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1、“一对一数字化”平台下的别样英语课堂I Can Swim学习设计方案镇海区中心学校 董珍珍I . Guiding principles and theoretical basisWe should pay attention to the new English Curriculum Standards. Enable Ss to master how to learn English by themselves with computers and in groups with others. Teachers should arouse Ss interesting in English

2、learning and develop their oral English.II.Analysis on contents and learners1. This lesson enables Ss to grasp the five phrases and two sentences. Its not easy for Ss to use these contents freely in real situations. Specially Ss should use the computers to finish some tasks in the teaching steps by

3、themselves or groups.2. The learners are from Grade 5 of Zhenhai Central Primary School. They may have to face to the following challenges: They have to use computers to make a new chant by themselves. They have to learn from E-resources and learn English by acting.III.Teaching aims:Aims for knowled

4、ge:1.Enable Ss to grasp these phrases: swim in the water, fly in the sky, jump like a kangaroo,climb the tree,run after you2.Enable Ss to understand the sentences:What can you do?I can .and help Ss use these sentences in proper situation .Aims for skills:1.Try to understand the demonstrations from t

5、he teacher and make sure how to learn by themselves.2.Try to finish the task by computer.Attitude goals:1.Help the students gain the sense of success and confidence through Acting.2. Establish Ss interests in English Learning by using computer.IV. Teaching focus:1.Enable Ss to understand the sentenc

6、e:What can you do?I can .and help Ss use these sentences in proper situation .2.Enable Ss to use the Ss computers successfully in this lesson.V . Designing thoughts本课是在省重点立项课题“一对一数字化”研究背景下的一次英语教学实践尝试。设想在未来网络电脑十分普及的时代如何进行课堂的教与学研究。尤其是尝试如何将运用最广泛的英语语言学科和先进的信息技术融合,使信息技术更好地为英语教学服务。让学生对所学内容产生深厚的兴趣,有进一步自主探究

7、和学习的欲望。课堂主要成为学生展示的一个平台,一个思想碰撞的地方。一部分的资料查阅和收集等工作在课前后进行。本课中运用的信息技术主要是一下三个环节:课前让学生收集自己最喜欢的动物图片,课中让学生用电子文档自编chant和运用电脑的摄像功能录制一段动物表演的视频。课中实现师生互动,生生互动和人机互动的新型教学模式。VI.Teaching environment借着学校开展“一对一数字化”课题近两年的大好环境下,有100多台学生机和白板教室供教学使用,有着良好硬件设备做支撑。本课中学生人手一台学生机。教师采用情境式的任务型教学,摸索高度的人机交互教学模式,突破传统的教学模式。VII.Teachin

8、g procedures:Step1:Warm-up1.Watch “Wild Animals”.2.Talk about your favourite animals.Watch some animal pictures and introduce them.(欣赏一些课前学生收集的最喜爱的动物图片,并作介绍。)T: Look, its a .T:Its jumping. Look, theyre playing together. Mother kangaroo and baby kangaroo.Theyre very cute.Whats your favourite animals?

9、Who can show us.(让2个学生演示自己喜欢的动物图片并作介绍)T: Animals are so lovely. Now lets begin our forest adventure together, ok?(PPT呈现相关的森林探险情境图)设计意图:通过观看一段野生动物的视频,学生初步感知本课将学的几个动作单词,为下文的学习做铺垫。紧接着展示学生课前收集的动物图片并介绍自己喜爱的动物,培养学生学会自己收集资料和愿意用英语表达自己内心想法的好习惯。由于学生非常喜爱动物,创设了大家一起去森林探险的情境。Step2:Present words and the main patte

10、rn.(通过去森林探险的情境,逐步呈现新授教学内容。)There are many high mountains. Wow,beautiful flowers! So many big trees. Look, there is a panda.Its climbing the trees.Suddenly, here comes a rabbit. Its jumping fast. What happen? A tiger is running after the rabbit. But there is a river in front of the rabbit. The rabbit

11、 is so dangerous. Lucky, a duck is swimming to the rabbit, and helping her. Now, the duck is swimming. The rabbit is saved. Three birds are flying over the rabbit.1.Present “climb the tree.”T: Look,what are they? (PPT 呈现熊猫爬树图)What can pandas do?Let Ss say and do. Climb, climb, climb the tree. (让学生边说

12、边做动作)Then let Ss spell “climb”,and T writes on the board.2. Present “ jump like a kangaroo”, “run after you”and the pattern “What can you do?”, “I can.”(1).Look, Here comes a rabbit. It can .Let Ss say and do. Jump, jump,jump like a kangaroo.Then show the sentence “_,_, what can you do?”(引导学生一起说)I C

13、an.(2) Look, who is coming?Tiger, tiger, what can you do?(引导学生一起问)I can run after you.Let Ss say and do.3. Present “swim in the water”T: The rabbit jump and jump, but there is a river in front of him.What should he do?Look, who is coming?The duck says: “ Rabbit, Ill help you .”Duck,duck,what can you

14、 do?I can swim in the water.Read and do together.4. Present “fly in the sky”Now, theyre safe.Look, the birds are coming.Birds,birds, what can you do?Learn “fly in the sky”.设计意图:教师通过设置森林探险路上看到的惊险景象巧妙地展开五个词组的教学,引人入胜。孩子们对此充满了好奇心,激发了他们学习的欲望。此外,教师灵活地运用了白板工具,可方便地标注和擦除记号,给教学带来极大地便利。There are three cards in

15、 the birds mouth.There are three games on it. You can choose.设计意图:从小鸟嘴上叼的三张卡片入手,将下面的三个环节贯串其中。Step3:Response quicklyGuess the animal by listening and watching carefully.Then ask and answer._, _, what can you do?I can_.设计意图:通过快速猜动物游戏来激发孩子说的欲望,句子的问答操练落到实处。Step4 :Chant1. Lets chant.T: Here is a chant for you.A: I can run after you .B:Duck, duck, what can you do?I can swim in the water.Kangaroo,kangaroo, what can you do?I can jump like a squirrel.Bird,bird,what can you do?I can fly in the sky.Great!2. Make a chant.(1)T: Now, lets make a chant.每个学生在自己的电脑上创编一则chant。已经


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