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1、3B M2U1AnimalsRead a story-Monkeys and hats 教案教学设计说明:教学目标1.学习单词angry,词组take a rest,jump off, jump into和get back。2.通过听、说、问答和阅读,深刻的理解故事内容并能做出相应的反馈。3.通过复述课文,发挥想象,并能将所学进行表演。教学重点1.掌握单词,词组的读音和用法。2.通过阅读故事,能够灵活运用所学的知识完成相应的练习。教学难点第三人称单数形式的表达法。教学过程ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-taskpreparationWarming up1

2、Free talk2 Riddles 3Read a chant日常对话既复习了旧句型又为新授做铺垫。激发学生兴趣,引入今天教学的人物。揭示课题。While-task Procedure:Part II am Uncle Bai. To elicit: Uncle Bai1. T introduce Uncle BaiAnd ask some questions.e.g. Who is he?.What does he have? 2. Watch the movie (part1) 学生先听第一人称来介绍,为用第三人称单数的表达作铺垫。观看影片,更深刻的理解故事.Part II Uncle

3、Bai loses his hats.1take a rest1. Ask the questionsWhat season is it?How does Uncle Bai feel?Why? What does he want to do?2. Read : take a rest Say a rhyme3. Where does Uncle Bai take a rest? He takes a rest _.通过提问让学生更好的理解故事内容,同时将对话形式的文本再构成故事形式,有利于学生对故事的理解。把相同发音的词放在儿歌中,便于学生更好地掌握单词发音.设置情境,操练词组。2angry

4、 1. Watch the movie (part2)2. Ask the question:Who comes? What happened?How does Uncle Bai feel when he wakes up?3. Read: angry4.Show some angry faces to the students, students make the sentences.带着问题去观课影片.问题层层深入,激发学生思考。通过更多的生气表情图片,加深对该单纯的理解和掌握.3jump offjump into1. Ask the question: How can the monk

5、ey take his hats?2. Read : jump off , jump into3. Say and act通过问题引出新授词组.调节气氛并让学生更好的掌握动词词组。4. Do you like it?Yes, I do. No, I dont.1. T: Do you like my hat? S: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.2. Pair work.3. Students choose one thing to ask the teacher.对本单元的句型进一步巩固.为后面的教学作铺垫.Part IIIUncle Bai gets his hats b

6、ack.getback1. Introduce: get back2. Students read the phrases and get their things back.3.Watch the movie (part3)4. Listen to dialogue and read the dialogue5. Act the dialogue加深对词组的理解.通过表演,让学生更能深刻的理解故事情节。Post-task activity: Show the whole paragraph.1. Listen and order the pictures.2. Read and fill in the blanks. 通过练习的形式,让学生能更深刻地理解故事内容,加强学生掌握知识的能力。Homework1. Retell the story to your friends or your parents.2.Act the story with your friends or parents.3. Read more stories about the monkeys.


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