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1、UNIT 5THE VALUE OF MONEY美 文 导 入素养解读:本单元隶属于“人与自我”主题语境下“做人与做事”主题群。通过本单元的学习,学生应树立正确的金钱观,形成正确的价值观念和积极的人生态度,引发对金钱的思考:富有并不一定幸福,自给自足、奉献社会、帮助他人可以给自己带来幸福和快乐。本单元最终引导学生形成正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,培养出符合社会主义核心价值观的建设者和接班人。主题:对金钱的正确认知学科素养:人与社会(经济)难度系数:In modern society,a large number of people think that money plays an impor

2、tant role in our life.But money does not mean everything.Say,if you regret doing something,there is no pill called regret in the world which you can buy._Different people have different attitudes towards money.Some people think that money is the root of all evil(罪恶).Thieves steal for wealth,and even

3、 the war between two countries is also for wealth.People who want to get more money have to work hard.No matter how much we have,our desire for more money for the future can never be satisfied.Some evil people even turn to an evil way in order to get it.When they get it,they are worried that they wi

4、ll lose it some day or that people will steal it from them.Money keeps them up at night.Others think money is a really good thing.Actually,money can buy many things.If you are a person who is very wealthy,you can own your own cars,houses and even other luxuries(奢侈品),which make you live a comfortable

5、 and easy life.And you can do some things that you want,such as travel,adventure,try on new things and so on.You can help those in need with your money,which will offer you much pleasure.In a word,having money can make you happy.However,money isnt everything.There are a lot of things more important

6、than money in our life.regret/rret/vt.&vi.懊悔;惋惜;遗憾attitude/ttjud/n态度;看法root/rut/n根源;根基;根本;基础desire/dza(r)/n希望;渴望comfortable/kmftbl/adj.安逸的;使人舒服的课标词汇a large number of很多play an important role in在中起重要作用in order to为了keep sb up at night 使某人晚上睡不着in need在危难中;在危急中in a word总而言之重点短语Say,if you regret doing som

7、ething,there is no pill called regret in the world which you can buy.分析:该句为复合句,if引导条件状语从句,“called regret”为过去分词短语作名词pill的后置定语,“which you can buy”为定语从句,修饰先行词pill。译文:比如说,如果你后悔做了某事,世界上没有一种后悔药可以买到。句型精析No matter how much we have,our desire for more money for the future can never be satisfied.分析:该句为复合句,“No matter how”引导让步状语从句。译文:无论我们拥有多少钱,未来我们对更多钱的渴望永远不会得到满足。核心素养目标【语言技能】复习情态动词的用法;掌握过去将来时;能用英语简单创作剧本。【素养提升】通过阅读课文,了解中外文化对金钱的不同态度;结合文章信息,判断作者的写作意图;结合文中人物对待金钱的态度的转变,运用合理的思维方式看待金钱在生活中的作用。


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