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1、主备人宋效安课题Unit 1 How do you study for a test?Section B(知识 能力 品德)教 学 目 标学习目标1.To talk about how to study2.To read about how to study3. Structures: verbby with gerund4.How to talk about by doing ”(重点 难点)教 材 分 析1. Vocabulary: flashcard, take notes, frustrating, memorize, aloud, comma, make mistakes, pron

2、unciation, be afraid to, What about? Why dont you?2.Grammer: Structures: verbby with gerund3. How to use the grammar.板书设计示意框图Unit 1 How do you study for a test?1.Structures: verbby with gerund2. Target language: a. To listen about learning Englishb. To talk about learning Englishc. To read about lea

3、rning English时序教学操作过程设计(重点写怎么教及学法指导,含课练,作业安排)Section BGoals1.To listen about learning English2.To talk about learning English3.To read about learning EnglishProceduresWarming up by reading to the recordingHello, everyone. To begin with, lets listen and read to the recording of the text HOW DO YOU LE

4、ARN BEST? That is, read aloud to the tape, as fast as the tape goes, as clearly as the native reader reads. OK? Here we go!1a Reading and checkingLearning English can be both easy and difficult. What things are easy for you? And what things are difficult for you? Now turn to page 5, read the list on

5、 the top and check the statements that are true for you.1b Making a listYou have read and checked the statements true for you. Now think and make a list of other things difficult for you, too.I dont know how to!1. I dont know how to use commas.2. I dont know how to work with others.3. I dont know ho

6、w to make flashcards.4. I dont know how to read the textbook.5. I dont know how to make vocabulary lists.6. I dont know how to listen to tape.7. I dont know how to ask the teacher for help.8. I dont know how to study for a test.9. I dont know how to work with a group.10. I dont know how to watch Eng

7、lish videos.2a Listening and checkingPaul is a nice boy. He works hard at his English, but still has many learning challenges. Now listen to find out what challenges he has and check them in the box on page 5. Challenges to Paul at learning English1._ cant get the pronunciation right.2._ forget a lo

8、t of new words.3._ cant understand when people talk to me.4._ cant understand the words in magazines.5._ dont get much writing practices.2b Listening and matchingNow listen again to Paul talking about his challenges at learning English and match them with the solutions listed in the box on page 5. W

9、hile listening, pay attention to the structures of the sentences.2c Doing pair workIN pairs we are going to role play conversations using the information from activities 2a and 2b. 3a Reading and cuttingIts time to read the text HOW I LEARN ENGLISH. Now read and check (/) the sentences.We are going

10、to read the text again to study the form and function of all the predicate verbs. How I learned to learn EnglishLast year/ my English class/ was difficult/ for me. First of all, it wasnt easy/ for me/ to understand the teacher/ when she talked to the class. To begin with, she spoke/ too quickly, and

11、 I couldnt understand every word. Later on, I realized that/ it doesnt matter/ if you dont understand /every word. Also/ I was afraid to speak/ in class, because/ I thought/ my classmates/ might laugh at me. I couldnt always make complete sentences, either. Then/ I started to watch English-language

12、TV. It helped/ a lot. I think that/ doing lots of listening practice/ is of the secrets of becoming a good language learner. Another thing/ that I found/ very difficult/ was English grammar. So/ I decided to take lots of grammar notes/ in every class. Then/ I started to write my own original sentenc

13、es/ using the grammar/(that) I was learning. Its amazing/ how much/ this helped. Now/ I am enjoying learning English/ and I got an A/ this term. My teacher is very impressed.3b Writing a letterYour friend Lin Feng is having difficulties with her English. Write her a letter telling her how to become

14、a better English learner.3c Writing an articleYou have been learning English for at least three years. That is such a long time. Now think about the things that have helped you the most in learning English. Write an article telling others about them.4 Doing an interviewNext we shall do an interview

15、in groups of four. Ask the three group mates about learning English. Take notes of what they say. Tomorrow you shall stand to tell the class about their answers.Homework1. Talk about “How to study by doing ”2. Retell Section B-3a教学后记通过本课的教与学,学生在很轻松的课堂氛围,在上节课的基础上,学生们学会怎么讨论学习的方法,同时,激发了学生的浓厚的学习兴趣,培养了学生英语思维能力。希望下节课学生还能表现如此优秀。



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