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1、英语动词的种类1:提示:以下动词的分类并没有绝对的标准。有的分类只是为了更好地学习英语动词、掌握动词的用法和 搭配,以及更好地学好与动词有关的语法。2:切记:有些动词作不同的意义解释时可以分属于不同种类的动词。因此.我们要特别注意一词多义现象。动词的种类分类总表:情 态 动 词1只作情态动词使用can/ could/ must/ may/ might/ ought to2可作情态动词,也可作实义动词need/ dare3可作情态动词,也可作助动词shall/ should/ will/ would4勉强可作情态动词have to/ had better/ used to/be able to助

2、 动 词1be形式变化:am/ is/ are/ was/ were/ been/ being同时是实义和系动词2do形式变化:do/does/ did/doing/done同时是实义动词3have形式变化:has/ had/ having同时是实义动词系 动 词1状态系动词be特别说明:这里列举的所有系动词本身 都是实义动词。但它们表示 的意思不同。请注意结合句 意去理解判断。2表像系动词appear/ seem3感官系动词look/ feel / smell/ sound/ taste4持续系动词keep/ remain/ stay / stand5变化系动词turn/ become/ g

3、et/ grow/ come/ go / fall / run6终止系动词prove/ turn out实 义 动 词1不及物动词(vi)本身意义完整后面不须跟宾语的实义动词。 vi后面若要跟宾语,必须加上介词。有不少的动词既是及物动词又 是不及物动词。区别在于它所表 示的含义有所不同。及物动词(vt)后面必须跟宾语意义才完整的实义动词。 vt后面可以直接跟宾语。2静 态 动 词静态动词是表示静止状态的动词。一般不用于进行时态。A.表示存在、从属意义的动词。如:be (是)、have (有”、own, exist, live, belong toB.与五官感觉有关的动词如:hear. see.

4、 feel, taste, smelL.及 watch, notice, observe, find, catchC.表示心理状态或情感状态的动词believe; consider; expect; envy; suppose; feel; think; find; forget; hate; hope; imagine; know; like; love; mind; realize: regret; suppose; understand; want; wishD.接度量衡名词的动词(+数词+单位) (这些动词的主语通常是物)weigh, cost, cover, last, take,

5、extend, stand, measure, number, total, carry, contain, seat动 态 动 词动态动词是表示运动状态的动词。可用于进行时态。A延续性动词:表示行为或过程能持久eat, listen, read, run, walk, work, write地继续下去或能产生持久的影响。B终止性动词:表示行为或过程是arrive; begin; break; bring; buy; catch; close; come; die; discover; fall; leave; open; put on; take off; sell; start; stop

6、; return; go; jump短暂的或瞬时间完成结束。C表示状态改变或位置转移的动词.arrive, change, come, die, go, land (着陆),leave3使役 动词A.表示“使、令、让、叫等意义的动词.如:make, have, let, get. keep.第4页有 更多相关 内容.B表示“使人,令人”的心理状态的动词。如:interest; excite; astonish; move; amuse; surprise(+sb.)4A谓语动词在句子中作谓语的动词。注意谓语动词的时态和语态变化。B 非 谓 语 动 词在句子中不是用作谓语的动词。变化形式:进行式

7、、完成式、被动式、否定式。A不定式to do形式变化:to have done/ to have been done / to be doing/ not to doB动名词doing形式变化:not doingC现在分词doing形式变化:having done/ having been done/ not doing not having done/ not having been done今后有专 题复习有D过去分词done形式变化:not done关内容.相关动词分类对比与同近义动词的区分及 物 动 词 与 不 及 物 动 词vi用法 主语+ vi (+状语)(不及物动词):ache=

8、hurt; appear; bathe; bleed; breathe; cheer; clap; cough; cycle; dance; disappear; dive; drown; exercise; continue; exist; fade; fall; fish; float; flow; hurry; freeze; hibernate; leak; matter; pour; quarrel; rain; recover; run; settle; sew; ship; rest; rise; rot; shop; sigh; ski; sink; sit; skate; s

9、leep; speak; snow; sound; travel; swim; act, come, go, cry, blow, smile, sleep, run, retire, fly, jump, stand(不及物动词短语):show up, break down, break out, turn up, die away, die out, give out, run upvi用法 主语+vi+ 介词+宾语aim + at look +at stare +at stay +at glance + at laugh + at contact +with sb deal + with

10、 disagree + with end + in/up with wait +for depend + on operate +on rely + on insist + on doinglive +in/on belong + to sb come + to sb go + to happen +to sb lie + to/in listen + to object +to occur +to refer +to relate +to reply +to return +to stick +to sth graduate + from suffer +fromfail + in succ

11、eed +in doing fall +off/ onto struggle + for/ against vote +for/ against care + for/about apologize + to sb for doing argue + about sth with sb die +in/ from/ of/ talk +about sth/ to sb think +ofZ about/ over compete + in sth with sb agree + to/ with / on work +on/ at/ in/for arrive + in/ at (要熟记它们的

12、搭配。)vt 与 vi 近 义 词 对 比listen to sb sound like sth hear sbarrive in/at get to reachbelong to sb own sth possess sthlie in + be situated in + be located in +contact with sb touch sbtalk tellwork for sb serve sbreply to answerappear show sth to sbrise / go up / increase raisesit seat sblook at see/ watc

13、hsucceed in doing manage sth/ to dobreak in break intogo out turn offlook for findgive in give udagree with sb promise sbA既可以用作及物又 可以用作不及物的 动词,其意义不变。如:begin 开始。Everybody, our game begins. Let us begin our game. 类似的还有:start, answer, sing, close, consider, insist, read, learn, prepare, pay, hurt, impr

14、ove.B既可以用 作及物又 可以用作 不及物的 动词,其意 义完全不 同。如lift作不及物动词时是指烟雾的消散。we saw the mountain when the clouds lifted. 作及物动词时是升高;举起。He lifted his glass and drank.类似的还有:beat vi.(心脏)跳动/vt.敲、打;grow vi.生长/ vt.种植play vi.玩耍/ vt.打(牌、球)演奏smell vi.发出(气味)/ vt.嗅ring vi.(电话、铃)响/vt.打电话speak vi.讲话/ vt.说(语言)hang vi.悬挂/ vt.绞死operat

15、e vi.动手术/ vt.操作run vi.跑步;褪色vt.经营C有的及物动词加上介词后,表示的意思不同。如:allow允许 allow for考虑到感 官 动 词感官动词 hear, see, feel, watch, notice, observe, find, catch, look at; hear; listen to 的用法归纳 总结:(感官动词 + sb. do/ doing sth done)。1. 后接不带to的不定式表示一个发牛讨或者还没发牛具体的动作When you go to watch the football match, you will enjoy seeing the Chinese football team win.2. 后接V-ing形式表示正在进行的动作。Seeing the sun rising above the surface of the sea, we let out a shout of j


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