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1、英语必修二Unit3 Computers一.单词填空1. As soon as the students of geology arrived on the island, they were eager to e _.2. You should s_ the procedureits too complex (复杂的).3. Music is the u _ language of human beings.4. He set a g _ for himself of exercising at least three times a week.5. They s_ their child

2、with too much praise in the past.6. We have a lot in c_, so we often have a lot to talk about.7. She didnt like the plan, but p_ I see nothing wrong with it.8. They get along with each other quite well though their personalities are t_ different.9. We are all persuaded by his _ argument.10. Unexpect

3、ed difficulties a_ in the course of their experiment.11. With the help of his friends, he finally s_ the problem.12. It may rain, but a_ I will go out playing basketball.13. We can d_ many songs from the internet nowadays.14. There are different t_ of blood, as you know.15. He said he wouldnt come,

4、so his sudden a_ surprised all of us.16. I s_ cant put up with such stupid behaviour. 17. I have c_ that there are 10, 080 minutes in a week. 18. The army officers led a r_ against the king. 19. Now students are in need of good _ (科技的) books badly. 20. Use your i_ , and youre sure to fine a way to s

5、olve the problem. 21. P _ , I think he is dishonest, but many people trust him.22. Im afraid that your way of doing the job is t_ wrong. 23. The principals a_ at the party didnt seem to be very welcome.24. The tall buildings have changed the c _ of the village.25. The railway s_ showed that the trai

6、n could pass.二、.选择词组填空in common go by deal with in a way sharewith as a result as well asmake up with the help of after all watch over win second place be filled with 1. Will you please _ my child while I am out? 2. Those two brothers not only look alike, but also they have a lot _. 3. When I am bac

7、k to school from sick leave, I will _ for the missed lessons. 4. _, he has been very successful. 5. I cannot think of ways to _ the salesman at the door. 6. I made great progress in English _ Mr. Lin. 7. Look! Little Tom is in tears. Dont scold him. _, he is only a boy of six. 8. Three months _ befo

8、re I knew about it. 9. Your unbelievable story should be _ us.10. When we got the news that we won, the room _ laughter.三.单项选择1. Yesterday morning he got up earlier than _, for it was not a(n)_ day.A. common; usual B. usual, ordinary C. usual, normal D. common, ordinary2. How do you _ it and what sh

9、ould _ it?A. deal with, deal with B. deal with, do with C. do with, deal with D. do with, do with3. I cant tell you the exact time Ill get there, maybe at eight or nine or even later. _, Ill be there as early as I can.A. Anyhow B. However C. Thus D. Therefore4. The new dictionaries are very useful.

10、They _ well and _ already.A. sell, have been sold out B. sold, had sold out C. sell, sell out D. are sold, have been sold out5. - John failed his final exam. - Im not surprised at the news _. _, he is never seen busy with his lessons.A. at all, After all B. in all, After all C. above all, In all D.

11、at all, In all6. There used to _ a truck _ and I cant get through.A. be, in the way B. be, in a way C. being, on the way D. being, by the way7. _ you grow older, youll know better and better about yourself.A. SinceB. As C. BeforeD. So8. Tom is _ that he cant go to school.A. so a young boy B. a so yo

12、ung boy C. a such young boy D. such a young boy9. _will be years _ we meet again. A. There;since B. There;after C. It;that D. It;before 10._ I could get in a word he had left. A. Until B. Before C. AfterD. As五.句子翻译 1. 随着时间的流逝,我的记忆力越来越差了。(go by)_ 2. 在英语老师的帮助下,我的英语成绩取得了很大的进步。(with the help of)_ 3. 在某种

13、程度上,我很喜欢昨天买的这台电脑。_4. 在电脑的帮助下,你会发现分享信息是不难的。(with the help of )_5. 为每位老师购置一台电脑要花费很多钱,但是终究这很值得。(after all)_6. 他学习不努力,结果考试没通过。(as a result)I. 选择填空1. Put the following events_ according to the time when they happened and then putthem _ of their importance in history. A. in order; in order B. in the order; in an order C. in an o


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