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1、UNIT 1RELATIONSHIPSPeriod SixViewing Workshop-Check Your Progress课前自主预习A政治,政治活动B属于C原则;行为准则D保护,保卫E差异,差别.猜词意1How can we defend our homeland if we dont have an army?()2The organisation works on the principle that all members have the same rights.()3He is planning to retire from politics next year.()【答案

2、】13DCA4After three years in Cambridge,I finally feel as if I belong here.()5Theres a striking contrast between what he does and what he says he does.()【答案】45BE.猜单词拼写1approve v _ n赞许;同意2motivated adj._ adj.不积极的,不主动的3motivate v _ n动力,积极性4person n _ n性格;个性;人格【答案】1.approval2.unmotivated3motivation4.pers

3、onality.预备话题素材1Its a very nice sofa but it doesnt _ _ with the rest of the room.(合适,相融合)2In a word,bicycles _ _ _ _ in our daily life.(起到重要作用)【答案】1.fit in2.play an important role3The building does not _ _ safety regulations.(符合)4_ _ _ people from open culture,the Japanese never look directly at the

4、other in a face-to-face conversation.(和对比)【答案】3conform to/with4.In contrast to/with课堂新知讲练1belong to是的成员;属于(P21)We all want to be part of a group and feel like we belong to our community.【翻译】我们都想成为群体的一部分,并且感觉我们属于我们的团体。(1)belong to无被动语态,也不用于进行时。belonging n归属关系;财产,所有物(常用复数形式)(2)sense of belonging归属感per

5、sonal belongings个人财产【语言提升】All his belongings were burnt in the fire.他所有的财物都在大火中付之一炬。This strange vegetable belongs to the potato family.这种奇怪的蔬菜属于土豆的一种。【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)It is a country_(belong)to the third world.(2)As we know,lions_(belong)to the cat family.(3)That red car belongs_Miss Li.【答案】(1)belong

6、ing(2)belong(3)to2approval n赞许;同意(P21)People who are low in confidence and unsure of themselves may be more likely to seek their peers approval by going along with risky suggestions or choosing the“wrong”path.那些缺乏自信、对自己不确定的人可能更容易通过遵从冒险的建议或选择“错误”的途径来寻求同伴的认可。(1)in approval赞成地without ones approval未经某人的

7、许可(2)approve vi.赞成;赞许vt.批准approve of sth赞成某事approve of sb/ones doing sth赞成某人做某事disapprove vi.不同意;不赞成disapproval n不同意;不赞成disapproving adj.不赞成的;反对的【语言提升】Do you approve of my idea?你同意我的想法吗?Several people nodded in approval.好几个人点头表示同意。She doesnt approve of me/my leaving school this year.她不同意我今年离校。【针对练习】

8、完成句子(1)Her father will never _ such a lazy fellow.她父亲永远不会赞成她嫁给这样的懒人。单句语法填空(2)Her parents did not approve _ her decision.(3)The city officials have just given final _(approve)to a new stadium.【答案】(1)approve of her marrying(2)of(3)approval3defend vi.&vt.保护,保卫(P21)Bullies pick easy targets people who a

9、re outside the peer group and whom the group is unlikely to defend.【翻译】恃强凌弱者会选择容易对付的目标那些在同龄人群体之外且群体不太可能保护的人。(1)defend sb/sth from/against.保护某人(某物)免受伤害;保卫某人(某物)defend oneself against sth为自己辩护(2)defence n防御工事;保卫in defence of.为了保卫in ones defence.为辩护;在的防备下【语言提升】We are determined to defend our motherland

10、 at all costs.我们决心不惜任何代价保卫祖国。【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)Many martial arts were invented because people needed to defend _(they)or protect others.【答案】(1)themselves(2)They are busy building _(defend)to defend their country.(3)Our duty is to defend the country _ its enemies.【答案】(2)defences(3)against4contrast n差异,差

11、别vt.形成对比(P23)In contrast to extroverts,they value fewer,but deeper experiences.【翻译】与外向者相反,他们看重的是更少但更深刻的体验。(1)【语言提升】The poem contrasts youth and age.这首诗对比了青春与老年。There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West.东西方文化之间存在着明显的差异。(2)contrast vt.对照,比较contrast A and/with B把A和B对比;对照A和Bcont

12、rast with sth同某物比较起来【针对练习】完成句子(1)In this report,the author _.在这个报告中,作者比较了中国和美国之间的差异。【答案】(1)contrasted China and the United States(2)Their attitudes to this event _.他们对待这件事情的态度形成了明显的对比。(3)_,we can see the great achievement he has made in the past months.通过对比,我们可以发现他在过去几个月里所取得的巨大成就。【答案】(2)show an obvi

13、ous contrast between them(3)By contrast句式解读(P21)People who are low in confidence and unsure of themselves may be more likely to seek their peers approval by going along with risky suggestions or choosing the“wrong”path.【翻译】那些缺乏自信、对自己不确定的人可能更容易通过遵从冒险的建议或选择“错误”的途径来寻求同伴的认可。【句式剖析】本句的主语是People,与其谓语部分“may

14、 be more likely to seek their peers approval”构成“主系表”结构。在这个结构中,表语形容词likely的后面接动词不定式。【句式提升】It is likely that.有可能Sth/Sb is likely to do sth某物/某人可能会做某事。Tickets are likely to be expensive.票可能很贵。【易混辨析】likely,possible,probable三个词都可表示“可能的”,注意它们的用法差别:likely与probable 意思相近,但主语可以是人也可以是物possible可能性相对较小,作表语时,主语不能

15、是人,常用句式为“It is possible for sb to do sth”或“It is possible that.”probable语气比possible强,作表语时,主语不能是人或不定式,常用句式为“It is probable that.”【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)Studies show that people are more likely _(suffer)from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.(2)According to the passage,wh

16、o are likely _(expect)the shortest pauses between turns?【答案】(1)to suffer(2)to expect(3)While _ is likely that he understood very little of the books,they were his introduction to classical paintings.(4)It is likely _ babies are not born knowing this basic fact of the universe.完成句子(5)_(可能)the weather will turn out fine tomorrow.【答案】(3)it(4)that(5)It is likely that(6)Im afraid that our manager _(可能明天回来).(7)Your mother _(可能会生气)when she hears the news.【答案】(6)is likely to come back tomorrow(7)is like


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