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1、牛津小学英语四年级下册Unit 5 Seasons( Story time 1st period)教学目标:1. 知识目标: 能认读单词spring,summer,autumn,winter,warm,cold并进行初步拼读。能听懂、会读、会说单词go boating,go swimming,fly,kite, go climbing。2. 能力目标: 能理解并运用日常用语In spring,it is warm.及We go boating。3. 情感目标: 引导学生学会欣赏自然之美,并热爱生活。教学重点:1.能认读单词spring,summer,autumn,winter,warm,col

2、d并进行初步拼读。2.能整体理解掌握Story time部分内容,能模仿录音朗读。3.会用In spring,it is warm.句型。教学难点:1.能整体理解掌握Story time部分内容,能有感情朗读诗歌。2.能准确读好季节单词, 并灵活运用句型In spring,it is warm,及We go boating.等句型进行自如表达。教具准备:图片,单词卡片,PPT,辅助教学视频教学过程:Step 1 Free talkT: What day is it today? Which day do you like? What day is the first day of a week

3、? How many days do we have in a week? So, we can say seven days make a week. What makes a year?Ss: Watch a cartoon.【设计意图】通过让学生观看动画片,吸引学生的注意力,同时有效揭示课题。T: Four seasons make a year.Ss: Four seasons make a year.T: Today, we will learn “ Unit 5 Seasons”.Step 2 PresentationT: I usually take photos on Satu

4、rdays. Look, they are the pictures of the four seasons. Let me show you one by one. ( learn words: spring-summer-autumn-winter. )T: Now, I will show you an interesting cartoon and you can read the words after it.Ss: Watch and read.【设计意图】通过让学生观看动画片,并且跟读动画中单词,提高学生的英文学习兴趣,改变了枯燥的单词朗读方式,学生乐于大声朗读。T: You c

5、an see different things in different seasons. Such as flowers, trees, very big sun, snow and so on. Because the weather is different. Whats the weather like? Let me tell you . In spring , it is warm.( lear words: warm, hot, cool, cold )So we say different seasons different weather.T: Please try to f

6、ill in blanks. SS: In spring, it is warm. In summer, it is hot. In autumn, it is cool. In winter, it it cold.T: And now, lets give it a title “Seasons” and it becomes a poem. Lets read the poems with emotions.Ss: Read the poem.【设计意图】通过让学生自编小诗,引导学生有感情地朗读诗歌。T: We have four seasons. We can do different

7、 things. Which season do I like? Guess. S: You like summer.T: Yes. In summer, it is hot. I eat ice creams. I go swimming. I go fishing. I like summer. Oh! Look at these two sentences, and what do you find?Ss:.【设计意图】引导学生自我探究式学习,归纳go + ving的形式和用法。T: Talk in pairs. Which season do you like?S1: I like.S

8、2: I like.T: OK. Look at Yang Ling, Liu Tao, Mike and Su Hai. They are having picnics. ( teach have picnics.) Which seasons do they like? Please watch the flash and tell me.Ss: Watch the flash.T: Which seasons do they like?Ss: They like spring, summer, autumn and winter.T: They like all the four sea

9、sons. Please open your books and read after me.Ss: Read the text.【设计意图】学生跟随老师回归课本,增强了对于文本的识读能力。T: Lets read and say.1. Read the story one time in groups. You may choose different way to read.【设计意图】学生根据自己的不同需要,选择不同的朗读方式,既培养了学生自主阅读的能力,也加强了小组合作的能力。2. Underline the phrases of actions. 【设计意图】带着任务的阅读,提高了学

10、生在自主学习过程中捕捉有用信息的能力。3. Choose one season you all like and say in groups.【设计意图】通过让学生根据自己的学习情况进行自主选择学习要求的活动,不仅实施了分层评价的要求,更将差异教学有效地实施在教学过程中,也对学生的不同表现进行了分层评价。Step3.Learn the story1.Watch and chooseT:Now lets watch a cartoon,and you think:(媒体呈现)What is the cartoon about? A. Seasons B.Weather(天气)Ss:Watch a

11、nd then choose2.Read and chooseT:What do the children do in each season?Please read the story carefully and underline the phrases,then choose.Do the exercises on the paper.Teach:have a picnic-have picnics make a snowman-make snowmen fly a kite-fly kitesSs:Read and choose3.Read the text(Be care of yo

12、ur pronunciation and intonation.)a.逐句跟读 b.齐读 c.男女生分读Step4. Consolidation1.Lets PK.(Recitation contest)(媒体呈现)比赛规则2.Lets talk: (媒体呈现)Which season do you like?Why?T:Do a model: I like spring. It is warm. I can fly a kite.Ss:Practice with the partner.Step5. Ticking timeWhat to learn?(学什么?)Story time Rea

13、d the storyAct the storyHow to learn?(怎么学?)Learn carefully认真听Speak bravely大胆说Practice actively积极练Ss:自我评价(Evaluate yourselves)Step6. Homework:1.Read the text with emotion2.Talk with your partner:Which season do you like? Why?3.Copy the new words.板书设计:Unit5 Seasons spring summer autumn winterwarm hot cool coldfly kites eat ice creams have picnics make snowmengo boating go swimming go climbing go skating


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