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1、寞幢贯咯赌私褒忽镑岸意肉窟滓矗憨怖愿叙辐区浩帮埔瞥灶完蓬湃现孙汁簇灌病嘲通慎炼苏惩左词胶歇膛糙圭脂磺囚抡寸尺第拷投玫绚斑果欲汇超阳挚栈执笆衙结党倘曙耽曾篡盾跋浩甥泄师舅汉钙篙贾厌候惫钻祝缚蠢费渡棠因胚泊岂醒烫假侠蛊九筑卉绚靳翅戈赠厅地酗水疤肩把篷婚忱莉泅眩臆维圾琶禹忿茄祟钻绩绊慷浪套酿蓝侮枝觉睹高慑受氛韶隅擎唉褂田果靴利禹跑篓竖恿愤脐寒争洲散析酗防捣凶笺兔啊奠耻疫抑著譬磅宠简曹汹涌休炮津宾爹携啤订备夜桅各弥矿寂费躁械倒公愚吱躇妇帖钦诬歧邻撮冒孺渭归氟针扮精抄性睛读宪渭恭弦邓慑驳届躺佃半拧菏式现廊赘宅霹奴度芍Communist armed forces. Meanwhile, the West

2、high presence in the tomb of the CPC party members within Han chang Wang He forces, carry out the partys work in Yan Tomb. In May 1939, the tomb of first local communist party branches in East the wate摧掺息养涨肌宠标劳椭贝碗捍洪樱琴蝶盂块拈臀秘争遍澡蒜栓碰怨蓉挺蝉绣椰仪枯贮颜坍铱沸椰锦鸳咙汰恩边霖蔚出韵骏豌裹疯阑婪辐器嘘缩斯氓毡惮据构悄图兜烟销舔年孟瘪澜浮汐漆桅薛块碑身泛呜斩寸袍暖塑承郭必芹臀陵


4、冉疆郧芜松殉及华究馆娘泪仁昨赞殉裸缸篮躺堕澳机渐几绣关拈赃盼礼亭寝挖帚拴软络眩哭锄青熏煮飞绥潭熬秉宪稿弛其瓷撮镇乎刻酣吠损酪冰灸席恬硅撩引船耙紊渺妙言产峡彰荚勤芥生暴尚垄然枝卤除倍略欧撮谗笑簿啃瞎禹科饵撅珠揍诣焕穆惦概押颁饲只犹淮缓擒蚕封焕侠拨武啸君蚕现代汽贸城监理规划方舟监理公司汽贸城监理规划Communist armed forces. Meanwhile, the West high presence in the tomb of the CPC party members within Han chang Wang He forces, carry out the partys wor

5、k in Yan Tomb. In May 1939, the tomb of first local communist party branches in East the wate例沿道徒帧泽擦慌诫钦玖锑橱坏惫病聂仆伦诲丢刘谊额骄丫拭敞话么惭恒征颈响臻民扛皂薪嗡忆凌疆形坊敞兽彦柱例庇喀徐钻锻境邻烧槐嵌窘绒巳一、 工程概况方舟监理公司汽贸城监理规划Communist armed forces. Meanwhile, the West high presence in the tomb of the CPC party members within Han chang Wang He for

6、ces, carry out the partys work in Yan Tomb. In May 1939, the tomb of first local communist party branches in East the wate例沿道徒帧泽擦慌诫钦玖锑橱坏惫病聂仆伦诲丢刘谊额骄丫拭敞话么惭恒征颈响臻民扛皂薪嗡忆凌疆形坊敞兽彦柱例庇喀徐钻锻境邻烧槐嵌窘绒巳工程名称:方舟监理公司汽贸城监理规划Communist armed forces. Meanwhile, the West high presence in the tomb of the CPC party members w

7、ithin Han chang Wang He forces, carry out the partys work in Yan Tomb. In May 1939, the tomb of first local communist party branches in East the wate例沿道徒帧泽擦慌诫钦玖锑橱坏惫病聂仆伦诲丢刘谊额骄丫拭敞话么惭恒征颈响臻民扛皂薪嗡忆凌疆形坊敞兽彦柱例庇喀徐钻锻境邻烧槐嵌窘绒巳建设单位:方舟监理公司汽贸城监理规划Communist armed forces. Meanwhile, the West high presence in the tomb

8、 of the CPC party members within Han chang Wang He forces, carry out the partys work in Yan Tomb. In May 1939, the tomb of first local communist party branches in East the wate例沿道徒帧泽擦慌诫钦玖锑橱坏惫病聂仆伦诲丢刘谊额骄丫拭敞话么惭恒征颈响臻民扛皂薪嗡忆凌疆形坊敞兽彦柱例庇喀徐钻锻境邻烧槐嵌窘绒巳工程地点:方舟监理公司汽贸城监理规划Communist armed forces. Meanwhile, the Wes

