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1、 欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!2009 辽宁省辽阳市初中毕业生学业考试英 语 试 卷*考试时间100分钟试卷满分120分*注意事项:考生答题时,必须将答案写在答题纸上,答案写在试卷上无效。语言知识运用单项选择(共15分,每小题1分) 从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,将其字母标号写在答题纸的相应位置上。1Iraq is_ Asian county not_ European country Aa;a Ba;an Can;an Dan;a2Its bad for your health to go to work_ breakfast Awithout Bat Cfor Dwit

2、h3The story_ very interestingDo you like it?Asounds Bsmells Ctastes Dlooks4Jack couldnt go with me the other dayHe_ to finish his homework before his mother came backAtold Bwas told Ctells Dis telling5-Jerry,how did you like the film you saw last Sunday?-It was_I left the cinema half way through itA

3、special Boriginal Ccreative Dboring6-Would you like a hamburger or a hot dog?-_Im not hungryAAll BBoth CNeither DEither7The teacher said we needed to choose three _ for the school concertAfarmers Bdoctors Cdrivers Dsingers8Do you know how many sheep _in Australia? Ais there Bthere is Care there Dthe

4、re are9Please take the medicine three times a day _it wont work wellAand Bbut Cor Dso10_ beautiful music that is!AHow BHow a CWhat Dwhat a 11Again and again the doctor_ the crying girl,but he couldnt find out what was wrong with her Alooked over Blooked after Clooked for Dlooked out12I like the writ

5、er _ wrote the short storyAwhich Bwhat Cwhom Dwho13More than_ students went out for a picnic on Childrens DayAtwo thousand Btwo thousands Cthousand of Dthousand14-Would you mind if I open the window?-_Its hot in the roomAOf course BNot at all CQuite fight DYoure welcome15Lesson Three is_ Lesson TwoI

6、ts much more difficultAnot so easy as Beasier thanCas difficult as Dless difficult than补全对话(共10分,每空1分)(A)根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的句子完成下面的对话,将其字母标号写在答题纸 的相应位置上。Dad:Who was that on the phone?Morn:Aunt LoisDad:What did she say?Morn:_16_Dad:Why didnt she just send you an e-mail?Mom:_17_Dad:Thats too bad_18_Morn:

7、Me,too_19_Dad:Oh,that will be cheaper than phone calls!Morn:_20_(B)用适当的句子、短语或单词完成下面的对话,使对话完整、正确,将答案写在答题纸的 相应位罩上。Tony:Mary,lets go out together tonightMary:Oh,_21_,I cantI have to study for tomorrowstest. Can we make it another time?Tony:Well ,_22_ tomorrow evening? Are you free then?Mary:YesI amWhat

8、 are you going to do?Tony:Im going to see Aliens,the most popular science fictionnow_23_ ?Mary:Sure, Id love to!Tony: _24_?Mary:ComediesThey always make me feel happySo you like science fictions best?Tony:YesThey are full of mysterious moments Mary:_25_does the movie start?Tony:At six tomorrow eveni

9、ngMary:So lets meet in front of the cinema at half past fiveTony:OKSee you then句子翻译(共15分)(A)根据所给中文完成句子翻译,将答案写在答题纸的相应位置上。(共11分,局部翻译 每小题1分,整句翻译每小题2分)26等我做完作业后才能和你一块儿走。I_ until I finish doing my homework27飞机半小时以后就要起飞了,咱们做好准备吧。The plane _in half an hour . Lets get ready.28邮票是用来寄信的。Stamps are used_29越来越多

10、的人对小沈阳的表演感兴趣了。Now more and more people_ Xiaoshenyangs performance30我已经四年没有去过那里了。_ for four years31昨天这个时候他的父母正在做什么?_32你最好不要在床上看书。_33昨天医生告诉我爸爸戒烟。_(B)阅读下面短文,将短文中划线部分的句子翻译成中文,将答案写在答题纸的相应位置 上。(共4分,每小题2分)Safety in the Laboratory The laboratory is where You carry out Your science experimentThere are many t

11、hings andequipment that 8e not found in your normal classroom34These things can be dangerous ifthey are not used properly. You must always pay attention to the possible dangers when workingin the laboratory. You may see a poster like the one on the wallin your laboratory. It tells you the safety rul

12、es in the laboratory 35. We shall try our best to prevent accidents from happeningIn the laboratory. If an accident really happens, BE CALM!Follow the instructions of your teacher whenever you can. IfYour teacher is not around, try to use your own common senseand deal, with it, yourself firstThen tell your teacher34_35_


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