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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2017-2018八年级上册英语期末试卷及答案一单选题(15分)()1. In order to find _better job, Tom plans to learn _second foreign language.A. a; a B. a; the C. the; the D. 不填; the()2.“Must I finish my homework at school ?” “No , you _ .”A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. dont()3. Roy decided _ a trip with Tom . A. to

2、make B. making C. makes D. made()4. I find you know Tom very well. -Yes, We were classmates in primary school. The _between us has lasted for six years.A. friendship B. neighbor, C. students D. suggestion()5._Would you_my opening the window? _Of course not. You can do it as you like.A. enjoy B. mind

3、 C. prefer D. love()6. Whats wrong with Lindy ? She ran away _a word. She heard the bad news.A. for B. without C. at D. to()7. If you _ hard , you _ the English exam easily. A. work , pass B. work , pass C. work , will pass C. will work , pass()8. The people over there _ a meeting now . A. having B.

4、 are having C. is having D. have()9. _fine weather! Lets go out for a walk.A. What B. How C. What a D. How a()10.Whats your hobby, Liyang?I _listen to music, but now I like playing basketball. How about you?A. used to B. use C. was used to D. are using to()11.If you want to keep your teeth healthy,

5、youd better brush them _twice a day. A. at least B. in fact C. at first D. for example()12.I dont think the mobile phone is _than the computer. A. useful B. more useful C. much useful D. the most useful()13._ is it from your home to school? Its about one kilometer away. A. How far B. How long C. How

6、 much D. How many()14 .They didnt go swimming yesterday, did they? _ I saw them skate in the park.A.Yes, they did. B.No, they didnt. C.Yes, they were. D.No, they werent.()15 I hope you will have a good time in Beijing._.A. Youre welcome B. Good idea C. Thank you D. Id love to二 .完形填空。(每小题1分 共10分)通读下面

7、短文 掌握大意 在A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最恰当的选项填入括号中。A new study shows that eating lots of vegetables may be one of the best pieces of health advice for people. _16_ children always dont like them.Many studies have showed our eating food is very_17_ to our _18_ .So we must eat healthily.A study shows us many cancers

8、come _19_ smoking ,our eating food and _20_.“Vegetables are good for us.But can vegetables _21_ cancer? People have different_22_about it.So it is important for us to do these studies,”said Dr.Alan Kristal.We asked some men and women aged 50 and older what they ate every day,then _23_ them for five

9、years,and wrote down the information.The study has also found that eating six serving of fruit and vegetables a day can cut the head and neck cancer about 29.It is _24_ than eating one more serving of fruit and vegetables.So we should eat _25_ fruit and vegetables every day.Smoking and drinking wine

10、 are also bad for the mouth,nose,and other parts of our body . So we should try not to smoke or drink wine and do much more sports.Then we will be much healthier.16.( )A. But B. And C.Or D.So17.( )A.large B.huge C.important D.careful18.( )A.health B.unhealth C.healthy D.unhealthy 19.( )A.in B.up C.w

11、ith D.from20.( )A.other B.another C.others D.the other 21.( )A.go B.stop C.come D.sweep22.( )A.projects B.stories C.ideas D.spellings23.( )A.followed B.encouraged C.named D.replied 24.( )A.higher B.worse C.more D.lower25.( )A.less B.more C. higher D.bigger 三.阅读理解。(每小题2分 共40分)阅读下面4篇短文 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个

12、选项中选出最佳选项填入括号中。(A)Computers are useful machines. They can help people a lot in their everyday life. For example, they can help people save much time, and they can help people work out many problems they cant do easily. Our country asks everyone to learn to use computers except the old people. Today

13、more and more families own computers. Parents buy computers for their children. They hope computers can help them improve (提高) their studies in school. Yet many of the children use computers to play games, to watch video or to sing Karaoke, instead of studying. So many teachers and parents complain

14、(抱怨) that computers can not help children to study but make them fall behind. So computers are locked by parents in the boxes.In some other countries, even some scientists hate computers. They say computers let millions of people lost their jobs or bring them a lot of trouble.Will computers really bring trouble to people or can they bring people happiness? It will be decided by people themselves.( )26. Why do we say the computer is a u


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