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1、英语devote和contribute用法详解含译文devote,contribute都有做贡献的意思,下面详细讲解一下这两个词汇的含义及用法。1.devote v 献身于,致力于,奉献,投入devote oneself to献身于,致力于,专心于,to 是介词,后面跟名词,代词或动名词作宾语。Hedevoted himself tohis art. 他献身于艺术。If you have a job, dodevote yourself toit and finally you will succeed. 如果你有一份工作,一定要全身心地投入进去,最后你就会成功。重点提示:devote后面还可

2、以用表示时间,精力,生命,注意力等的词汇做宾语,常用的有:time,energy,life,resource,attention等。The best way to succeed is todevote 100%of your time and energy toit. 成功的最好方法就是投入100%的时间和精力。My neighbordevoted all his spare time toplanting flowers in his garden. 我的邻居把他所有的业余时间都用来在花园里种花。Theres no denying that we shoulddevote more res

3、ources tothis problem. 无可否认,我们应该在这一问题上投入更多的资源。devoted adj 忠诚的,挚爱的,全心全意的His dog became his mostdevotedfriend after the accident. 事故发生后,他的狗成了他最忠实的朋友。Mother isdevotedto children.母亲挚爱着自己的孩子。He was awarded for hisdevotedwork. 他因全心全意地工作而得到奖励。devotion n 献身,忠诚,热爱,专心,后面常接介词to。Everyone thought highly of herde

4、votion tothe cause of education. 大家都高度评价她对教育事业的献身精神。Leslie Nielsensdevotion toacting is wonderfully inspiring. 莱斯利尼尔森对表演的投入非常鼓舞人心。(2021浙江卷)Mydevotion toreading has never waned. 我对阅读的热爱从未减弱。2.contributecontribute vt/vi 贡献,捐献,捐助contribute(sth)to/towards sthHecontributed a large sum of money tothe loca

5、l charity. 他给当地的慈善机构捐了一大笔钱。Immigrants havecontributed toBritish culture in many ways. 移民在许多方面对英国文化做出了贡献。contribute vi 造成,促进contribute to 贡献,有助于,造成,导致,促使I think each of us cancontribute tothe future of our country. 我认为我们每个人都能为国家的未来做出贡献。According to the research, loneliness cancontribute todepression

6、and even crimes. 研究表明,孤独会导致抑郁甚至犯罪。Artscontribute tocultural development when people gather together to share their experience. 当人们聚在一起分享经验时,艺术有助于文化发展。contribute vt/vi 投稿,撰稿He oftencontributed tothe newspaper when he was young. 他年轻时经常给报纸投稿。contribution n(可数名词)贡献,捐款,稿件All thecontributionsto our school

7、 will be gratefully received. 所有对我们学校的捐款,我们将不胜感激。All thecontributionsto the magazine will be carefully reviewed. 所有给杂志的投稿都将被仔细审阅。make a contribution to或make contributions to为做出贡献,to是介词,后面跟名词,代词,动名词作宾语。As we all know, hemade great contributions tothe world. 众所周知,他对世界做出了巨大贡献。We shouldmake a contribution toprotecting the environment. 我们应该为保护环境做出贡献。


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