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1、Unit twenty-four-API drill report phrases Official Daily Drilling Report Form1. Daily Drilling report 钻井日报表2. Report No 报表号3. Legend 图例(说明)4. Metric expressions 公制度量标准5. All lengths expressed in meters to two decimal places 所有长度均采用米制,并取两位小数6. Kg/m Mud density-kilogram per cubic meter 泥浆密度 7. mm-Pump

2、-stroke length-millimeter 泥浆泵冲程8. Weight of string-decanewton ( daN) 悬重-十牛顿9. Kg/m Linear mass-kilogram per meter 单位长度质量10. Viscosity-second per liter ( s/L ) 粘度-秒/升11. m/min Flow rate-cubic meter per minute 排量12. Pressure gradient-kilopascal per meter ( kPa/m ) 压力梯度13. Yield point-pascal ( Pa ), (

3、y. p. ) 屈服点14. Plastic viscosity-millipascal second ( mPa.s ), ( P. V. ) 塑性粘度15. Gel strength-pascal ( Pa ) 切力16. Work completed by wire line-megajoule ( MJ ) 大绳完成的功-兆焦耳17. Inside diameter and outside diameter-millimeter (mm ) 内径和外径-毫米18. Pump pressure-kilopascal ( kPa ) 泵压-千帕19. weight on bit: Indi

4、cator will record decanewton 钻压:指重表以十牛顿计20. Lease 租地21. Well No 井号22. Date 日期23. Yr. Mo. Day 年月日24. Well number 井数25. Operator 甲方(作业者)26. Contractor 乙方(承包商)27. Rig No 钻机编号28. Signature of contractors toolpusher 承包单位带队队长签名29. Signature of operators representative 甲方代表签名30. D.P.size 钻杆尺寸(规范)31. Kg/m 每

5、米重32. Grade 钢级33. Tool JTO. D 接头外径34. Type thread 扣形35. String No 钻柱号36. Pump No 泵编号37. Pump manufacturer 泵生产厂家38. Type of drive 驱动方式39. Stroke length 冲程40. Code No 序号41. Operation 工作内容42. Morn. Day. Eve: Morning tour, Day tour, Evening tour 早,白,晚班43. Rig up and tear down 安装与拆卸44. Drill actual 纯钻45.

6、 Reaming 扩眼46. Coring 取芯47. Condition mud & circulate 循环与处理泥浆48. Trips 起下钻49. Lubricate rig 保养钻机50. Repair rig 检修钻机51. Time distribution-hours 实效分析-小时52. Cut off drilling line and slip drilling line 倒大绳与滑大绳53. Deviation survey 测斜54. Wire line logs 吊测55. Run casing and cement 下套管与固井56. Wait on cement

7、 候凝57. Nipple up B.O.P. 安装防喷器58. Test B.O.P. 防喷器试压59. Drill stem test 中途测试60. Plug back 打水泥塞(回堵)61. Squeeze cement 挤水泥62. Fishing 打捞63. Dir. Work 定向工作64. Completion 完井65. PerfRTN ( Perforation ) 射孔66. TBG Trips 起下油管67. Treating 处理68. Swabbing 抽吸69. Testing 测试70. AdditNL 其他71. Total 合计72. Day work su

8、mmary ( office use only ) 一天工作摘要73. HRS. Standby 组织停工时间74. Total day work 总工作天数75. No. of days from spud 从开钻起天数76. Cumulative rotating HRS 累计钻进小时77. Total mud cost 总泥浆费用78. Drilling assembly 钻具结构79. At end of tour 交班时80. Bit 钻头81. STB O. D. 扶正器外径 82. RMR O.D. 扩大器外径83. D. C. I. D., O. D. 钻铤内,外径 84. Stands D.P. 钻杆立根数85. Si


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