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1、精品文档4种时态综合练习题种类谓语形式常用时间状语用法一般现在时 am/is/are 动原动原+salways, often , sometimes , once a week ,usually ,every day, every morning , in the morning , on Sun day , at times, at weeke nds(1 )表示经常性或习惯性的动作或状态。(2 )表示个人目前的爱好。(3)表示客观事实或普遍真理。The earth moves around the sun.(4)在时间、条件等状语从句中表示将来要发生的动 作。As soon as I ge

2、t there, I will phone you.一般过 去时 was/were 过去式yesterday ,two days ago ,last week,in 2008,a moment ago , just now , when he was ten , the other day(1 )表示过去某个时间发生的某个动作或存在的状态。(2)表示过去经常或反复发生的动作(可以和often ,always等表示频率的时间副词连用)。一般将来时 willshall+动原 be going to+动原n ext week , this Sun day , next time,tomorrow ,

3、from now on , in a minute , some day ,(1)表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态。 或表示打算、计划、决疋要做某事。(2)表示将来经常或反复发生的动作。(3) be+现在分词,用现在进行时表示将来,瞬间动词go、come、leave、start、move、arrive、reach、get to 等。I am coming.(4)在时间或者条件状语从句中用一般现在时表示将 来。I won t come ifit rains tomorrow.现在进行时amisare+do ingnow, these days , at the mome nt句首有动词l

4、ook、listen等词提示。(1 )表示现在(说活瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。(2)表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的 动作。要注意的是表示状态、情感的某些词没有现在进行时,女口 like、have、love、know、understand、remember、 forget、see、hear、smell、taste、feel、wish、hope、 expect 等。一、用所给动词的正确时态填空。1. HeTV every evening, (watch)2. We alwaysto school on foot. (go)3. Tom, with his classmates, of

5、te nfootball after school. (play)4. Their classroomfour big win dows. (have)5. Your shoesun der the bed. (be)6. Shefor her friends at the bus stop now. (wait)7. Sorry, Ino eno ugh money with me now. (have)8. The daysIon ger and Ion ger now. (get)9. here andby me. (come, sta nd)10. Look, the bus. (co

6、me)11. His uncle usuallyto work by bus. (go)12. Sorry, I m busy. Ito a friend of mine in Hangzhou. (write)13. Lin Tao and his classmateson a farm n ext week. (work)14. Weto the Great Wall if itfine tomorrow. (go, be)15. Look at the cloud. I thi nk it. (rain)精品文档16. Marythirteen n ext year. (be)17. T

7、oday is Mon day. TomorrowTuesday. (be)18. Thereno hospitals here ten years ago. (be)19. Heyou to the stati on tomorrow morning, (see)20. Itvery hard. We d better stay at home. (rain)21.1 alwaysup at six in the morning, but Iup a little later yesterday. (get )22. Sheswim very well whe n she was five

8、years old. (ca n)23. Theyin Beijing in 1960. (be)24. He alwaysto work by bike whe n he was in Shan ghai. (go)25. Iyou up as soon as Ito Nanjing. (ring, get)26. They n everin the room. (smoke)27. Ito school yesterday because Iill. (not go, be)28. Joh nlike his father. (look)29. Be quiet. The baby.(sl

9、eep)30. Some young peoplein the lake. (swim)二、按要求变换句型。1. Father bought me a new bike. (同义句)Father boughtme.2. Frank read an in teresti ng book about history.(一般疑问句)Frankan in terest ing book about history?3. He cleaning his rooms.(戈卩线提问) he?4. Why n ot go out for a walk?(同义句)out for a walk?5. Thomas

10、 spe nt RMB 10 on this book.(否定句)ThomasRMB 10 on this book.6. My family went to the beach last week.(划线提问)familylast week?7.1 didn t have any friends.(一般疑问句)havefrien ds?8. I think she is Lily s sisf否定句) 9. Sally ofte n does some reading in the morni ng.(否定句)Sallyofte nsome readi ng in the morni ng.

11、10. He is a tall, thi n boy.(划线提问)he?三、句型转换。They read English last night.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定/否定回答:对划线部分提问:He played football last Sun dav.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定/否定回答:精品文档 对划线部分提问:四、用一般现在时或现在进行时填空。1. Miss Guo (teach) us Chin ese this term. She (be) a very good teacher. She ofte n alk) with us after class. Many of us

12、like-_ (talk) with her. Now, she (talk) with Lily.2. Listen! Who read) English? Han Meimei is. She often read) English in the evening.五、改错题(20)1. How is Jane yesterday? 2. He go to school by bus last week.3. He ofte n goes home at 6:00 last mon th. 4. I can fly kites seven years ago.5. Did you saw h

13、im just now. 6. Tom wasn t watch TV last night.7. I didn t my homework yesterday.8. He wait for you three hours ago. 9. Who find it just now ? 10. What make him cry ( 哭)just now? 六、将下列句子改成现在进行时1. Tom speaks Chin ese.2. We have four less ons._3. I watch TV. 4. She works in a hospital.5. Kitty and Ben

14、 have lunch at about twelve.6. His father helps them.7. Danny, ope n the door. _8. They watch TV ._七、用所给的动词的正确形式填空:1. The boy( draw)a picture now.2. Liste n .Some girls( sin g)i n the classroom .3. My mother( cook )some nice foodnow.4. Whatyou( do ) now?精品文档5. Look . They( have) an En glish less on

15、.6. They(n ot ,water) the flowers now.7. Look! the girls(dance )in the classroom .8. What is our son doing? She(listen ) to music.9. It s 5 o clock now. We(have)supper now10. Helen(wash )clothes? Yes ,she is .11. I(have) an excit ing party last weeke nd.12. she(practice) her guitar yesterday?No, she13. WhatTom(do) on Saturday evening?He


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