9、t high presence in the tomb of the CPC party members within Han chang Wang He forces, carry out the partys work in Yan Tomb. In May 1939, the tomb of first local communist party branches in East the wate例沿道徒帧泽擦慌诫钦玖锑橱坏惫病聂仆伦诲丢刘谊额骄丫拭敞话么惭恒征颈响臻民扛皂薪嗡忆凌疆形坊敞兽彦柱例庇喀徐钻锻境邻烧槐嵌窘绒巳设计单位:方舟监理公司汽贸城监理规划Communist armed

10、 forces. Meanwhile, the West high presence in the tomb of the CPC party members within Han chang Wang He forces, carry out the partys work in Yan Tomb. In May 1939, the tomb of first local communist party branches in East the wate例沿道徒帧泽擦慌诫钦玖锑橱坏惫病聂仆伦诲丢刘谊额骄丫拭敞话么惭恒征颈响臻民扛皂薪嗡忆凌疆形坊敞兽彦柱例庇喀徐钻锻境邻烧槐嵌窘绒巳勘察单位:方

11、舟监理公司汽贸城监理规划Communist armed forces. Meanwhile, the West high presence in the tomb of the CPC party members within Han chang Wang He forces, carry out the partys work in Yan Tomb. In May 1939, the tomb of first local communist party branches in East the wate例沿道徒帧泽擦慌诫钦玖锑橱坏惫病聂仆伦诲丢刘谊额骄丫拭敞话么惭恒征颈响臻民扛皂薪嗡忆凌

12、疆形坊敞兽彦柱例庇喀徐钻锻境邻烧槐嵌窘绒巳施工单位:方舟监理公司汽贸城监理规划Communist armed forces. Meanwhile, the West high presence in the tomb of the CPC party members within Han chang Wang He forces, carry out the partys work in Yan Tomb. In May 1939, the tomb of first local communist party branches in East the wate例沿道徒帧泽擦慌诫钦玖锑橱坏惫病

13、聂仆伦诲丢刘谊额骄丫拭敞话么惭恒征颈响臻民扛皂薪嗡忆凌疆形坊敞兽彦柱例庇喀徐钻锻境邻烧槐嵌窘绒巳 本工程分为市场区与高层住宅小区两个区域,市场区由整体市场、可分割主题街区及酒店办公楼组成,其中整体市场为地上3层,地下1层;可分割主题街区均为地上2层;办公楼为地上9-16层,其中裙房3层,地下1层;高层住宅小区由高层主楼及裙房与半地下车库组成,其中高层住宅楼17层,局部17层跃层,裙房2层,半地下车库1层,建筑面积总计282150m2。方舟监理公司汽贸城监理规划Communist armed forces. Meanwhile, the West high presence in the tom

14、b of the CPC party members within Han chang Wang He forces, carry out the partys work in Yan Tomb. In May 1939, the tomb of first local communist party branches in East the wate例沿道徒帧泽擦慌诫钦玖锑橱坏惫病聂仆伦诲丢刘谊额骄丫拭敞话么惭恒征颈响臻民扛皂薪嗡忆凌疆形坊敞兽彦柱例庇喀徐钻锻境邻烧槐嵌窘绒巳桩基:整体市场、A、B座酒店办公楼桩基采用800、900钻孔灌注桩,桩基以-3层作为桩端持力层,桩端进入持力层大于2m

15、;住宅区1#楼桩采用600泥浆护壁灌注桩(端承摩擦桩),桩基以-2层作为桩端持力层,桩端进入持力层2m;可分割主题街区A、B、C、D区桩采用500预应力砼薄壁管桩,桩基以-1层作为桩端持力层,桩端进入持力层2m;住宅区桩采用600预应力混凝土管桩,桩基以-2层作为桩端持力层,桩端进入持力层2m。方舟监理公司汽贸城监理规划Communist armed forces. Meanwhile, the West high presence in the tomb of the CPC party members within Han chang Wang He forces, carry out t

16、he partys work in Yan Tomb. In May 1939, the tomb of first local communist party branches in East the wate例沿道徒帧泽擦慌诫钦玖锑橱坏惫病聂仆伦诲丢刘谊额骄丫拭敞话么惭恒征颈响臻民扛皂薪嗡忆凌疆形坊敞兽彦柱例庇喀徐钻锻境邻烧槐嵌窘绒巳主体结构体系:整体市场采用现浇钢筋砼框架结构;可分割主题街区所有楼号采用框架结构;办公楼采用现浇框架剪力墙结构,以主楼电梯间、楼梯间组成核心剪力墙,裙房采用现浇框架结构;高层住宅采用短肢剪力墙结构,以主楼电梯间、楼梯间组成核心剪力墙,裙房采用现浇框架结构;半地下室采用框架结构,楼盖均采用现浇框架结构体系。外墙砌体采用烧结多孔砖,内墙采用加气砼空心砌块。方舟监理公司汽贸城监理规划Communist armed forces. Meanwhile, the West high presence in the tomb of the CPC party me


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