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1、UNIT 1SCIENCE FICTION单元词汇预通关.中英互译1n.预约;约会;委任_2vt.让(某人)离开;解散;解雇;消除_3vt.表明;宣称;公布_4vt.(去)拿来;(去)请来_【答案】1appointment2dismiss3declare4fetch5superior _6urge _【答案】5adj.更好的;占优势的;(在级别或重要性上)更高的6n.强烈的欲望;冲动vt.催促;力劝;大力推荐.选择合适的词,并用其正确形式填空动词suspend;calculate;explode;presume;grip1He _ his gains and losses of money,a

2、nd the result was a minus.2When the boiler _,many people were injured.【答案】1calculated2exploded3In English law,a person is _ innocent until proved guilty.4A cloud of smoke was _ in the air.5No golf teacher worth his salt(称职的)would ever recommend that you _ the club tightly.【答案】3presumed4suspended5gri

3、p名词fiction;bonus;integrity;dignity;salary1Youll be paid a _ at the end of every year.2The kid was raised to become a man of _.3A mans _ depends not upon his wealth but upon his character.4He draws his _ at the end of every month.5Real life is sometimes stranger than _【答案】1bonus2integrity3dignity4sal

4、ary5fictionnail;saleswoman;lamp;gramme;flour6I found a _ sticking in the tyre.7This kind of goods are sold by the _8The room was softly lit by a _9I followed what the _ said and did the investment.10Bread is chiefly made of _【答案】6nail7gramme8lamp9saleswoman10flour形容词weekly;random;ridiculous;blurred1

5、It is simply _ to attempt such a thing.2In addition to my _ wage,I got a lot of tips.3Most people know that the outcome of a coin toss is _4The line between fact and fiction is becoming _.【答案】1ridiculous2weekly3random4blurred.一词多义匹配练习urgeAn.强烈的欲望Bn.冲动Cvt.催促Dvt.力劝;大力推荐1He denounces people who urge hi

6、m to alter his ways._【答案】1C2It is perfectly all right,now and then,for a human to be possessed by the urge to speak,and to speak while others remain silent._ 3He continued to urge the Republican Party to tilt rightward._4The urge to survive drove them on._【答案】2B3D4AdismissAvt.让(某人)离开Bvt.解雇Cvt.开除5He

7、dismissed me from the club because of my serious mistake._6He dismissed his servant from his presence._7In consequence of your bad work I am forced to dismiss you._【答案】5C6A7B.用括号内单词的正确形式填空1She looked _(ridiculous)young to be a mother.2They made the wrong _(calculate)of their situation.3He had no sen

8、se of shame and never felt _(guilt).4She read the _(declare)aloud for everyone to hear it clearly.【答案】1ridiculously2calculation3guilty4declaration5There is an interesting article in this_(week)newspaper.6The two _(saleswoman)were busily trying to keep up with the demand.7_(stun)scientists found ther

9、e existed not one but at least three viruses.【答案】5weekly6saleswomen7Stunned8The rain had made the football pitch extremely _(mud).9They competed in the senior _(divide)of the chess league.10The atomic _(explode)is always accompanied by huge fireball.【答案】8muddy9division10explosion.选择合适的短语,并用其正确形式填空te

10、st out;more like;on a.basis;pros and cons;superior to;take over;conflict with.;turn out;fall away;have an urge to1Hes _ a film star than a lifeguard,really.他真的更像电影明星而不是救生员。【答案】1more like2The vacation is coming and I _ travel.假期就要来了,我很想去旅行。3After his defeat,many of his supporters _他失败后,他的许多支持者都疏远了。4T

11、he whole town _ to see the wonderful circus.整个城镇的人都出来看精彩的马戏表演。【答案】2have an urge to3fell away4turned out5These results _ earlier findings.这些结果与早期的发现相冲突。6She decided that I was the ideal person to _ the job.她认为我是接替这项工作的理想人选。7It cannot be questioned that the new method is _ the old one.新方法比旧方法好,这是毫无疑问的

12、。【答案】5conflict with6take over7superior to8They sat for hours debating the _ of setting up their own firm.他们坐了好几个小时,讨论成立自己公司的利弊。9We should solve the problem _ practical _我们应该从实际出发来解决这个问题。【答案】8pros and cons9on a;basis10The model must _ before you put the product on sale.在你们把产品投放市场之前,必须先测试这种型号。【答案】10be

13、 tested out.请从下面方框中选用本单元的重点词汇并以其适当形式补全短文fiction;salary;declare;calculate;flour;venue;appointment;urge;superior to;pros and cons;at random;panel;fetch;fall away;explode;be divided into;division;leather;take overOne day,I made an 1._ with my classmates to sign up for a mini-marathon,【答案】1appointmentwh

14、ich was organised at the beginning of the month.A few days later,we got everything ready.However,we 2._ different groups 3._Although we would rather we were in the same group,we accepted the 4._.Everyone had an 5._ to be the first to cross the finishing line.【答案】2were divided into3at random4division5urgeFinally,the judges who were responsible to 6._ and record the scores 7._ that I was the most impressive runner of all.Excited enough,I would never forget this great moment.【答案】6calculate7declared


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