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1、九年级(下)Module 4 能力测试命题:李艳 孙学红 满分: 分姓名_ 班级_ 得分_ 自我评价_听力部分(分)(略)笔试部分(分) 单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)( ) 21. Before you go abroad, you need _ about the table manners in the country you want to go to. A. knewB. knownC. to knowD. knowing( ) 22. Im looking forward to _ the 29th Olympic Games to be held in Beijing on

2、TV. A. watchB. watching C. watchesD. watched( ) 23. When people want to relax themselves, they prefer _ TV or listen to music rather than _ books.A. watching; read B. watching; to read C. to watch; read D. to watch; reading( ) 24. The two scarves are very beautiful. I have tried them on, but I haven

3、t decided _. A. which to buy B. where to buy C. what to buy D. how to buy( ) 25. Students shouldnt spend _ time on clothes. We should focus on (集中精力于) our studies.A. too much B. too little C. too many D. too few( ) 26. This dress makes her _ very young. A. soundB. to sound C. lookD. to look ( ) 27.

4、In those days, books were _ expensive _ most poor children couldnt afford them. A. so; because B. such; that C. so; that D. because; so that( ) 28. He is a kind man. He gives the poor children money _ clothes and books. A. as good as B. as well C. as many as D. as well as( ) 29. I used to play compu

5、ter games, but now I dont play computer games _. A. any more B. anyway C. not any longerD. no longer( ) 30. Ive looked _ but I couldnt find my lost dog. A. somewhere B. nowhere C. where D. everywhere( ) 31. Lilys overcoat is the same _ yours, but different _ Bettys. A. to; as B. as; fromC. as; withD

6、. to; from( ) 32. Lets see whether the dress_ me or not. If it _, Ill buy it. A. fits; doesnt B. fits; does C. will fit; does D. fits; is( ) 33. What beautiful shoes youre wearing! They must be _. No, they only cost 100 yuan. A. cheaper B. cheap C. more expensiveD. expensive( ) 34. After a quick bre

7、akfast, Dave _ his coat and went out. A. woreB. put onC. had on D. was in( ) 35. Designing clothes is _ and Im _ in it. A. interesting; interested B. interested; interesting C. interesting; interestingD. interested; interested 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)Martin Henfield talks about some of his experiences as a

8、 twin. When we were still very young, our mother dressed us in the same clothes. That was 36 enough and we didnt like it. But when we went on our first camping trip with the other scouts (童子军成员), it was even 37 . We were only ten years old then. While 38 slept into their own sleeping bags, we had to

9、 lie inside a double sleeping bag our mother made for us. At school, our classmates 39 us Henfield One and Henfield Two, but people couldnt even see our difference according to our names because 40 of us were M. H. It was only when I went to college and began to have my own friends that I started to

10、 feel my own freedom of identity (身份). Before I went to college, during my last secondary school 41 , I got a job on a building site. My twin brother, Mike Henfield, didnt work. He was resting. One day I said to the foreman (工头), “Can I have a week off?” “Certainly,” he said, “but you wont have the

11、job when you 42 back.” I didnt want to 43 the job, so on Monday morning, Mike went there in my clothes and worked for one week. 44 of them saw any difference. Now, I am growing old and I feel very different 45 my twin brother. And hell tell you the same. We have worked towards that for forty years.

12、( ) 36. A. bad B. good C. fineD. interesting ( ) 37. A. nicer B. worse C. boringD. better ( ) 38. A. all boys B. another boy C. all the other boys D. all the boys ( ) 39. A. calledB. askedC. told D. knew ( ) 40. A. every B. each C. both D. all ( ) 41. A. yearB. holidayC. weekD. weekend ( ) 42. A. ge

13、tB. will get C. gotD. are getting ( ) 43. A. missB. stopC. forgetD. lose ( ) 44. A. All B. None C. Each D. Neither ( ) 45. A. for B. fromC. with D. as 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)If you chat with pop singer Jacky Xue (薛之谦), youll be amazed at how good he is at telling jokes. He always makes you laugh. When he

14、tells a joke, he really acts it out. But his songs are full of sorrow (悲伤) and are quite unlike his personality. “Perhaps Ive already put all my sad feelings into writing songs,” said Jacky. “So I dont have a heavy burden (负担) in mind and can stay happy.” Recently, Jacky put out a new photo book with his best friend Junjun. The two met in the “Lycra my show” contest. Fans love his personality as well as his handsome



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