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1、英语单元课堂教学设计样表课程名称: 英语 设计者:孙旺 单位(学校):大孤家子小学 授课年级:3章节名称Unit 5 Toys学时1教学目标能听说读写两个单词fun sorry;会使用句型 I like . Theyre,并能进行扩展说一段完整的话。通过这节课的学习,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,在玩耍时注意安全,做有礼貌的孩子学生特征三年级学生已有一定的英语基础和基本技能,他们生性活泼好动,对学习外语有强烈的好奇心和浓厚的兴趣。模仿能力强,记忆力好,有用英语进行交流的欲望。乐于参与各种适合他们的有趣教学活动。但是,学习的兴趣较脆弱,且容易丧失。认知水平较低,学习进度较慢。 学习的经验不足,需要更多

2、的学习指导。好动,注意力集中时间短的特点。学习 目标描述学习目标具 体 描 述 语 句知识与技能过程与方法情感态度价值观能听说读写单词fun sorry;项 目内 容解 决 措 施教学重点教学难点教学过 程教 学 内 容教 师 活 动学 生 活 动教 学 方 法教学时间媒体资源Warming-upNew teachingSummaryHomeworkGreetingsT:Today a superman comes to play with us, if you do well, I will give you a sticker, and say “super” to you.T:Lets

3、sing a song “lets play ball”.Do you like balls? I like balls. They are fun.T: f-u-n,fun funCan you read them?T explainsT shows a toy cat. And ask: whats this in English? Is this fun/super? What co lour is it? Do you like it? Can you introduce the toy cat to us? What about the toy dog?1 T: the cat an

4、d the dog are friends. They often play together. But one day, the cats robot hit the dog, so the cat said quickly “Im sorry. Are you OK?” Then the dog should say “thats all right. /its OK.”but the dog said” I dont like robots.”2 T:Letgo and see : what does the cat like? What does the dog like?T play

5、s the text.T explains the questions. And says: the title of the text isT plays the text again.3T: Are you tired? Lets say a chant.4T shows the picture of toys.5T: Next day, when the cat, the dog and the bird play together, what happens? What do you like, the cat, the dog or the bird?T plays CAIAnd t

6、he dog/bird likesT plays CAI again.T plays CAI again. And check the answer.T: This class, we learntT: When we play, please be careful.Copy the words and sentences;Tell a story about the cat and the dog. Ss sing together.Ss look.Ss look and say.Ss answer and spell the word funSs answer and spell the

7、word funSs answerSs listen and repeat then spell the word sorry.Ss answer.Ss listen repeat and read.Ss act the dialogue.Ss listen and repeat.Ss make dialogues in groups.A: Hi, lets_. Do you like toys?B: _.A: What do you like?B: I like _. They _. Do you like _?A: _.B: _?A: I like _. They _.Ss listen

8、then answer.Ss look and listen then complete the list.Draw the smiling facesGame show电视节目Documentary纪录片Film电影dogbirdSs read the words and sentences.5771182多媒体课件多媒体课件多媒体课件板书设计教学结构图summaryI wash.with.water,wash,dirtyFree talkNew teachingWash with water形成性检测试题形成性评价参与度、口头表达能力、体态语表演能力、情感体验等。培养学生积极的情感体验,与人合作的精神以及自我展示的能力。教学反思区县: 法库县学校: 大孤家子小学


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