。叙事类记叙文所记的一般是过去发生的事,原则上用过去时,有时也用现在时。 4. 主次不分。有些同学写作时平均用力,面面俱到,写出来的东西主题不突出,显得呆板乏味。【佳作赏析】请根据下面的要点叙述一次看马戏的经历。 1. 期中考试后放了三天假,我看了一场马戏。 2. 表演非常精彩。有小狗表演,独轮车表演等。最刺激的节目

13、是走钢丝。一个男演 员手里拿着一根平衡杠,头上坐着一个女孩,肩上的钢杠上还挑着两个女孩。当他 小心翼翼走过钢丝的时候,观众报以热烈的掌声。 3. 马戏是一种力与美结合的艺术。通过这次表演,我体会到了中国马戏艺术的博大精 深。参考词汇:马戏表演circus show 刺激的thrilling 钢丝tightrope 平衡杆balancing pole 钢杆steel barWatching a circus show I had a three-day holiday after the mid-term examination, so I decided to relax myself by

14、watching a circus show. A girl appeared on the stage. She rode a one-wheel bike on a small table with a lot of flowers on it. She didnt knock down even one flower. Some little dogs also did a good job. The four little dogs did some amusing tricks and one of them could calculate the number! How cleve

15、r they were! The most thrilling program was to see a young man walking on a tightrope. He stood on the very thin rope with a balancing pole on his hands. On his head sat a little girl. Another two girls sat on the ends of a steel bar on his shoulder. The young man took his first step with great care. The rope held. One step! Two, three. Every viewer held his breath. All the people were anxious about his safety, because the young actor didnt fasten a safety belt. Any little carelessness could cost his life! At last he succeeded in walking across the 8-meter-long tightrope. The pe


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