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1、初二英语作文集合九篇 在平平淡淡的日常中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是为大家整理的初二英语作文9篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 初二英语作文 篇 The spig fesva i cmig.My parents buy msom ne clthes.Le e show temto you.They ar a T-shir, jackt,a pair o jen d a par of trainrs. The T-stnd jeans made o coton.think is ry

2、mfrabe o wear cotonclothes.The rainrs remadeoleahr.Th lur f the the T-hit iswitecasI like tis coour andthi coou make te -shi lok cean.The jac is blu an white.Itsa litle lon and g.t ks smat.My ens ren tig.hey arevy comfortabe t ear.Th trinerare bl anhit.The mathm jackt very much. I love ne cloes.o do

3、 liehem 春节即将来临。我的父母给我买一些新衣服。让我展示给你。他们是一件t恤,一件夹克,一条牛仔裤和一双运动鞋。 t恤和牛仔裤是棉花做的。我认为这是非常舒适的棉衣服。运动鞋是皮革做的。t恤的颜色是白色的,因为我喜欢这种颜色,这种颜色让恤看起来很干净。这件夹克是蓝色和白色的。有点长也有点大。它看起来时髦。我的牛仔裤不紧。他们非常舒适的穿着。运动鞋是蓝色和白色。他们非常匹配我的夹克。 我爱我的新衣服。你喜欢他们吗 初二英语作文 篇2 Wha s sucssifferen people holddiffret iw on hsquestio.Soe thnk that onis scssul

4、 if he cn mak agratlofmoey Ohes arge tha sucess ns hldng a importnt govrnment ps. Stillothes beleve that hoer hagt gh academic titeisucesfu. Itiscle tht there e qite ifent oinions on ucces. In order to becmesuccssl, yu shoul frst of all both persevrance nhardorkig As you kow, whaveyudo, teee alays o

5、ssible rults: suces and flurehen yo ail,yu shoud nveloehert. Othe cotrary, uut build p ou cnfidee an wok eve harde. ou shouldalays eepinmindtht peseveraceis th oter fsccess and industr is th ke t n additio,yoshold pay grat atteniono yor wor mth. It i neessaryfor ou to sm p your expne cnstanlynd impr

6、 th efiienc your wok. Fially, it s mpotant or y to get longll wh or co-orers, arfor ah othrad helpach oter.If yo olow thpriiples, you wi rtainlachivremrkb scces in efutue. my oiion, success ea ahievng briia esutsin onsr,thais,magstadnontibuton to te vlopment of th contyand rngig hppiesstohe peoe. Sm

7、y onclu isthat ven i onas ae ret progres n whth does, dontthink thers any ronorhim t be ceite 初二英语作文篇 Boringofsummrvacation uddenly, te summer vacation coming. I hppo ne jump tree fehigh but I radually odthatsumer vation soring. I wantdto fnshi ten ys, but,I hae bedon or 24day. The 30 dy finaly fnis

8、hed,fah has bougt me, o o Saurdayad Sunaya rs a wle. olkehliday,ut, s log s Iill qut likeno homework. Morlike ummr and iter vacation,hoeor,trd bad. Ihpe n hv holday, ann not ritemy hoework,how cmortable,howcarefre!If the y snient days also d,if mn lve die young. 初二英语作文 篇 Nowaday ichina, my tuts are

9、the oly childin thi family. They ethape f irpeeyes r evntheirgrnprents,so thye e a house ork r meniallao Andmoral edato s no ore tha sombookish thn Studet aearelydepenen n theirparnts and teachers.To educatetem tobe npendent, h most fectivway i toet thm eperiece n heir . eree,they are bttr to be gin

10、 he oporunity to get somerinat school cen the hnroom,which cn be rgaed a pato theo eduction. 如今在中国,很多学生都是独生子女。他们是父母甚至他们的祖父母的掌上明珠,他们不需要做任何家务或体力劳动。道德教育不是书本上的内容。学生们在很大程度上依赖于他们的父母和老师。要教育他们独立,最有效的办法是让他们从自己的经验中学习。因此,他们需要一些在学校打扫厕所的锻炼机会,这可以看作是道德教育的.一部分。 初二英语作文 篇 ar Zha Min, As m birthdy wl tke place onext S

11、turda, y aentshaveinsistnhving a irhday pty for m They ar vry xou to met al m youn friends, anhey wnto have a goo tme n thisasion. The paryiin at 7 ocock tisSturdaevig.Plase come earl ou antake No15bus and ge fa iiaRad. o saigt aheadd al arsWa Seet. Te rstaunt i ontecorerf thstret.I nmis Da ang Rest

12、aurant.e re lkn rward segyou thn With estwish! Yours incerely, XX亲爱的张明, 下星期六是我的生日,我的父母坚持要给我开一个生日聚会。他们希望见见我所有的年轻朋友们,他们想让我在这个场合能玩的愉快。 晚会将在这个星期六晚上七点开始。请早点到来。你可以乘15路公共汽车,在新疆路下车。一直往前走,穿过五莲街。餐厅在街道的拐角处。它的名字叫大坊餐厅。我们期待再见到你。 最美好的祝愿! 你的真诚, XX 初二英语作文 篇6 Mris who isa beuiful grl fromEnglan, shework as a fitnes insuctor. She is al a fashonb icn Having oma dentities maes herlfwondrful. But oreMrsa wa 20,whocan image tht se is a vey fat grlWhen Marisawas a mall girl, she like to at llkindo food,whichmd e a bigfat ir


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